League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 837: Yasuo master

"Who is he? Anyway, these strong people, not that we can touch, or quickly organize the team to rush to the b-level battlefield, is the right thing!!"

"The devils of the Devil's Nest are extremely numerous and of considerable quality. If you join forces to kill it for ten days and a half, then the battle is simply unimaginable!"

"The first level of the boss-level demon was killed, but there is a second layer. When the team is teamed up to kill it, you will get the merits and achievements, fast and fast!!!"

Countless masters who have the command of the war are boiling. Bayi Chinese Network W√wW★. 81zW. CoM

Watching the new boss demons that are projected in the self-war will prompt everyone to start flooding.

According to the records of the past, every time there is a boss nest, it will be a level of prosperity, attracting countless strong people to the land reclamation!

In an instant, even if the sky is dark, the strong players of the chaos and battlefields began to team up to go to the b-level battlefield.

At this time, the a-level battlefield is somewhere in a small island gathering place.

A young man stood in the rune of the rune with excitement. Near him, he had already gathered thousands of people, waiting to line up.

"Black and young, even if you go to the devil's nest, you don't have to be so excited!?"

A big man next to Black Shao said, frowning.

This person, the original is the infatuated person of the water, the black and the young.

"Oh, not excited... not excited..."

Black and a little smashed his hands and calmed down.

But when I thought of it, I hoped to see the otter, and his heart jumped up without competing.

At the beginning, he was fainting and followed the otter, but he rushed into the rune of the rune, he regretted it, because the two players have different positions, the battlefield must be different.

But fortunately, as long as you hit a certain battle, you can step into the b-level battlefield.

While he was desperately trying to accumulate combat power, today there is such a good news that a devil's nest is born!

Suddenly, he got the benefits of public expenditure, so how can he not be happy?

"Hey... Hunting people Ye Che? It seems that the little boy who was in front of him is called Ye Che."

Black and a little smile, thinking about it badly.

However, it is natural to think that this is just the same name, joking, the boss on the leaderboard, but diamond iii, a platinum in the body, how could it be killed.

It was at this time that it was their turn to enter the rune.

With the light, Black and Little gradually lost their tracks from the rune.

This matter is being staged by countless runes.

The b-level battlefield is destined to be overcrowded! !

The same is true of Crab Island. Wu Heng, Yi Lin, Ouyang Bing and others will wake up when the war will cause anomalies.

"The devil's nest is born, in the b-level battlefield!?"

Wu Heng was overjoyed, and the rest of the people were also brightly lit.

"Fast, wake up the water, go!"

Wu Heng even channel.

Soon, the otter came out of the room with a confused look. After Wu Heng explained to her what the devil's nest was, the sleepiness of the scorpion disappeared immediately.

"Captain Wu Heng, you said, is the hunter called Ye Che?"

The otter asked in confusion.

"Yes, is there any problem?"

Wu Heng said, and then smiled: "You will not think that this Ye Che is the Ye Che!! In the chaos battlefield, the name of the more people went, this boss-level demon is drilled iii, and is the boss level It’s more horrible than the average diamond iii."

Hearing this, the water scorpion suddenly shook his head and felt that he was too stupid. The two are not at all a level, and it is impossible!

"Go, gossip less, go to the old nest, tonight, there is absolutely lively!"

Wu Heng said, excitedly leading the team to everyone, rushing to the beach.

On the other side, Xiong Long, the solution to the soldiers and so on, also began to brush out.

At the same time, a few hundred miles away from Crab Island, Magic Bright, Wang Yu and Leng Ming three, staring coldly at the twelfth place on the boss's Hall of Fame.

"Ye Che..."

A name, spit out from the mouth of the three, the cold killing, even the surrounding air, must be frozen.


The next day.

Black Fort!

This is a large human gathering place, where all kinds of facilities are complete and many places where strong people often come.

Ye Che arrived early in the morning.

But now, the entire Black Fort is in full swing, and there are screams everywhere.

"The celestial team! The team's lineup is allocated reasonably, the long-range melee, the legal system has all the hard controls. Now we are looking for five teams, and we need the team to have a diamond segment!"

"Black fierce fire team! As long as the master, do not rub! The devil's nest gets the battle, everyone is equal!"

"The squad, the whole law team, need melee resistance, interested people will soon!"

After Ye Che slowly descended from the sky, he was shocked. This black castle is all the voice of this team.

"Hey, such a young diamond!?"

A big man with a knife in his face, Ye Che, who has fallen from the sky, flashed a fine light in his eyes, and quickly ran over and said: "This little brother, I wonder if you are interested in joining our ts team? Our ts team consists of eight The members of the team are all first-class masters. If they are not far away from the devil's nest, they will have been out last night, so we can meet you. You can meet us. It is luck for both sides!"

"It’s quite gonna talk."

Ye Che's mouth is a hook, but he still has something to do, and he immediately refused.

Although this knife is a pity, but it is not reluctant, and then persuaded a few words, he left.

As Ye Che went to the interior of the Black Fort, there were several waves of teams, and they were pulling on Ye Che. Obviously, they all saw the scene where Ye Che fell from the sky.

However, Ye Che refused in full, and then with Xiaoqing, has already arrived inside the Black Fort.

"Hungry? Eat first."

Ye Che smiled slightly, took Xiaoqing and sat down at a restaurant in Black Fort.

At this time, Xiaoqing didn't have the strength to respond to her voice. She didn't have any strength in her position. She was already exhausted.

As the food came up, Xiaoqing said that he had already started eating.

Ye Che did not feel hungry, just want to tease Xiaoqing's eating phase, not far away, exclaimed, suddenly rang.

"God, this is really strong, and it is a bunker!"

"For the first time, Yasuo can play ice-skinned women, which completely invalidates the ice girl's e!"

The exclamation was in the ear, and Ye’s eyes moved over.

Ps: Seeking support for genuine parents, so that I have the power to create better and more passionate creations, thank you friends.

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