League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 831: The danger of the spirit leaf

After listening to Ye Che, seeing that the distance between herself and the mother crab has been opened, and Felix has helped herself a lot. Now, with such pain, it has converged the power of the five heroes, and at the same time lifted the two seals of Felix again. Bayi Chinese Network WくwくWく. √81zW. CoM

"It turned out to be the case, but say Felic, these, why don't you tell me early, and... Are you still having something, staring at me?"

Ye Che did not care to use his eyes on Felix's body, sweeping.

At this time, facing the female crab, the most difficult magnetic field was fixed, so Ye Che was a little relaxed.

"Hey, what am I... tell you!?"

Felic sat on the ground in the 100-meter field, and after a little soothing, he was proud.

"Why tell me?"

Ye Che’s eyes raised a strange color, just as the mother crab chased it without hesitation, and the magnetic force was again against Ye Che.

"go with!"

The power of Ye Che’s position is aroused, and the five heroes who have just calmed down are once again shining.


The 100-meter field was slightly shocked, and various ghosts appeared again.

"The trough!"

Felix screamed, and had no time to react. He was again crushed on the ground, and it was only three seconds.

"Smelly... stinky boy... I am grassing you... ancestors!!!"

Felix’s voice was fierce and desperate.

"It's still arrogant, and there are opportunities to play with you slowly."

Ye Che's mouth is slightly ticked.

At the same time, Xiaoqing finally woke up under the warmth of Ye Che's power.

"Ye... Ye Che, what is this?"

Xiaoqing moved in Ye Che's arms, and said in a confused way, it seems that he was still dizzy by electricity.

"No... you know it when you look..."

Ye Che gave his mouth behind him.

When Xiao Qing looked away, he saw a kilometer away. The body of the female crab was five or six hundred meters, and it was like a crazy rush.

This is still the time to escape to the sea, the sun shines, otherwise Xiaoqing can not see.

"You actually supported it for so long under its attack?"

Xiaoqing's face is white, this is the boss of the drill iii, Xiaoqing completely can't think of how Ye Che came over.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is, what is your Lingye? Why does the mother crab value it so much?"

Ye Che's eyes flowed and landed on the two green leaves of the small green ear.


Xiaoqing began to support her, but she complained to herself.

The female crab will attack with lightning. She knows it, but because there is no actual combat experience, she still accidentally said it. If it is not this Ye Che, there seems to be any hidden cards, I am afraid that I will become the same as those seeds. One of the members.

"Nothing... don't say it if you don't want to say it."

Ye Che smiled, no matter what purpose Xiaoqing had, but it was a fact to help himself.

In just four hours, I did not know that the level 3 soldiers had been promoted to the war, and the ranks had also increased by one level.

If you let yourself come, there is no ten days and a half, it is impossible.

"call out!"

Escape, still continuing, although Ye Che can resist the magnetic field of the female crab, but can not break through the defense of its magnetic field.

Now that there is Xiaoqing next to him, one who does not pay attention to let Xiaoqing die, will be embarrassed.

So Ye Che, still intends to go first, and then raise the position again, and then find the stubborn mother crab trouble.

For the merits and achievements, Ye Che is still very heart-warming.


Ye Che's feet slammed on the sea and splashed waves of waves. Behind them, the huge female crab roared and groaned.

Soon, such escapes lasted for three or four hours, and the sky was dark.

But the mother crab, but still did not give up the slightest, a bit of the shape of Ye Che, stubbornly chasing.

Fortunately, here is only the b-level battlefield, and there is no special metamorphosis of the devil. Otherwise, the two sprint in the sea so much, it has already caused the siege of the powerful demon.

But this time, I wonder if the mother crab's deterrence is too strong, or the quality of the mother crab is too high. In the continuous escape, Ye Che did not even see a trace of a demon.

"Damn, this guy is really stubborn!"

Ye Chu gasped and was defeated by the stubborn character of the female crab.

Originally, he could fly away from the volley, but the 100-meter field has been defending the mother crab's magnetic field attack all the time, so he dare not converge to help himself fly, or he will not be able to escape if he is accidentally framed by the magnetic force of the female crab.

As for the introduction of the female crab to Crab Island, Ye Che admits that he also thought about it, but he did not grow up in this cruel world. It is impossible to bring this horrible demon so over. Otherwise, I am afraid of the whole crab. There are countless deaths and injuries in Ghost Island.

Therefore, Ye Che can only take it to the uninhabited place, and intends to wait for it to endure and automatically retreat.

But what do you think, this mother crab is persevering, and it is almost four hours to chase Ye Qi.


In the arms, Xiaoqing pitifully spits out a word.

"Wait, I will catch this crab for you to eat!"

Ye Che said fiercely.


Xiaoqing laughed out loud.

Ye Che suddenly showed a smile, but in the eyes, there was a slight worry.

The consumption of the power of the segment is almost the same as the recovery, so don't worry about it, but Ye Che feels his energy and is very tired.

I used to kill the four-year-old crab ghost demon. Now I have been manipulating the 100-meter field to fight the mother crab attack, but also to escape, Ye Che has faintly felt the lack of energy.

While Ye Che’s heart was turning and trying to get out of the way, a distance of six or seven hundred meters away, a cold voice suddenly rang.

The level of Ye Chezhen’s comprehension has reached the sixth level, and the senses are extremely sensitive, so this sound is like a sound in the ear.

"The position of the leaves has been changing rapidly, but I am sure that it is within ten kilometers of this!"

"Oh, it's not that we don't believe you are magical. It's really a circle that you've been around for hours, but you haven't found the leaves yet!"

Receiving this person, the tone seems to have a hint of anger.

"You are not deaf, our captain has said, is the direction of the spirit leaf, has been changing! If you do not believe our captain's geography, you go to find the leaves yourself, why do you follow the fart we!?"

"Yes? Are you sure to let us go? If you are an adult, you still remember, the defense of Lingye, if we don't work together, we can't get rid of it. We are gone, even if you have a great ability, you have no Eggs!!"

"It’s better than listening to you all the time, bb. It’s good to be cool. If it’s not for us, the “magic emperor” is afraid of causing chaos, personally, which round will get you!?”

"Oh, who is not it??"

The people who talk are jagged, and there seem to be several forces.

Under the careful hearing of Ye, it is a glimpse, Lingye, they are talking about the leaves?

Ye Che’s heart shocked, and the subconscious felt bad. He quickly wanted to turn around and rush to the other side.

However, in the eyes of Ye Che's dark hate, the female crab, once again attacked, and the contact with the 100-meter field, hit a huge explosion.


In an instant, more than 600 meters away, there was a cold drink that was alert.

Ps: Recently, there is a lot of writing reality, but soon, the absolute importance of the League of Legends will be perfectly reflected, and the small leaves will also be on the world stage.

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