League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 818: Ten sea magic hearts

Just kidding, as your maid, how much is the strength of the Xiaoqing League of Legends, is it not clear?

How can Xiaoqing, who has difficulty playing the Bronze Bureau, be a League of Legends genius!

However, remembering Xiao Qing’s attitude towards himself in the past two days, and some changes, Shui Biaoer frowned and felt that he did not seem to have really understood her. Bayi Chinese ★ Network Ww ★ W√. √81zWく. ★C★o√M

But no matter what, this Xiaoqing, who has served himself for so many years, can never be a League of Legends genius! !

When the water scorpion was brainstorming, the sound of the squadron of the captains of Wu Heng had begun to dissipate quickly.

"I said, Wu Heng, as the captain of the official 7 team, how could a disabled person stay in the team."

"League League genius, if the strength is strong, it is also good, can guide the promotion."

The words of the recruits or veterans or the team leaders suddenly turned.

The solution is that the soldiers naturally do not believe that Xiaoqing is a genius of the League of Legends. However, from the information obtained, it is only said that Xiaoqing has no power, but he does not say that he will not be a League of Legends.

Therefore, when the solution was a soldier, he did not grasp Xiaoqing again, but revealed the real goal.

"League League genius? But how do I hear that you are just a waitress for a recruit, and he was brought into the battlefield!"

Solution to the military.


Someone at the place feels that it is a bunker. Which Nyima recruit is so powerful, can bring a maid to the chaos battlefield! ?

Of course, those recruits who have been assessed with Ye Che have not been surprised.

Wu Heng and others, but the bottom of his heart raised a deep doubt.

Yesterday evening, Ye Che and other talents entered the team. This morning, the news has already reached the 6 teams. This is too fast.

At this time, the solution was said by the soldiers. At the same time, his eyes had already fallen on Ye Xue, who had been saying nothing in a wheelchair. He smiled and said: "You said yes, level 3 warrior, Ye Che! ”

Ye Che smiled and did not respond.

Obviously, this is the internal rights struggle between the two teams, not the solution to the soldiers who want to deliberately target themselves.

"Don't be a soldier, don't overdo it!"

Wu Heng’s eyes were sharp.

By now, the purpose of the solution is already obvious.

I know that Xiaoqing’s power is completely absent, and I know that Ye Che is a 3rd-level warrior. Obviously, this solution is a soldier. Today’s goal is to suppress the new genius that appears in the 7 teams!

Otherwise, once Ye Che grows up and produces enough prestige, the 6 teams will have to fall to the 7 team!

The 7 teams, but they have to move forward.

As I said before, everything is done for the sake of the present!

"What am I over? I just told you that there is a level of genius in the official 7 team. Initially, it is a level 3 warrior!!!"

The explanation for the exaggeration of the soldiers, pointing to Ye Che, the eyes are amazed.

Around the mouth of all the soldiers, there was also a loud exclamation.

"Class 3 warrior, lying trough, this disabled boy, actually the initial level is a 3rd-level warrior!?"

"Nima, labor and capital in this bird does not pull the Crab Island, played for half a year before being promoted to a level 3 warrior, this kid is initially, popular and popular!"

"Great, absolutely a true genius, but unfortunately the body seems to have problems."

"The key is that if there is a problem, you can hit the 3rd level. This Nima is too strong!"

All the soldiers, there are pity, there is praise.

Attention, all fall on Ye Che.

In this scene, I can see that the water is dark and cold, and her age is the most powerful age.

Seeing Ye Che is so revered by so many people, naturally uncomfortable.

Wu Heng and others saw that Ye Che was so amazed by so many people that there was no happy color, but the bad premonition at the bottom of my heart was getting stronger and stronger.

As the saying goes, the higher the holding, the worse the fall.

The next move by Jie Bing, Wu Heng and others have already guessed one or two!

Sure enough, the talents just started to marvel, and the solution to the soldiers has already looked at Ye Che’s smile: “The initial stage is a 3rd-level warrior. These geniuses are much more powerful than our Xiong Long. I don’t know if we can give us Xiong Long. Give pointers?"

"This guy, knowing that Ye Che is physically inconvenient, is only Platinum iv, but deliberately does not say, but has been repeating Ye Che is a level 3 warrior confused!"

Yi Lin’s voice is low.

"Now this kind of scene has already been controlled by us. So many people are watching, either squatting or playing! But if you are swearing, the face of our 7 teams will definitely fall and pass, and we think we are afraid of their 6 teams."

The sea otter also said that his eyes fell on the bear dragon, and some were dignified.

Although Ye Che is initially a 3rd-level warrior, it is a low-cost cheaper. Otherwise, as long as he advances to the next level and becomes a platinum iii to challenge, facing the diamond demon, he will certainly not be a 3rd-level warrior.

Therefore, it is said that it is a level 3 warrior. In fact, objectively speaking, only the level 2 of ordinary people.

This bear dragon can survive in the attack of the v demons. In just three days, it becomes a 3rd-level warrior. The two are not at all a level.

If you start playing, I am afraid that this Ye Che may be killed by a spike.

"Captain, what to do!?"

Thinking of this, several people in Yilin are eager to get up.

"Look first, the current situation is indeed somewhat uncontrolled."

Wu Heng said with a deep voice, looking at the soldiers who were screaming around, the face was extremely unsightly.

At the bottom of my heart, there is always a doubt, that is, how the news is transmitted.

At this time, among the onlookers, the number of Gong Bin and the fat man who owed Ye Che 1oo to fight was the most cheerful.

The fat man is afraid that he will meet Ye Che, and thus lose 1oo. Gong Bin is also hateful of Ye Che. Both of them are looking forward to being directly slaughtered by Xiong Long.

"Give some advice?"

Ye Che brows slightly pick, look at the solution to the soldiers, and look at Xiong Long.

The suffocation in Xiong Long’s eyes can’t stop it. This is not like being pointed.

"Yes, of course, won't let you point in vain, conditions, you can mention...but you have to win to get it!"

The solution was a soldier’s smile, but his eyes swept over Ye’s body and flashed a trace of disdain.

"What are the conditions for me?"

Ye Che’s eyes lit up and he asked: “How about the ten platinum-quality sea magic hearts?”

"I go!!!"


"Is this kid a stupid person? People say it is pointing, but I really thought it was pointing, ten sea magic hearts, really dare to say!"

"Platinum-quality sea magic heart, one is the 1ooo battle, this kid thinks who he is, and ten sea magic hearts, brain wit!"

"I can't get drunk..."

All the soldiers next to them heard Ye Che’s words, and they were despised and laughed.

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