League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 810: Heroic statue sixth

This wolf figure is the Fickley who originally wanted to win Ye Che's body, but because Ye Che activated the five heroes, he failed.

At this time, under the power of the five heroes, he was burying his head on the ground, and could not even raise his head, but he could feel the condescending gaze of Ye.

"People, fast... untie for me... seal... eternal life... eternal life!!"

Fickley was annoyed, but the words were full of temptation.

Ye Che touched his chin and looked at him meaningfully. Suddenly, he said something that shocked his heart. "I didn't guess wrong. When I was in the space channel, I was caught in the illusion. What do you do?" ?"

Then wait for Fickley to open up and continue: "It should be right, here, only you exist! Say, who are you, why are you here, use fantasy for me, and want to do something!?"

Ye Che sounded a bit.

In fact, Ye Che has been very confident at this time to know who he is. In this micro-field, it is said that only the king can be left behind.

With the sound of the collapsed purple collar and the things that made you immersed in the illusion last time, this kind of person, it is very likely that this person is the king!

If you don't attack yourself and let yourself fall into the illusion, Ye Che's attitude will definitely be much better.

But now it is the enemy and the friend can not tell, Ye Che naturally wants to pretend to be the same as Shantou.

"Oh, I am... yes... the owner of this field... I don't... here, where?"

Fickley's voice was intermittent, but the tone was as full of deterrence as it used to be, but it changed its own self-proclaimed.

Obviously, after I understand that Ye Che knows that he is attacking him, he is no longer pretending to be a ghost.

"The master of this field... It seems that not long ago, you really attacked me. I used to have a broken bone. It is also what you want. If so, why do you think that I will release the seal for you!"

Ye Che sneered, not because he is the strongest king, and his attitude is better.

Just kidding, the number of the strongest kings he used to hang in his previous life is countless, not to mention the guilt.

"Oh...hey...you will...they are the strongest...the king...there are countless...numerable...level skills...as long as you remove these five seals... ...I... I will teach you..."

Fickley is self-channel, and he knows that no one is facing the inheritance of the strongest king and is not tempted.

When this kid is heard, he will definitely look at the light, and then the five bodies will vote.

At that time, as long as your seal is unlocked, you will have a chance!

However, this time it was destined to disappoint him. Fickley’s words just fell, Ye Che didn’t even have eyelids, and he was not salty. He said: “Not rare, give you another chance to say that I am satisfied. The conditions, otherwise I am gone."

"Actually... dare and... I am in the hall... the strongest king... bargaining... price..."

Fickley's voice is cold, I feel that this kid is stupid, and the teaching of the strongest king to the door, actually not?

Or, it’s a slap in the face! ?

Ye Che sneered and didn't talk, but he moved and fell outside the 100-meter field, and then he wanted to close the field.

Seeing Ye Che is not a fake, Fickley suddenly panicked, and quickly said: "There are... there are..."

"Oh, let me talk."

Yep faintly asked, he actually didn't want such a free level guide, so he died.

"You tell me first... tell me, your eyes... where is it...where?"

Asked Fickley.

"The chaos battlefield."

Ye Che Ying.

And Ye Che’s words just fell, and Fickley in the 100-meter field suddenly brightened his eyes.

"Chaos... Magic war... Field... Good... Good... I know... a few treasures of the ruins... the address... even the real League of Legends equipment is left behind... You help me lift the five Seal... I will... tell you... where..."

Fickley said with a weak voice, apparently weak to the extreme.

"One weight... You have to know, I am not as strong as Platinum iii. You said that the treasures are cherished. If I have not guessed wrong, it is obviously a terrible place. For the present, I am just a chicken-like existence, only a heavy seal."

Ye Che said that to remove a seal for him, it is also to see that this person is too weak, a pair of people will die at any time.

"Good... good... fast..."

Fickley’s breathing was abruptly heavy.

Ye Che smiled and re-entered the 100-meter space, and then looked at the things on the back of Fickley.

Golden cards, dark black flames, huge swords, and a cold iceberg, and a sizzling blast.

These five things are lingering on the back of Fickley, like the unbreakable Mount Tai.

"How can these five things appear, how are you sealed by them?"

Ye Che looked at this scene and asked curiously.

"You first... help... I solve... except for the seal...say..."

At this time, Fickley was already a bit mad.

"how to do?"

Ye Che asked.

"Put up it... one of the heroes...the god...you can..."

Fickley wants to turn his eyes.

Wen Yan, Ye Che no longer hesitated, and lifted a seal, presumably this Fickley could not turn any wind and waves, so when the body moved, he held one of the statues, that is, the ice, in his hand.

The next second, the iceberg that was pressed against Fickley slowly faded away.

At the same time, a very comfortable voice was called out from Fickley's mouth.

"Let's talk about it, what's going on in the end."

Ye Che pinched the ice statue in his hand and asked slowly.

At this time, Fickley could finally raise his head. When he looked up, he looked at Ye Che deeply. However, in his eyes, he was extremely vaguely flashing a fierce light, and then said: "Boy, what is your name!?"

"Ye Che."

Ye Che was faint, and by the way, after looking at the slightly old face of Fickley, there was no more.

"You don't want to know what my name is?"

Asked Fickley.

"The prisoner does not need to know the name."

Ye Qi's mouth twitched slightly.

"you wanna die!"

Fickley's pale face flashed a raging anger.

Ye Che snorted, his fingers were loose, and the ice statue in his hand began to shine, and he was re-homing.

"do not……"

Fickley was shocked.

Ye Che suddenly clenched the ice statue again, staring coldly at Fickley.

He knows that like this kind of strongest king, facing his own platinum, the bottom of his heart must be arrogant all the time, not to suppress it early, but to pursue it, I don’t know how to die in the future.

Fickley also knew that Ye Che was not irritating. He paused and sighed: "You want to know what is going on. In fact, I also want to know, how can you practice a full five heroes? And the degree of integration is still so high..."


Ye Cheyi.

"Yes, in short, it is the level of sincerity! Only five heroes have reached the fifth layer of truth, in order to activate the heroic god! To have a heroic image, it is extremely difficult, first to have the domain, then to own Five heroes, followed by five heroes, must reach at least the fifth layer of true height, in order to activate the heroic gods. In general, even many masters do not have heroes!"

Fickley looked at Ye Chedao with a complex look.

Ye Che, but because of the word "Fickley heroes", somehow, suddenly thought of the original Newcomer Canyon, the dilapidated, known as the "God" statue.

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