League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 693: Fanatic Yao Li

Ps: It is true that the protagonist is already Platinum iv. It is my mistakes that have been mistakenly made. It has been modified. Just like the game company’s internal testing game, there are bugs that come up, I will improve and also modify it as quickly as possible. of.


The roar of this impact can be said to be deafening, as if it had hit a mountain.

"what's the situation!?"

I felt that the whole chariot suddenly stunned and the body was unstable. Yao Li could not help but stay.

Immediately, she showed a scene of terrible horror. In front of her own chariot, the young man actually stood alone in the chariot and stopped the chariot to the hard-won.


The chariot came out of the rumbling sound of the horsepower, the chariot driver has subconsciously increased the throttle to the extreme, but the young man standing in front of the chariot, not only did not change anything, even the body is not moving.

It's like holding a toy car with your hand.

Just kidding, when it reaches the silver segment, Ye Che has tens of thousands of pounds or even 100,000 pounds of force, not to mention the fact that it has reached the platinum level, blocking a chariot of five meters, as easy as drinking cold water.

"I am, this person..."

The chariot driver's eyes widened. He looked at the chariot and found the logo that had reached 35o kilometers per hour. He swallowed the swallow.

The roar of the chariot is so great that it has reached a level of near hoarseness, but the young man outside is like a rock, just like taking root!

The outside of the car snorted, and Ye Che’s eyes flashed through the cold.

This kind of behavior, regardless of the direct hit, changed to ordinary people, has been hit into the meat, so this move touched Ye Qi's bottom limit!

In an instant, Ye Che left his hand and took it on the chariot.

"What is he going to do!!!"

Yao Li, sitting in the chariot, was inexplicably stunned, and there was a bad feeling in her heart.

From Ye Che's one-handed hand to the fast-moving chariot, she felt that she was going to suffer.

Su Yun and Su Chen, what they felt before, quickly stood up.

At the same time, Ye Che’s hands were at the same time, and his mouth screamed: “Get up!”


The chariot exploded, this five-meter chariot, under the eyes of everyone, was actually lifted up.

"No, Missy is dangerous!!!"

Among the remaining more than 20 chariots, they were exclaimed, and they stopped the chariots one by one. The four sides of the chariots stretched out numerous black bullets.

"Warning, please put down the chariot, or kill it on the ground!!!"

"Let the chariots!!!!!!"

Among the more than 20 chariots, there was a loud voice.

Ye Che deflected his head and saw that the barrels of the barrels had been aimed at themselves, but they were not afraid, and they slammed and then suddenly picked up.

Hearing countless exclamations, the five-meter chariot was suddenly thrown into the air by Ye Che in the whistling sound of the air.


"Kill, kill me this dog thing!"

Watching the chariot that Missy was sitting on, the thrown foot was more than ten meters high. This height was also seriously injured without death, so everyone was angry.

As soon as the voice fell, more than 20 chariots had been fired at the same time.


"call out!"


The composite bullets, the laser cannons and the sounds of various heavy weapons, cut through the sky, and under the flares of fire, all shot against Ye Che.

That killing, straight into the sky.

Ye Che looked at the murder of countless shares, his eyes were very cold, and the force of the position suddenly circulated, a distorted space of fire red, suddenly shrouded him.

This space is only about two squares, but it is enough to protect the leaves from all corners without dead ends.

"Hey, collapse and collapse!"

At that time, the artillery bullets and the tiny fields of Ye Che had a strong hard touch, but those gunfires just touched the red space, and they turned into a material like metal liquid, flowing down.

"Hey, what is this!!?"

Therefore, those who saw this scene took a breath of cold. They are now, under the cover of this red flame barrier, the young man is not hurt.

At the same time, the five-meter chariot abandoned by Ye Che has fallen from high altitude.

Avoiding the stunned snakes, Ye Che does not currently want the life of this leading chariot, otherwise it is said that it is a young and how many years old, it is easy to let the fist cream, or its enemies be vigilant.

As for the future, it is hard to say.

6 Yao's things can't be fortunate, otherwise the price is unbearable.

So Ye Che's body sank, and he squatted down slightly, and then the hands of a virtual care, they put the five-meter chariot.


Ye Che threw the chariot on the ground at random, and violently vibrated, and then cold and cold: "Give me all..."

The words that came out have not been finished yet, and Ye Che has already started the chariot. Immediately, a woman with a plump head has walked out in a messy mess.

This kind of wolf-like, obviously, was strongly stimulated when the chariot was thrown away.

However, despite this, in the eyes of this woman, there is a flash of enthusiasm. She is about twenty-three or four years old. After rushing out of the car, she uses a pair of watery scorpions and stares at the leaves. Che.

Ye Che did not care about her strange look, but said with no expression: "These chariots are now being requisitioned by me, can have opinions!?"

At this time, on the five-meter chariot, the personnel continued to go down 66.

However, under the night, Ye Che did not look at it.

"No opinion, of course, no opinion, as long as you use it, it will be fine for a long time!!!"

The rich woman said, stepping forward, and suddenly reached out and touched Ye Xue’s chest.

"This woman!!!"

Ye Che a glimpse, quickly a sideways.

Fengqi woman laughed and said: "My name is Yao Li, misunderstanding, just a misunderstanding, the brakes suddenly lost control, so I can't stop."

While talking, I looked at Ye Che’s body with strange eyes.

Ye Che was looked at some hair, and she didn't care if she had any troubles. She didn't care about her quirky attitude. Anyway, she borrowed a chariot and didn't have any deep intersection. So she said: "Since So, I will be a misunderstanding, now you let it go!"


Yao Li didn't know what was going crazy, and when he was on the chariot, he was completely sentenced to two people. At this time, a pair of completely Ye Che is a respectable look.

After that, she quickly turned back and said: "You, change the chariot!"

The tone is full of indisputable.

Half a hundred old people smiled bitterly, without words, and seemed to have no prestige in front of their daughter Yao Li.

Yao Ling and another woman suspected of being Yao Li’s girlfriend had nothing to say, while nodding their heads subconsciously, while watching Ye Che with incomparably curious eyes.

At this time, on the more than 20 chariots, many people have continued to go down 66, and then cautiously surrounded Ye.

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