League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 853: Victory, give him

Ps: Many people ask about the entry and exit of Jianhao double ef4. This skill is easy to practice, but it must be very skilled. Otherwise, it is easy to make mistakes and instability. You can open the custom training and adjust the moment. Posture face f4 mobs and then e. Eight ★ one Chinese network WwくWく. ★8√1√zW. CoM


"Just this is..."

The people who broke the team swallowed and swallowed their eyes.

"A... a level skill that has never been seen!! The first advantage is that the enemy has no reaction ability, just like a fire girl, not only can't even flash, even if any action can't be done, it will die. Under the sword of Jianhao."

The devil said with a blank face.

The other three, all of them have been speechless for a long time, and the rise of their minds is all about the scene of the swordsman who killed his fire.

Even they are so shocked, and the rest are naturally extremely shocked.

"Unbelievable, it's unbelievable, this Nima Jianhao is still a person!!!"

The moment before, everyone thought that Jianhao was in danger of escaping and immediately died, but at this moment everyone was wide-eyed and couldn't believe it staring at the light curtain projected by Ye Che.

A swordsman gown, full of killing, holding a **** sword in his hand!

The typhoon Jianhao Yasuo not only did not die, but also more eager to step on the body of Anne Fire Girl!

The whole game has already been taken aback, and this one-time operation has shocked everyone! ! !

I have thought about thousands of people who have been filming for a wonderful scene at the same time. I can’t wait to put the eyes on the light curtain to watch the look, what a spectacular scene! !

Although many people can't understand what they just had, they can't understand what happened to them, but Jian Hao's moment is a real scene.

As a result, the audience heard a continuous exclamation.

"Sure enough! In this way, he went to Grandpa’s natural holy forest, maybe he could succeed..."

Xiaoqing's eyes are strange and whispering.

At the same time, with the death of Anne, Sun Yao's other four teammates were shocked, but in the blink of an eye, there was endless anger.

After the five people were killed, they were also slain by the sword. It was a shameful shame!

"kill him!"

Pansen snorted.

This time, because Jianhao had no wind wall, Lu Xi'an was a lot bigger, and the four directly went to the sword.

Ye Che did not care about them, but first smashed the little soldiers, accumulated a whirlwind, and turned around, actually rushed directly to the four.

"Is this going to... face four people?"

Everyone tightened their fists.

Ye Che does not have an electric knife. The most important point is that when the eq is afraid, all the small soldiers will be directly second, so that there is less ability to displace.

Now is the green fork, the small soldier who can use it, only two dead.

"call out!"

Jian Hao's body, just shifted to the purple side, Pan Sen's "St. Shield Strike" has been covered.

However, Jian Hao was only an understatement of a whirlwind, and Pan Sen’s hard resistance was interrupted in midair.


There was a blush on Panson’s face, which reminded me that my control could be interrupted.

Jian Hao scraped Fei Sen, turned his head to the star world, and then Lu Xi'an.

With a knife down, Lu Xi'an's blood volume dropped by a third.

The Stars and the Gods finally couldn’t help it. A big move to "reconcile the fate" was lost to the swordsman and wanted to seal him.

However, the swordsman did not point to the ground, and did not hold the idea of ​​hard fight. The attack fell on Lu Xi'an, and he left and left. This big move that was thrown anxiously, no suspense was lost.

"Fearless charge!"


Zhao Xin’s attack finally fell on Jian Hao, but Jian Hao rebelled against a steel strike, and Zhao Xin lost the chance to fly.

Not only that, because there was less hard control, Jian Hao stopped directly and stood up with Zhao Xin.


Two Ping a shot, Zhao Xin, who was originally unhealthy, suddenly fell into a state of death.

After another smashing of steel, Zhao Xin was second.

At this time, the remaining few people on the purple side began to have no brains, and they were sent one by one.

The third is Panson, followed by the assistant.

Jian Hao out of the ice hammer and another purple rain forest fist, still quite fleshy, only half of the blood, they will kill the two people.

If it wasn't for Lucian's quick seeing, the flash treatment would open, and I was afraid that it would be impossible to escape.

"Quadrup1eki11 four kills!"

Hearing this voice, the scene was silent.

At this moment, all the cheers and boiling lose their meaning. Only silence can show how shocking they are.

" Lost..."

Sun Yao smiled and shook his head. The gap was too big. I didn’t know how to die. The two are not a level.

"This is the blast of the swordsman... murder in the invisible... as an assassin... and as a real warrior!"

Sun Yaoxuan’s swordsman, who looked at the long sword and slowly returned to his body, muttered in his mouth.

At this time, there were not many people in the blue side, and Lu Xi’an could not keep a single person. The first fire girl who had died was just resurrected, and the base had exploded.

Taking off the helmet of the English soul, Sun Yao was extremely quick and fell on the face of a young man.

The man just took off the British soul helmet and revealed a very delicate face.

"Win, I am grass, actually won!"

"6oo point battle, hahahahaha, cool!!"

Ye Che's several teammates, after picking up the English soul helmet, cheered up.

Ye Che did not pay attention to them, but in the eyes of all the people, went to the face of the old man, calmly said: "According to the previous agreement, your Sun's team won three days of military exploits, plus 30,000 merits!"

Sun Laotou’s face is already black as the bottom of the pot. It’s obviously a raging anger. After hearing the words of Ye Che, the bottom of my heart is not sneer, this kid is born under the eyes of everyone, making the Sun’s team stunned. Face, this time I want to fight, it is simply an idiotic dream! !

"Three days of military gains, plus 30,000 military achievements!? Oh, young man, you are talking about dreams, when did I promise?"

Sun Laotou half squinted, cold and cold.


Suddenly, everyone on the crowd was in a daze, and began to whisper the old man to shamelessly, but he couldn’t help it, because when he thought about it, Sun’s old man did not seem to have promised.

"Oh, then, do you want to pay?"

Ye Che asked with a serious face.

Just kidding, not for the sake of the military, how could he be so wasting his time, and if Sun’s old man is in trouble, Ye Che will not easily stop.

"Looking? Haha, joke, our Sun team..."

"Combat, give him!"

Sun Laotou also intends to play a few Tai Chi, suddenly, a low drink, came from the side.

Ye Che turned his head and now Sun Yao is slowly coming. It is him who just interrupted the words of Sun Laotou.

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