League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 817: There is no power in the ranks, but also a genius?

Ye Che sees it, and the bottom of his heart is not funny. This solution is really a pick for the soldiers. Actually, it is just picking Xiaoqing who has no power in the slightest position. ★ Bayi Chinese Network WくwW√. ★8く1くz★W. CoM

However, Ye Che did not worry, he knew that Wu Heng could never let Xiao Qing play.

Otherwise, losing is small, losing face, but it is a big deal.

Sure enough, the voice of the solution was just falling, Wu Heng has already said: "No!"

"No? Hehe... It means that you don't dare to compare, Wu captain, your captain, when it looks like a little pocket, huh, huh..."

The solution was a sneak sarcasm, but the eyes, but quietly sweeping through all the soldiers around, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He did this, naturally not only to earn face, but to improve the prestige of the 6 teams, suppressing Wu Heng's 7 teams.

As long as in front of so many people, leaving the impression of Wu Hengyu, and then spreading again, the 7 teams want to replace the 6 teams, but they are delusional.

"Hey, you don't need to provoke me, my teammates, last night, just arrived soon, the state or something, did not adjust at all, but you let them fight with the bears still in the state of fighting, this cheap, you It will be occupied!"

Wu Heng sneered and said.

At the bottom of my heart, I am a little worried.

If you don't fight, you will be scorned by all the soldiers. After all, this is a chaotic battlefield. Even if you don't even compare it, you will be imaginary. This is an official team.

But compared to it, a Xiaoqing has no power at all, and it must be spiked.

The water scorpion, but only platinum iii, even the 2nd level of the soldiers are not, in the face of the bear dragon that can survive the diamond attack, it is estimated that it will not last long.

That is especially true for Ye Che, the body is inconvenient, and the strength is only Platinum iv.

Xiong Long can kill a 3rd-level warrior within 3 days. As you can imagine, it is also a master of the more difficult challenge, and the basic segment is two levels higher than Ye Che. This is not a grade, how to fight! ?

Wu Heng’s heart is a little anxious, but on the surface, it seems calm.

At this time, the soldiers next to them, along with Wu Heng’s words, talked about it.

"It’s good to say that this bear dragon has just killed so many demons, and the anger is booming. It’s like the League of Legends, even after taking a few heads, continue to chase. With that morale, no one can stop this sister. The paper looks like it is only seventeen or eighty years old. It was originally smaller than Xiong Long. It was also here when it first arrived. The state is obviously not as good as Xiong Long. It is absolutely cheap to play Xiong Long."

"It is true to say this, but listening to the tone of Captain Wu Heng, it seems that there is a lack of confidence. It seems that there is a feeling that it is definitely not the opposite."

"Crap, bronze and king, sometimes it is so 1o drop of blood. These three recruits have just come here, the state is falling, and it is very likely that they will make mistakes because of the discomfort of the state. It is normal for Wu’s captain to have no confidence."

Listening to the voices of other people’s arguments, there is no change in the face of the soldiers, but it is against Xiaoqing’s argument: “Sister, how, do you really like the captain Wu said, the state is not good, or... simply there is no segment The power of waste!?"

This statement came out, Ye Che brows slightly wrinkled, Wu Heng Yi Lin and others, but it is a big shock.

This solution is a soldier. Actually, I know that Xiaoqing has no power in the ranks. This means that as early as before, he knew the information of Xiaoqing, the three recruits of Ye Qing, and he knew nothing about it. provocative.

"This guy is ready!"

Haitang whispered a sentence.

It is no wonder that the first one will be played by Xiaoqing.

The effect is achieved, and success has caused countless embarrassment and doubts.

"What, no power!"

"Funny, a waste without a piece of power, but came to the sea of ​​chaos, but also led by the team leader Wu Heng, what is the secret of this unknown?"

"This is not the point. The point is that Wu Heng actually said that this kind of waste without the power of the paragraph is a true genius. Hahahaha, this is the joke that I have heard this year, the best laugh!!"

On the island of Crazy Ghosts, thousands of people, no, as time has accumulated, the two or three thousand soldiers and the team leaders have laughed.

At the same time, staring at Wu Heng with a questioning look.

Wu Heng was angry at the bottom, and sure enough, the most worrying thing was born.

Xiaoqing has no power in the position, and there is nothing in it. After all, it is licensed by Pang Long, and the initial 3rd-level warriors are indeed qualified to bring servants in.

However, the three people are true geniuses, but this is an instant face, and still can not round the field.

"The real genius, there is no power of the position? Wu Heng, Wu Heng, you are so swearing, you are sure to be the captain!?"

The solution was a cold smile, and Wu Heng’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye, and his heart was dark.

Even more fortunate, fortunately, I got this news early in the morning, otherwise I missed such a great opportunity to suppress.

"What do you say?"

On the face of Wu Wang next to Wu Heng, there was a raging anger, watching the solution roaring for the soldiers.

"6 Wang is it, a small team of 7 diamonds v, when dare to dare to yell at the team!?"

The solution was a cold, and several teammates behind him suddenly thundered.

And the bear's gaze is also fixed in the 6 Wang body, the eyes are faint and bloody.

"This guy, there is the potential to be a beast..."

Ye Che said to himself, looking at Xiong Long, his face showed a color of interest.

However, at this time Wu Heng could not get off the stage, Xiaoqing’s face suddenly appeared a sweet smile, and the solution was a martial art: “The captain of the team, Wu’s captain did not say nonsense.”


After the squad of the squadron fell on Xiaoqing, and looked at Xiaoqing’s exquisite body, he joked: "Is it true that there is no power in the ranks, but also a genius? Hahahaha!"

Many of the soldiers next to me also laughed.

Xiaoqing’s eyes flashed slightly, but he smiled in his mouth: “I understand that you are wrong. Is it true that it is a real genius?”


Solution for the soldiers, frowning: "What do you mean?"

"The meaning of Captain Wu Heng is very obvious. Although I don't have the power of the position, but... it is the League of Legends genius, or else, let me and this stupid big, League of Legends so1o a game?"

Xiao Qing’s words fell, and the solution was stunned. Wu Heng and others were in the eyes.

Yeah, although there is no power in the ranks, if the League of Legends is good, it is a genius!

Ye Che is also an unexpected look to Xiaoqing, is it her, is it a League of Legends genius?

Only the water scorpion, when looking at Xiaoqing, the eyes flashed sneer.

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