Ye Che did not move, and did not look at them. Bayi Chinese Network W√wW★. 81zW. CoM

Seeing this scene, Yao Li's eyes are brighter.

"This... this male god, I will take you on the bus."

Yao Li said, he wanted to lead Ye Che to the five-meter chariot.

Ye Che brows and wrinkles, resisting the feeling of numbness: "I am not clear enough!? This car was expropriated by me, except for the driver, no other people are coming up!"

Yao Li was awkward, but he only hesitated for a second, and he said with a hearty face: "No problem, of course, no problem, then I change the chariot, but can you know the name of the goddess?"

Ye Che is silent. He is really called by Yao Li. Some of them have goose bumps. Fortunately, at this time, a surprise that seems to be suppressed for a long time has already sounded: "Ye Che!?"

"Hey, there are acquaintances!?"

Ye Cheyi, quickly looked up, the power of the position to run their eyes, they saw Su Yun and Su Chen standing behind the four.

"Su Yun?"

Ye Che was slightly surprised.

"Wow, that's it for you!!!"

Su Yun was overjoyed and quickly took Su Chen and stepped forward.

"You... do you know?"

Yao Li was shocked.

Ye Che glanced at her and then said to Su Yun: "Let's get in the car!"

Said, directly led into the five-meter chariot, Su Yun bite the lip, looked at Yao Li, took Su Chen and quickly followed.


Some people screamed with anger and seemed to be irritated by Ye Che’s disregard of Yao Li’s attitude.

But Yao Li didn't pay any attention to them, but a dumb-like whispered out: "Ye Che... Su Yun called him Ye Che... and Su Yun knows, so young, the most important thing is that the strength is so strong, This Ye Che... Is it in the East, the rumored Raven God!?"

She did hear Raven the Great at first, but she worshipped the actual combat strong, so she did not pay attention, but now it seems that this Raven God is not only powerful in the League of Legends, but also powerful in reality!

Just when Yao Li was full of delusions, Ye Che shut the chariots and then signaled the chariot driver to start the chariot. Then he smiled and pointed his eyes at Su Yun.

"Talk about it, what kind of situation does the woman feel, a little nervous, and how can you appear in the first echelon of flight?"

Ye Che found a place to sit down and asked.

Su Yun's excitement has not completely calmed down. At this time, after hearing Ye Che's inquiry, he forced himself to calm down his mood, and then said: "Yao Jia Yao Li, this family is in the East, mainly responsible for heroic weapons. It’s also a good luck to resell. This time, the Yao family had to transport a large amount of material to the two realms, so the equipment and personnel were perfect. At that time, it was not far from the city gate. My brother and I happened to be sitting on her. The team."

Ye Che nodded and heroic weapons resold, which is a profiteering industry.

Suddenly, he thought again, I don’t know if Yao Li is in the two realms, will he know the Rune Forge, so that the “virtual sword” can be restored.

At the time of Ye Che's thoughts, Su Yun's look suddenly became a bit strange, saying: "Only that thing, you don't really think it is a brake failure?"

"A punctuation does not believe."

Ye Che rolled his eyes, and then snorted to the chariot driver who drove in front: "Do you believe it yourself??"

The chariot driver seemed to be a bit bald. He smiled and touched his head with his left hand, and he did not know how to answer it.

Su Yun continued: "Yao Li seems to have been stimulated when she was a child. She hates the weak very much, so she just hit the car, but she is also crazy about the strong, so the attitude towards you is not strange."

“Extremely hate the weak?”

Ye Che speaks to himself, some are speechless, and there is such a disease that hates the weak very much! ?

Seeing Ye Che’s indulgent appearance, Su Yun quickly said: “I said these, I hope you don’t have a connection. This Yao Li is actually very poor. He has never had a mother since he was a child. His father used to be a gambler, if not her. The talent of doing business is amazing, I am afraid that not only her, but also her sister, she has long lost her life. Although her thoughts are indeed weird, she is impeccable to herself, especially to the strong, that kind of Enthusiasm is enough to melt anyone."

Ye Che did not show his attitude. He originally wanted to wait until he arrived in the two realms. He had to remove this kind of vicious person, but now hesitated.

"Okay, since I have nothing, this matter depends on your face."

Ye Che nodded.

Su Yunyi hi, just want to open, the chariot suddenly stopped, two seconds later, the outside of the chariot was ringing the door.

Ye Che was sitting on the door almost at the same time, so that the situation can be handled at any time, so the hand is stretched out and the door is opened.

As soon as the door opened, a fragrant wind came.

Yao Li’s figure was also printed in Ye’s eyes.

"Ye Che, the god, haven't you eat yet? This tree cake, the meat of the ear, is what I just cooked out, eat it hot."

Yao Li was born with a plate of food, placed in the hands of Ye Che, with a smile on his face.

After I finished speaking, I didn’t wait for Ye Che to return, and I immediately retired and seemed to be very sensible.

Su Chen, who saw this scene, stayed a little. Before Yao Li was in the chariot, the pair of eyes that could not wait to kill Ye Che and then quickly filled their eyes. Now this attitude suddenly makes Su Chen’s world view collapse. Bad.

"Haha, I am right, appetizers come."

Su Yun said with a smile.

Ye Che smiled and had to admit that even if he learned that Yao Libu had crushed his command with a chariot, he knew that Yao Li’s morbidity seemed to be an idea, and now that Ye Che could not hate it.

"Maybe... she really has a hard time..."

Ye Che sighed, in this era, because of this environment, personality and people who are distorted in concept, there are too many.

At this time, with the retreat of Yao Li, the chariot was fully activated again.

Ye Che used some rice while chatting with Su Yun Su Chen.

After Ye Che had finished eating, it was already 40 minutes later.

Time has arrived at night.

After thinking about it, Ye Che said to Su Yun Su Chen: "I need to deal with some private matters, it is not convenient..."

Su Yun heard the words, suddenly understood, and after a blind eye, said: "Where, as the saying goes, the more people can do it, we will not bother Ye Che busy."

Ye Che did not stay, just smiled and watched Su Yun and Su Chen walked down the chariot.

Then, after the chariot restarted, Ye Che sat down and started the hero badge. He planned to play a few routine so1o games, get proficient points, and then resume the power of the position.

At the same time, there is a huge and bare Grand Canyon beyond more than a thousand kilometers from the more than 20 chariots.

The grass in the canyon is not born, it is dark.

Above the canyon, there are thousands of rock formations, which are about ten meters high, like sculptures, with noses and eyes.

But the face is very incomparable.

In the middle of these strange rocks, a blue stone of more than two hundred meters tall, standing still like a king, overlooking this countless sculpture stone.

At this moment, the ten strange rocks surrounding the blue rock were shaking in vain.

Although these ten rock formations are not huge, they are also seven or eighty meters in size.

With the vibration, the ten strange stones on the body, shaking off countless gravel, and then, like a snoring sound from ancient monsters, sounded from their slightly cracked mouth: "Wang, wake up, demon List, and new tasks!"

Ps: Today is two more, tomorrow six to seven, and then there are many questions about the woman's problem, so let's say, the woman is in the upper bound, as for the upper bound, it will definitely make the little friends a big surprise, Thank you for your continued support.

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