League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 830: Shameful Felix

"Little devil, you are so crazy, your field has just become a childlike, you dare to use it to resist the attack of the diamond iii demons!?"

In the 100-meter field, Felix’s snarl roared. Bayi Chinese Network W√wW. 81zW. CoM

He had to be angry. Before Ye Che took the field against the enemy, it was because he had the strength of Felix itself, so he was not afraid that the field would collapse.

But now, he has been sealed, and he has no ability at all. If the field is destroyed, he will be the king. If he has no power to protect, he will not escape.

Everything in the 100-meter field, Ye Che knows everything, naturally Felic's words, Ye Che is also aware.

However, Ye Che did not pay any attention to it. Seeing the body of the mother crab, he also rushed to catch up, and could not help but add the degree to the limit.

"Where to escape!"

The female crab screamed and screamed, its huge body, stirring up the boundless madness, the power of the magnetic field, rushed again.


Ye Che's 100-meter field didn't have any time to make any adjustments, and it made a strong collision with the power of the female crab's magnetic field.


Ye Che’s body trembled and the corner of his mouth overflowed with a trace of blood.

This time the collision was too strong, and Ye Che’s internal organs were hurt by the earthquake.

"Platinum ii is on the iii, the difference between the classes is too big..."

Ye Che smiled a bit, if it was iv, with Ye Chu's current strength, no fear at all.

But drill iii, but it is equivalent to another level, especially this female crab, not the general drill iii.

If you reach the peak of Platinum, in the case of whole body platinum, it is estimated that there is still a battle, but now, there are still weaknesses in the sternum, so Ye Che, still can only escape!

The distance between the two sides lasted for about a kilometer.

At this time, Ye Che did not dare to stop, even if the flash of light in the field of 100 meters, has been seriously unstable.

"Stop and stop the labor!"

Felic was roaring in horror in the 100-meter field.

In the 100-meter field, under the attack of the mother crab, it has begun to be overwhelmed. Felix is ​​afraid that if a certain period of time is accidentally broken, the 100-meter field will be cracked, and he will definitely be finished.

"What do you want to shut up for me!"

Ye Che's eyes were red, and he snorted.

Felix was dumb and knew that it was unrealistic to let Ye Che close the 100-meter field. Once it was closed, the magnetic field was shrouded and he could not escape.

But even so, it can't let the field reach its limit and then collapse.

"Boom, 嗤"

The magnetic force of the female crab was once again bombarded, and the field of 100 meters was actually "squeaky" and there was a crack.

This time, the magnetic force of the female crab actually covered the arc.

"This mother crab... is fused with "horror capacitance"?"

In the 100-meter field, Felix suddenly whispered.

Although the sound is small, but the 100-meter field is integrated with Ye Che, Ye Che is naturally very clear to hear.

"What do you say, blending horror capacitors? So, what does it mean!?"

Ye Che’s heart shocked and the subconscious asked. The name “horror capacitor”, Ye Che is too familiar, is the skill name of the proud.

Before, it looked at the way the mother crab released the lightning attack. Some of them are familiar. Now, Felix is ​​so subconscious, making Ye Che’s heart, a horrible speculation.


Although Felic said so, his eyes flashed a horror of horror.

The next second, he watched the female crab attack again, could not help but sigh deeply, said: "Boy, you still do not use five heroes, keep the furnishings!?"

"Five heroes?"

Ye Cheyi stunned, and there was a trace of doubt in his mind. The next second was a pair of eyes, and it seemed to have thought of something. The power of the paragraph quickly and quickly poured into the body of five heroes.

At that time, the "card god", "Anni Idol", "Jian Hao statue", "Gallen statue" and "Ice statue" are activated as usual, the sky is skyrocketing, then, shining with various colors Cards, bright red flames, cyan blasts, golden giant swords, and the shadow of the blue ice bow slowly emerged from the 100-meter field.

"this is……"

Ye Che was shocked by a large earthquake. At this time, when the magnetic field flashing the arc was about to fall on the 100-meter field, the five flashes of strange energy fluctuations fell heavily on the ground in the 100-meter field. on.

Suddenly, Ye Che only felt that the 100-meter field suddenly shook, and a huge aperture swept out. In the meantime, countless or small shadows of flames or blasts or cards appeared on the surface of the 100-meter field. Streaming.


At the same time, the arc magnetic field was once again bombarded in the field of 100 meters.

However, this time, Ye Che’s eye-popping is that the arc magnetic field has just touched the surface of the 100-meter field, just like the winter snow and the sun, and the sudden melting.

Those small phantoms are like the whole united together, the light is only a slight shock, and the magnetic attack of the female crab is actually invalidated.

"So strong!!? Felix, why don't you say it early!?"

Ye Che was overjoyed and quickly yelled at Felix.

But a sensory, but now I do not know when, Felix once again climbed to the ground in a five-body cast, a face twisted the pain of color.

"what happened to you?"

Ye Che looked at this scene, and it was a bit stunned.

"Labor... labor is really...fore...the past life...owed to you..."

Felic’s voice began to stutter again. “If... can... can, labor... I would rather be... I will not tell you five heroes... I can control myself, but the ghost Know... you are small... son is daring... Baotian, district... white... gold ii, dare... dig iii... devil... cheap, still... special... is boss level The ... the ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

"It turned out to be..."

Ye Chegan laughed and the original Felic was relieved of his two seals.

But now, with the activation of the five heroes, Felix was treated as a different kind, and it was suppressed.

"In other words, how can these five heroes be so strong that even the mother crab can't break the defense?"

Ye Chewen, after this easy blocking of the female crab, he has already opened a distance of nearly 1,300 meters with the female crab.

"Playing... Laughing, gathering... Five... Famous English... It’s hard to be like... Ascend to the sky, 9o... None of the above... No, you are in the area... Platinum has it, resist... Drill iii Devil's...Magnetic power, naturally easy! The field, the phase... As for their springs, the five heroes replied in the ... spring water... while fighting the enemy, you think about it, bug... no bug? This is just it...they didn't... grow up, only the defense...the power of the royal family, wait for them to really...when they grow up, they appear...the heroic skills are combined, then they are powerful!"

Felix said in a very shameful way, kneeling on the ground.

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