League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 836: The 12th place of the BOSS Hall of Fame

"You... are you going to advance!"

Xiaoqing’s face showed a happy color. ★ Bayi Chinese ★ Net W√wW. 81zW. CoM

"Also... still almost..."

Ye Che said that in fact, the power of the ranks in the body is half full.

I have to say that a boss-level drill iii devil's segment of the original force, it is terrible.

Even if Ye Che needs dozens of times of the original force of the ordinary people, it also enriches the hard life.

However, Ye Che is naturally unable to tell the truth, so that it is only a little worse.

"It's almost not bad... I believe that I will be promoted soon. At that time, Platinum Peak, Platinum is complete, I am afraid that ordinary diamonds are not your opponents..."

Xiaoqing said, suddenly, I remembered the heroic skills that Ye Che used.

Suddenly, silenced.

Until now, she felt unreal, and Platinum in the district actually realized the realm of the sixth floor, which is really too human.

It’s no wonder that Ye Che’s attention to the mother’s crab has always been cumbersome.

"Domains... battles... a strong league of heroes... and a very high sincere talent... If such a person can't finish the task, then who else can..."

Xiaoqing thought, his eyes are full of hopes.

At this time, Ye Che galloped in the air while taking out the war.

But just pulled out, Ye Che will hold it.

I saw that the level of the war will be changed from "1" to "3"!

"A boss-level demon can actually get so many exploits after killing!"

Ye Che surprises that the first-level battle will reach the level 3 warrior, and it will take a full 30,000 battles. Now, killing a boss-level demon will get it.

Of course, this is really because Ye Che's position is too low, across n levels of hunting, so the battle is so exaggerated.

While Ye Che is watching the 3rd level war, it will make a slight movement. The war will make a sudden synthesis. The message has been analyzed. The killer: Langton base Ye Che; object, the first layer of the abyss crab, please Choose whether to open its nest, publicly will be divided into rewards for war work? If it is not public, then there is no! Please choose whether to disclose its own position, no reward for publicity or not!"

Ye Che just hesitated a little, and then faintly said: "The nest is open, the position is not open!"

Now his strength is about to enter the peak of Platinum, and there is no need to worry as much as before. As soon as he gains the division of war, he will be able to upgrade soon, and he will be able to exchange for better things and improve his strength.

"Open success!"

The battle will make the synthesized sound ring, and suddenly, Ye Che will only feel the violent shock, and there will be endless light.

Then, under the stunned Ye Qi, one side flashed a golden curtain, and the self-war will be projected.

Boss Hall of Fame

The first place in the Boss Hall of Fame: Chaos Demon Team...

Boss Hall of Fame second place: Devils team...




The eleventh place of the Boss Hall of Fame: The Dream of the Desolation...

And now, under the eleventh, there is one more ranking, the twelfth!

The 12th place of the Boss Hall of Fame: Lanton Base, Ye Che, killing the area, b-class chaos battlefield; killing the demon, the first layer of the abyss mother crab, the strength of drilling iii! The last blow, Ye Che paragraph? ? ? Kill time new calendar 7o7 years!

The 12th place of the Hall of Glory, 1ooooo, gains the right to enter any battlefield. After the devil's lair is opened, everyone will kill the demon in this place. Ye Che will get one-tenth, get the title, and the brave invincible! The rest of the reward? ? ?

The rest of the rewards were not shown on the hall of honor, but Ye Che could see it.

"The title, the brave invincible warfare in exchange for supplies, 20% discount, when hunting the demon, the extra force of the segment is increased by 5!"

"Turn on the boutique redemption feature, ignoring the token level!"

"The war order can be bound, the binding is ... the binding is successful, the war will be ordered, the level is "3", can not be deprived!"

Looking at the information, Ye Che couldn't help but take a deep breath and forcefully hold the hot mood.

"Ye Che, you really made a big profit this time!"

Xiao Qing smiled and his eyes bent like a crescent.

Ye Che gave her a deep look and severely spit out a few words: "Thank you!"

He knows that if it wasn't for Xiaoqing, he wouldn't have the chance to step into the Devil's Nest, and he wouldn't have such a huge advantage.

"Why, I am not afraid of designing you now?"

In Xiao Qing’s eyes, there was a glimpse of a glimpse.

Ye Che smiled slightly. If you design yourself, you can make your own strength greatly improved. There are no problems in designing hundreds of times!

"Little dance, is there any island nearby?"

Ye Che activated the hero badge at this time and then asked.

"Hey master, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

The voice of the little dance, haha, sounded from Ye’s mind.


Ye Che smiled and nodded.

"I will load the map first."

The little dance said, very quickly, and said: "Loading, according to the color of the surrounding sea water and the damp and distribution of the devil, here is the blue sea, the island closest to you... in 2oo kilometers outer."

Said, a light curtain map, appeared from Ye Che.

"Hey... Ye Che, can you talk directly to the guiding elves?"

Xiaoqing asked amazed.

"Well, is there any problem?"

Ye Che said casually, then his eyes swept over the map.

But it did not happen, Xiaoqing looked at him, the more surprised he was.

Directly can talk to the guiding elves, guiding the elves can also help in the real world, does it mean that Ye Che can directly communicate the hero badge?

Just when Xiaoqing was amazed, Ye Che had already set his sights on a large island 5 km away from the area.

This large island is called Black Fort. There are dense islands around it. It is obviously a gathering place for war soldiers. In the case of so many soldiers, even if the three teams want to find themselves, it is extremely difficult.

Thinking of this, Ye Che plans to go there for a day, and on the third day, go back to Crab Island and complete the bet.

"call out!"

The air was broken, and the force of the leaves around Ye Che was filled, and the strength of the field shook from time to time, taking him to the distance and galloping away.

Just when Ye Che rushed to the Black Fort, he did not know that because of the honor of the boss, all the battlefields of the chaos had set off a big wave.

"God, for decades, finally there is a devil's nest is now, hahaha, fast, organize the team to open the wasteland!!!"

"Lanton base, Ye Che, who is this person!? Actually, oneself, they killed a boss-level demons of drill iii. The first few were collectively hunted by the team, and he was killed alone! It’s amazing, it’s amazing!!!”

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