League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 804: Xiaofa and Weien

"Why, do you want to play a 1st group? How do you learn e?"

The mad devil is my grandson, asks. Bayi Chinese ★ Network Ww ★ W√. √81zWく. ★C★o√M

"No, I earn some harm."

Ye Cheshun made a word, and he planned to insert his eyes into the grass of the river. Just plugged in, and the opposite of the thorns, it has already appeared not far away.

Behind her, four figures were also revealed.

This game is opposite to the thorns, adnetbsp; and this policewoman, it is the id called a slight smile.

In the single fire woman, the time to be an assassin, and finally the wild dog bear.

"Sure enough, the offensive was strong in the early stage, and this was the invasion of five people..."

Ye Che said to himself, but the corner of his mouth could not stop picking it up.

What is the favorite of the small law, the favorite is the first group.

Since the q skills have been changed, there is a very buggy effect. It used to kill heroes and creeps to increase the strength of the law.

But now if you say heroes, as long as the enemy heroes in the small law q, you will get the law strength 1, and the q skills of the small law, there is a penetration effect, if the enemy is on a line, you can hit two at the same time.

At this point, Ye Che controlled the small law, slightly adjusted the angle, a group of dark balls, and instantly came out.

"call out!"

These five people came over, they were intensive, and they were directly attacked by the small-law q-skills "Dark Sacrifice". Two heroes were immediately hurt and sent extra gold coins and two points to the law.

Ye Che's eyes glanced, and the law was 39 points.

However, other people did not care at all, and felt that this was a normal consumption.

"Retire, don't play a group."

It was my grandson who said that all the people did not show up except for the small law. After doing two things, they circled the field of vision with the opposite side.

The distance of the small law q skill is really long and has always been outside the danger. Therefore, the purple bears and other people do not have an idea about the small law.

After being twice in the small law q, he retired.

The law of the small law has come to 43 points.

In these few cases, there is an extra third of the law of the more than one ring.

Then, the return trip was opened in place.

The teammates were a little silent. Seeing the purple side, all five people have retired, and each one has done his job.

Soon, the little soldier came out. Ye Che controlled the little law and helped him to play a few times. Then he and the light misty Wein came to the line.

"how to spell?"

Although the tone of the light fog is asking, but with extreme seriousness, obviously she does not want to lose the game easily. ,

Ye Che’s eyes flashed slightly and said: “It’s OK to play normally. The time is up, I will remind you.”

“It’s really awesome.”

It was my grandson who snorted, and then controlled the master of the weapon to close the flat, and then took the red buff state and went straight on the road.

And down the road, Ye Che has brought a weird smile and greeted the policewoman directly.

Prepare, aim, shoot!

"call out!"

The black light group, in the rush of the small law of the staff, shot out, and the sly squatting on the policewoman.

8 gold coins floated from the policewoman, and the blood volume was also reduced by a quarter. At the same time, it added a little law to the small law.

"This hurts..."

A slight smile made the city frown.

"It's normal. The law of this small law has more than 4o points, which is exactly equivalent to a normal order, but it's okay. When I level two, I can press him."

Helping others, faintly said.

"It is best."

Slightly smiled and said to the city, made up a small soldier.

"Reassured, our broken team is professional!"

At this time, the little law and the fart were put together.

The small law q skills, only 7 seconds to cool at the first level, and Ye Che is in the talent, full of deceitful meditation, the blue amount is not lacking.

When I came over, I was a q-skiller and hit the policewoman.

Even if the policewoman hid behind the soldier, she was hit by the "dark sacrifice" that passed through.

"This little law..."

The thorns are chilling, and they only have to break the squad to press others. But when the small law is at level 1, it is really not good. The distance of q skills is too long. The small law can stand outside the safety line. .

But then, as long as a "rooted root" hits the small law, with the police police's clip, and his "fatal thorns", you can directly play the flash of the small law!

Soon, level 2 is coming.

But from level 1 to level 2, the small law was smashed and kept hiding at the back side of Wayne.

"It turned out to be a silver gun wax head..."

The monks disdain a smile, and then said: "The policewoman, consumes Wein!"


Slightly smiled and poured into the city, then began to take time out of a Weien up, thorns q skills, from time to time to Wei En.

Wherein I have less than half, and even a few more.

However, the small law q skills, has also been 1oo hit the policewoman or thorns, Fa Qiang unconsciously, came to 5o.

The light fog began to eagerly start, because now, he has been completely crushed.

Her Wayne is not a major hero, and she does not have the strength of Platinum iv.

Opposite is a long-handed policewoman, and a very powerful squat, and this handle is still holding the control, making the shallow fog to fill the knife completely fearful.

The small law is on the side, except for the qq people who consume it, there is no egg to use.

At this time, a **** reminder was heard on the road, and the head of the man was taken by my grandmother's weapon master.

The people are still too late to rejoice, but the blood of the weapons masters and the knife sisters is extremely disastrous.


Ye Che glanced at the weapon and the knife sister. Although it was mandatory to kill the time assassin, they could not survive in the hands of the bear with red buff.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, the enemy played wild dogs and slayed.

"Oh, no loss, take off a blood..."

It’s my grandson who laughed.

The bitterness of my heart is only known to him.

This wave, not only did his weapons master not flash, the knife on the road, the flash also paid, and took a blood.

The bear did not even open the flash, and took the double kill.

At the same moment, the hint that the middle road was killed by the fire woman also rang.

"Sure enough to be abused..."

Shallow fog sighed.

Ye Che did not pay attention to her, a pair of eyes were showing a strange smile, staring at the policewoman opposite.

The blood volume of the policewoman is still half, and she is almost full of blood.

And Weien has been pressed under the tower, the knife has been pressed eighteen, and the blood volume is only one-third.

There is only one blood bottle in Xiaofa. If you look at it, it has already been pressed.

After a while, the road was level 3, during which the brother of the middle road had a war **** order and was arrested once.

The ratio of heads is already 1:3.

However, level 4, and soon after Ye Che’s hope, came.

At this time, the blood bottle of Vaun used light, and the blood volume was a quarter, completely constricted under the tower, and even the knife did not dare to make up.

If Ye Che does not let her go back, I am afraid I have already returned.

"Shallow fog, get ready!"

Ye Che looked at the policewoman who had recovered her blood by slowly returning to the blood, and suddenly opened her mouth.

"get ready?"

A shallow fog.

Ye Che's gaze is a policewoman who is firmly staring at the knife.

At this point, the policewoman is planning to make up a **** artillery, now!

"Wein, treatment open e!"

Before Ye Che’s discourse, the staff in the hands of Xiaofa suddenly made a stroke.

At that time, a strange devil's prison rose from the ground and surrounded the policewoman.

It is the e-skill of the small law, "distort space!"

The light mist glimpsed slightly, but immediately reacted, the treatment q was opened, and then the e-skills slammed into the middle of the distorted space, and the policewoman who wanted to avoid the small-law skills slammed back.

Just right, it hit the "distorted space" of the small law, dizzy!

"not good!!"

Auxiliary pull, a surprise in the eyes!

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