League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 821: Pinhole camera?

At first, Ye Che just felt that Xiaoqing was somewhat clever. Bayi Chinese Network W★w√W★.く8√1z★W√. CoM

But since the beginning, Ye Che’s heart has raised deep suspicion. Suspicion, Xiaoqing’s behavior from the beginning to the present has begun to filter at the bottom of Ye’s heart.

This thought has a lot of doubts.

The most important point is that Xiaoqing seems to know everything and see a lot of books.

Then you must know the dangers of the chaos and battlefield, and understand that a person who has no power in the slightest position, dare to come here, must be sure to die.

However, in this case, it is still coming. Obviously, this is either an ulterior secret, or it is really too concerned about the comfort of my own lady.

However, in Ye Che’s view, Xiao Qing’s situation is not like the latter. The relationship between the two is not so good.

Therefore, Ye Che just did not stop Xiaoqing’s gambling, but wanted to see what she wanted to do.

However, Ye Che has been thinking about it now, but still did not understand why Xiaoqing did this.

"Walking away, we go to the south of Crab Island, the crab devil group there, the most huge, we focus on giving you the battle, after three days, can not let the two grandsons of the soldiers and Xiong Long Sear!"

Yi Lin said very hate at this time.

Everyone nodded and went over there.

Along the way, members of the 7th team all introduced Ye Che to the play of the crab ghost.

Ye Che, but did not listen to it at all, his eyes, always sweeping through Xiaoqing from time to time, obviously, his current attention has completely fallen on Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing obviously noticed this too. The corner of the mouth was slightly hooked, and the footsteps suddenly stopped. Then he said: "Captain Wu, can you go first? I have a separate statement with Mr. Ye."

"Oh, well, hurry up!"

Wu Heng nodded and looked at Ye Che. After seeing Ye Che also bowed his head, he took all the players and passed.

Only the otter, before leaving, swept Ye Che and Xiaoqing with suspicion.

Soon, within a few tens of meters, only Ye Che and Xiao Qing were left.

"Say, what?"

Ye Che adjusts his sitting position, his eyes are faintly looking toward Xiaoqing, and his look is no longer soft.

"It seems that you have doubted me..."

Xiaoqing didn't care, but smiled.

"Yes, I didn't care about it before, but the scene where you just gambled on the gamble was too outrageous. I don't want to doubt you, nor can I! I can only say that you are too anxious, let's say, what do you have? purpose!"

Ye Che said, looking at Xiaoqing with a burning gaze.

"No, it’s not my heart, but it was me... deliberately letting you see it..."

Xiao Qing’s words made Ye Che a sigh, and his doubts were even more confusing. “I deliberately let me see, why!? And, why is it because I am a 3rd-level warrior?”

Having said that, Ye Che shook his head again and said to himself: "No, you don't know my actual combat ability before coming to the battlefield."

Xiaoqing did not directly answer Ye Che’s question. His eyes suddenly became strange and said: “Ye Che... You are not a person in the sea of ​​magic...”


Ye Che’s heart was shocked.

"So sure, yes, it seems that my original induction, it is true, before you landed on the island of Shuijia, it was dropped from the space!"

Xiaoqing language is not surprisingly endless, directly letting Ye Che’s heart shake.

"You can actually sense the space transfer!?"

Ye Che’s face was a bit stunned.

When I came out of the space channel, it was a place that was 10,000 meters high in the water home. How could it be sensed by Xiaoqing, who has no power?

"How can I feel it, not to mention it, but the space channel you passed, I didn't feel wrong, at least a drill ii started, the range of random transmission, big and amazing! So, then, I will I noticed you!"

Xiaoqing said.

Ye Che's brow suddenly eased, so that everything was explained. At that time, he was stared at by Xiaoqing.

"It’s still the same sentence, why is it, who are you? Just gambling, what purpose do you have?!"

After Ye Che’s indulgence, he opened his mouth.

"Why are you, because you are the one who has met the most potential young people, maybe there will be better in the future...but the tree...but I have no time to wait... Who am I? I still don't know, you just need to know that I will never harm you. As for the gambling contract, it is forced by you..."

Xiaoqing looked at Ye Che.

Ye Chewen nodded, and he did not feel any threat from Xiaoqing. No matter what purpose Xiaoqing had, she did not have any power.

But the last sentence made Ye Che a sigh, subconsciously: "I forced?"

"Not bad..."

After Xiaoqing finished, his eyes swept over Ye Che’s legs and said: "You... too much doubt, too cautious, I don’t know the battlefield of the strong deity. Sometimes, you must be absolutely strong. Gambling, I am here to help you, 2o sea magic heart, with the strength of your League of Legends, enough for you to advance several times! I did not guess wrong, your body, it will be good soon... ”

Xiaoqing once again let Ye Che’s heart numb. “You follow me?”

"Oh... not, just in your wheelchair, pressed a small instrument..."

Xiaoqing’s face appeared a reddish blush at this time, and then walked to the left side of Ye Che. From a corner of the wheelchair, he touched a finger-sized black pinhole.

Nima, this stuff, how is it like a pinhole camera! ?

At the end of the leaves, there are thousands of grass mud horses rushing past, and the heart that wants to die is there.

That night, after I went back, I could still take a shower, and I wouldn’t have been photographed yet! ?

Thinking, Ye Che looked at Xiaoqing’s uncontrollable blushing face, and his old face was suddenly white.

"Cough... Don't care about these details. In short, your potential has been recognized by me, so in the days to come, I will arrange a careful strength improvement plan for you, so that you can play smoothly, fight comfortably, domineering. Against the sky!!"

Xiaoqing’s face seems to have a little redness. While speaking, some people dare not look at Ye’s face.

"Ugly refused!!!"

Ye Qing green face, directly spit out two words, then a wheelchair turn, seems to have to go.

"Hey, don't you want to improve your strength soon??"

Xiaoqing said quickly.

"First, I can improve myself. Second, I don't know what you are, until now, why do you believe in it??, third, you are most smart, just gambled on the pins. A little, I think that your so-called careful plan is effective!?, fourth, labor is very uncomfortable now, so refuse!!"

After Ye Che’s face is finished, he has to leave.

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