League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 805: Terror damage

Ps: Tanabata is dating, baby code words, smile. √八一中文★网WwW. 81zW. CoM, ask for everything, today's six more, there are two chapters, after writing


Since the revision of the small law, some people have been happy.

The good news is that it is easier to pile up.

As long as any skill hits the hero, you can increase the 1 spell.

What is embarrassing is the delay of e-skills. Once the small law can flash e to stun the enemy, it is extremely domineering, but now e, but delayed.

As long as the enemy is not stupid, it is extremely difficult to stun to people.

This is because, after the spelling e, the "distorted space" needs a short delay to break out of the ground, which gives the enemy enough time to move.

Therefore, the current small law, in general, does not ask for dizziness to people, but the e-skills play a siege.

This is also the reason why people who play small law are less.

Ye Che used only q without e, because it was extremely difficult to stun to the policewoman or the lame, so the "dark matter" with great lethality, certainly can not hit, but was consumed in vain.

So, it is better to wait for a blow now!


At first, the policewoman didn't care about Xiaofa, but when Weien's e-skills hit her into the distorted space, she felt that the treatment was not guaranteed.

However, Ye Che has been waiting for so long, not only for the purpose of shooting a policewoman a treatment.

Almost at the moment when Weien rolled, Ye Che compared the position where the policewoman was shot, and then the staff moved again!

"Dark matter!"


At that time, a group of incomparably dark things came from the sky, with extreme pressure, just hit the female policeman who was smashing on the edge of "distorted space"!

Then, the q skill "Dark Sacrifice" is also a blast.

At this time, I’m trying to limit the output of Wayne. In his opinion, there is no deterrent to the small law set.

As long as Weien is driven away, the policewoman will pay for a maximum of treatment.

The policewoman also thought so, was preparing to wait for the vertigo to end after the treatment, but suddenly appeared in front of a black, and then, a reminder of death was introduced into the ear.

The policewoman is so dead! ! ! ?


A smile on the face of the city, a moment of horror.

What the hell, my half-blood policewoman, was actually given a second by the auxiliary small law, and there was no time for even treatment. This... this is too fake! ?

At this time, it was not only the policewoman herself, but also the squatting beside her, and the widow of the mist, all of them were still stunned.

Wei En is preparing to kill the policewoman, but suddenly it is, the policewoman does not need to output it, she is cleared.

Everyone: A little smile, very princess city policewoman: "Small law, you hurt this..."

Everyone: The thorns of the thorns: "..."

Ye Che finger micro-bomb, do not talk, joking, what is the difference between the small law, that is, the injury that people can not understand!

What's more, after I went to the fourth level, I learned two levels!

The small law is the most lethal and extremely horrible skill besides big moves.

But because there is a delay of 1.2 seconds, it is extremely easy to be avoided by the enemy, so unless you stun the enemy, otherwise you will only play a little bit, you don't want to hit, so the small law, 1oo people are the main q.

However, for Ye Che, usually the passer-by, he is naturally the main q, but this game has Weien with 1oo dizziness, the Lord will instantly hit tons of damage.

The spell bonus of "Dark Matter" has reached a horrible 1!

In other words, how much you have, how much damage you can add, can't be deducted.

The extra bonus of the q-skill spell is only o.6, and the basic skill damage is not comparable.

Just the set, the basic damage of level 2, 15o strong 5o, and the damage of q skill is about 15o, and the singer e skills pick up the damage of level a, the second level of a female policeman who is less than half blood. Don't be too simple.

At this time, because of the killing of the policewoman, the law of the small law is already approaching 6o. Ye Che is dirty with two remote mage soldiers. After the United States clears the line, it opens the return journey.

Then, I bought a killing ring, and combined the blade of the law to form the blade of the ice. The law is like a fun, and it came to 9o!

This is the horror of the strong growth of the small law. Once it was assisted by Ye Che's small law, when the main q, just arrived at level 6, the law has reached 15o!

This game was slow because Vaien was pressed.

The swaying and the policewoman came to the line, and then Ye Che was directly attacking. The fart and the fart went to the front of the squat, and a q skill "dark ritual" came out, and it was shocked by other people. In the mood, one third of the blood was pulled.

Then the next pendulum walked, and then the e-skill "distorted space" rose and pulled the scorpion.


Ms. Lar’s eyes trembled, remembering the end of the previous policewoman.

This small law is now a q skill, you can get rid of one-third of your own blood, if you pick up, and the output of Weien, I am afraid that I can not go away.

So without saying anything, the cage flashed out in an instant.

"Playing a flash is as simple as that..."

Ye Che smiled slightly.

As long as the small law gains an advantage and the e-skills are opened, the enemy has only two results, either flashing away or working hard.

Looking at the moment back seven or eight hundred yards, I dare not come over the auxiliary pull, the light fog flashed a trace of gloom.

This small law only took a human head, and the deterrent power produced has reached such a horrible level! !

"This... is this way you think of it?"

The light smog asked out.

Because this set of roads is really scary, who knows who, long-distance flying with the small method of e-control and explosion damage, there is no adnetbsp; in addition to a layer of magic shield wheel mother, a little hope, then ez Can be better.

The "distorted space" of the small law is really disgusting, like the e-displacement of the policewoman, the jump of the small cannon, etc., will be dizzy at the edge, this displacement can not be separated from the edge of "distorted space".

"This is not the point, the focus is on my level 5, this time you directly flash e婕."

Ye Chedao.


When the shallow fog was still at a glance, Ye Che controlled the small law and suddenly flashed.

This flash, directly scared the policewoman to the boss, and then under the stunned eyes, the policewoman actually made a flash of his god.

But in the next second, the policewoman is hard-pressed, and the e-skills of Xiaofa have not circled themselves.

Ye Cheqiang resisted the smile, and a "distorted space" surrounded the squatting position at the same time, shouting in his mouth: "Flash!"

"Oh oh oh!"

The light fog immediately returned to the gods, and the moment q rolled and flashed, falling not far from the door.

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