League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 809: I will give you the fifth life of eternal life.

In the League of Legends, the arrogant demon and the **** of war, as well as a few people in the fog, are still embarrassed. Bayi Chinese Network W√wWく.く8★1★zW. ★C★oM

In this way, won?

There is no hard time to resolve, there is no round battle for you to come to me.

It was completely easy, and the disintegration of the squad was broken. It felt like the two sides were not at all a grade.

And here, there is only one small law.

Is it true that this small law alone will be enough to compare the entire squad, no, it should be the more broken squad! ?

At this time, it was my grandson who looked at Ye Che’s id, and suddenly the flash of light flashed. “You’re the first id’s id, it’s not true, is your real name Raven?”

As a result, the rest of the people also reacted. This is the first Raven in the East, not the same as the id. It is the first Raven in a certain place! ?

This is also too shocking, the dead song hit 6, the small law against the sky, and now is the first Raven, this person, what is the monster! ?

"I have practiced."

Ye Che smiled, these people still want to talk, Ye Che is straight: "I still have things, we will line up next time."

"All right!"

"Come on, don't delay the business."

After a few people stayed for a while, they were busy.

Before, only my grandson and the **** of war made Ye Che, and at this time, the shallow fog, and some relatives, also applied for a friend.

After Ye Che chose to accept, there are now five friends who have applied.

At first glance, it was just the opposite of the broken team of four, and a slight smile.

With a little thought, Ye Che chose to accept.

There will be a lot of places to use the heart of the sea magic in the future, and the days of playing the promotion will be more. It will definitely be no harm to get to know some people in the battlefield.

However, after accepting the acceptance, Ye Che did not wait for their news, he chose to withdraw from the League of Legends.

Because at this time, a feeling of extreme heat, produced from the legs.

Take off the British soul helmet, "Boom", the water on the side, as always, bombarded the reef, the sound of rumbling.

Under the night, only the white gold color of Ye Che’s body is shining.

"it has started……"

Ye Che took a deep breath.

In the next second, countless powers of the ranks began to stir up in the body.

The power of this stirring platinum rank is more than dozens of times that of ordinary people. The energy of a moment of horror is completely filled in every corner of Ye Che.


Soon, Ye Che’s body sounded like a fried bean.

The back, chest, legs, and the broken golden bones, like the seedlings after the rain, slowly grow up.

The change to a special one is Ye Che's right leg. The original gold-colored bones are in vain, and a dazzling white gold light suddenly blows up from above.

Then, the golden bone of Ye Che’s right leg began to change with a very fast degree.

Thick and bulging, this is the first feeling of Ye Che at this time.

I only feel that the whole right leg, at this moment, seems to have a fire burning in general, not spit.


Ye Che sighed low, and the palm of his hand took a seat, and the whole man had already leaped in the air, and then, with a dazzling white light, swept directly against a huge reef on the sea.

The right leg has just been swept in half, and there is a substance of white gold, which appears from above.

In an instant, Ye Che’s right leg is no longer an ordinary flesh color, nor a golden color, but a thrilling white gold.

The whole, especially if it is made of white gold, the white gold luster that shines on it, and the dark and hard reef on the sea is also reflected in silver and gold.

Ye Che did not feel that he had exerted a lot of power, and even did not use the power of the ranks, but the reef under the legs had already exploded.

The reef, which is more than 40 meters long, is completely split from the middle, and is divided into two halves by Ye Che.

With the power of rebound, Ye Che fell steadily on the shore, showing a satisfactory color on his face.

"The two sea magic hearts, really bought the value, not only cured my broken bones, but also let me increase the strength, reached the platinum iii!"

Ye Che smiled and said to himself.

The strength of the leg has been stronger than the arm since ancient times. Ye Che’s right leg at this time, as long as it hits, is a diamond. If you don’t move the field, you can only drink it.

After all, human diamonds are not as powerful as demons.

"The physical things are solved, now look at the field..."

Ye Che thought, the thoughts moved, one side of the space, it appeared from the head of Ye Che.

However, just as soon as it appeared, Ye Che had a big shock.

It is said to be a micro-field, but where there is a miniature look, it is now a full hundred meters! !

"what happened!?"

At the same time as Ye Qing’s heart attack, he quickly moved to explore the position.

Under the investigation, there is now something that makes Ye Che horrified.

I saw five small people in the five corners of this 100-meter field.

These five villains have noses and eyes, all of which are about seven or eight centimeters. This is not the point. The point is that these five villains are obviously small replica heroes!

"Cards... Fire Girl... Galen... Ice... Jianhao..."

Ye Che's eyes looked at the five villains and snorted.

He only remembers that at the last moment, he was stunned by the power of a certain horror, and he did not know what happened after he stunned. Did these five small pirated heroes appear at that time?

At the end of Ye Jing’s heart, he was suspicious, and a faint snoring was introduced into Ye Er’s ear.

Ye Che fixed his eyes and looked at it. This is the surface of the 100-meter space, and is wearing a figure of a raging, skinny and woody figure.

This figure has reached the extreme, and there are five kinds of faint shadows of various types, which are suppressed.

"This person..."

Ye Che's eyes flashed a trace of horror. The next second, I was planning to use the power of the paragraph to explore what this person is, a weak, but extremely majestic voice, falling into Ye Er's ear.

"Less... teenager... unlock the seal for me... I... I will give you eternal life..."

This voice, Ye Che did not misunderstand, it was uploaded from this wolverine figure.

"Give me eternal life?"

Ye Che was dumbfounded, and the goods themselves were half dead, and the second one said that he gave himself eternal life.

However, this sound seems to be a bit familiar.

Ye Che slightly thought about it, this is not the voice that directly collapsed the purple collar field.

For a time, Ye Che did not dare to mess with the interface.

"You...have...no...heard my words!"

This is the voice of the wolverine that was completely crushed on the ground, and opened again.

Ye Che's eyes flashed slightly, and seemed to think of something. Then he moved into the field directly after moving, and then appeared in front of this person, looking at him condescendingly.

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