League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 820: Natural leaves

Ps: Maybe some of my friends are not clear. I will make a brief description again. This article is not everything without brains. It seems to be the protagonist, but it is all around the League of Legends. Indispensable, one of them is dialogue, no dialogue protagonist is invincible, but also empty. Bayi Chinese ★ Net W√wW. ★8★1zW★. ★CoM

Think about it, if you don't agree with it, you can start it once, twice or twice, but the number is too much. Do you really like to watch it?

Because there are too many things involved in this book, League of Legends, actual combat, evil spirits, justice and soul, and demons, etc. If you take it with you, it’s absolutely clear with boiled water, so if you really like this, please be patient, after all, There are countless books that force the face, but I want to write a real world of League of Legends.



Farther away, from the sea area of ​​70,000 kilometers away from the Crab Island, with the news of Xiaoqing, the sea area suddenly experienced unusual fluctuations.

This sea area, the blue on the left, the sea on the right, but it seems a little black, left blue right black, sea, actually has two colors.

At this time, in the sea of ​​black and blue, the space began to be slightly distorted.

Then, a behemoth, revealing the original from the sea.

This... turned out to be a huge old tree.

The old tree is covered in the sky, and if you look up from the sea, you can't see the canopy of this old tree. You can only see it in the sky.

The body of the old tree is like the same wall, and the diameter is only afraid of hundreds of people.

Business tree, sturdy, very tall, with a very thin body and a small body.

However, this giant tree is huge, but on the body, it is bare, and there are only a dozen pieces of slightly blue leaves, which are drifting with the wind.

But no matter how fierce the wind is, these leaves are just a slight sway.


At this time, the body of this giant tree actually made a low-pitched voice.

Closer look, there is actually a man in Tsing Yi, sitting on the trunk of the giant tree.

Originally, his eyes were closed, but suddenly, he seemed to have sensed something, and his eyes slammed open.

For a moment, in the eyes of this man, it seems that there is a black gas flashing, but gradually, it is filled with the blue light.

"No. 776... finally started to act... In the past hundred years, a total of thousands of seeds have been scattered in the battlefield of the chaos. Up to now, more than 9oo have been defeated. I hope that the companion source of No. 776 can There is a chance of one in a million, living to help her complete the task..."

The man whispered himself, then silenced for a long while, and his face suddenly showed a self-deprecating smile. "But, in the words of No. 776, it seems that there is some confidence. This opportunity can no longer be missed. The roots are dead, so this is not as good. A fight!"

The man murmured, then slowly extended his arm.

But this arm, but it is really awkward, look at the face of this man, it is about thirty-two, but the arm is full of folds, like the old bark of the old rattan.

At this point, the man’s arm just stretched out, and it burst into a blue light, and then the giant tree he sat on was suddenly shocked.

Then, the only remaining dozens of green leaves on the giant tree, two of them suddenly fell off the giant tree and fell into the hands of men.

"Sucking secrets..."

The man faintly opened, then slowly sighed at the green leaves in his hand.

In the next second, I saw the leaves that were originally only a few cyan in his hands, and instantly became completely pure cyan.

"go with……"

The man spoke again, and then the green leaves in his hands were blurred and blinked, and they disappeared into his hands out of thin air.

With the disappearance of these two green leaves, the man's face was white, and the folds on his arms were even more shocking.

It seems that the departure of these two green leaves has caused great trauma to him.

For a long time, the man was relieved, and after a sigh of relief, his eyes closed slightly.

As he closed his eyes, this horrible broken cloud giant tree began to fade gradually, and finally disappeared from the plane of this sea area.

"The power of the spirit leaf... finally appeared again..."

In the various regions where the giant trees disappeared far away, there were four or five horrific existences. What seemed to be felt, and then slowly opened their eyes. There seemed to be thunder and rain in their eyes, but they could not cover them. Surprise.


At the same time, Crab Island, Xiaoqing body trembled, and there seemed to be something more in her palm.

Xiaoqing’s eyes flashed a trace of suspicion, and then slowly spread the palm of his hand. At first glance, in her misty eyes, she flashed a touch of deep ecstasy.

"Nature spirit leaves... actually natural leaves..."

Xiaoqing took a deep breath and calmed down the mood, but still felt a little trembling in the heart.

In the palm of her hand, two pure blue leaves are spreading. The leaves are crystal clear, and even the veins and veins inside are clearly seen. Among them, there seems to be a strange liquid flowing, which is extremely miraculous.

Xiaoqing was still watching, and suddenly heard Ye Che shouted. When he turned his head, he was now Ye Che and other people, and he had already begun to go far.

I quickly grabbed the natural leaves in my hand and then screamed, then quickly rushed over.

Quickly walked to Ye Che, but now, Wu Heng and others looked at their own eyes, but they showed the color of appreciation.

Xiaoqing suddenly got a glimpse.

Wu Heng has turned his head and said to Ye Che: "You are a maid, if it is not my wife, I almost deceived me!"


Xiaoqing frowned slightly beside him. Was this Wu Heng knowing what he was doing?

Ye Che’s eyes flashed a hint of curiosity and asked Wu Heng: “How to tell?”

"You, the maid, have also entered the gambling. They are very simple. First, in order to make the solution for Bing Xionglong more comfortable, they promised to make a gamble, thus solving the dilemma. Second, in order to let them relax their vigilance, after all, there is no segment in a district. The maid's maid may be like a bear dragon; the third is wit, even if your maid is lost, but as long as you win, the same is not lost, the sea magic heart cancels, and also resolves this situation, I have to say that your maid is really smart, a good one and three arrows!"

Wu Heng smiled and then nodded to the side of Ouyang Bing.

Obviously, these are all Ouyang Bing, guessed out.

"Not only that, the temperament of your maid is also very extraordinary. In the face of diamonds, it does not change color. It is argued that it is a maid of a 3rd-level warrior!"

Ouyang Bing also interfaced, looking at Xiao Qing's gaze, a hint of appreciation.

"I am very angry, the maid of the 3rd-level warrior?"

Ye Che's heart is a cold smile, this Xiaoqing, but not his own maid, just the day before, is only a shackle of the water family.

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