League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 854: Less come, Lingye takes it

"what did you say!?"

Sun’s old man’s eyes are wide. Bayi Chinese Network W√wWく.く8★1★zW. ★C★oM

"I am willing to gamble and lose. This is indeed my strength, so we have three days of income from the Sun team, and 30,000 martial arts, give him!"

Sun Yao’s words are full of indisputable.

"You are crazy!?"

Sun Laotou stared at him with disbelief.

"Our Sun's team can stand on the Black Fort, relying on credibility! I don't want to watch you destroy the Sun's team!"

Sun Yao frowned, the voice just fell, and the soldiers who attracted the onlookers were applauded.

"Family kid, the three-day team is still good to say, but 30,000 battles, your brain is squeezed by the door!?"

Sun’s old man was in a bad state.

"You can't give it, I leave the team!"

Sun Yao took a deep breath and said a word that made Sun’s old man’s heart shock.

Sun Yao is the signature of the Sun team. If he leaves the team, he is afraid that the business of the entire Sun team will fall.

For a time, Sun’s old man stayed in place.

For a long time, Sun Laotou’s face-to-face battle will make Ye Che still over, and he said: “A total of 36,000 battles, don’t draw too much!”

Ye Che smiled, and after a surprise look at Sun Yao, he took out his own war.

"Level 3 war will make!?"

"Platinum has a level 3 battle, and this guy is really not an ordinary person!"

Many soldiers whispered, watching the battle in Ye Che’s hands, the eyes flashed hot.

It is the old man who is also a slight stay, because his war will make it only a level 2 war.

Don't look at 3 days to earn 6,000 battles, but his Sun's team, but there are a dozen people, one person per minute, there is not much.

From the 3rd level, the upgrade will be upgraded to the 2nd level. It will require 100,000 battles. Now Ye Che has only nearly 70,000 battles, so there is no upgrade.

After the battle was completed, Ye Che nodded with satisfaction, and then the grandson’s war was thrown back. “Thank you, I still have something to say, let’s go!”

After that, the U-turn is going.

"Just so gone?"

The surrounding soldiers were a bit stunned.

"Oh, wait."

Sun Yao quickly shouted.

"Is there something?"

Ye Che turned back.

"That... I don't know your name..."

Sun Yaoxi smiled, although he was much older than Ye Che, but the strength of the chaos and battlefield was respected. He used the title of Ye Che, and did not feel uncomfortable at all.

"first name……"

Ye's brows are slightly wrinkled, but now it's no more than before. With his own strength, unless it is a fist, he will not be a master.

As for the magic of being robbed of the mother crab, Wang Yu was cold and three people, Ye Che did not think much.

The chaos and the battlefield are so big, they will never find the Black Fort.

So after a little sinking, he smiled and said: "Ye Che..."

"Ye Che...good name!"

Sun Yao nodded and deeply remembered the name in his heart.

Today, this is the sword of this person, so that he has a new understanding of it!

"Clear, great, I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

Xiaoqing said to Ye Che, who came over, sweet and greasy.

"Less come, Lingye takes it!"

Ye Che said coldly.

Xiaoqing naturally understands why Ye Che’s attitude towards himself is naturally because he has pitted him once again, so he does not care. Instead, he said with dissatisfaction: "Give it to you, what is the fierce thing... ”

After that, the thin fingers stretched out and removed one of the two leaves in the leaves from the ear, and then handed it to Ye Che.

Ye Che went to the fortress and asked with a frowning question: "How is this thing used?"

Although he admired Ye Chejian Hao, and there were many soldiers who came over, Ye Che did not care. The scene was very noisy, so the voice of his own voice was only heard by Xiao Qing, who was closest to himself.

"Well, this... I only promised to give you the leaves, but I didn't promise to tell you how to use it..."

Xiaoqing’s eyes flashed through the light.

She was trying to see the look of Ye Che's eating, but now Ye Che is cold and screaming, suddenly flying in the air, seems to intend to go away regardless of himself.

"Hey, don't stop, I said, I can't do it yet!!!"

Xiaoqing was in a hurry and quickly shouted.

"I am not mistaken in the trough, this Ye Che... actually will fly!!!"

The soldiers who came over, the eyeballs fell to the ground in an instant.

Before the battle between Ye Che and Sun Yao, they saw it clearly, this Ye Che's position, but only Platinum ii! ! !

Immediately, the scene blasted and completely boiled.

The noise, even passed to Sun Yao and Sun Laotou.

"what happened?"

Sun Yao and Sun’s old man sneaked a glimpse of Ye Che, flying words, and looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

Just right, I saw the emptiness of Ye Che.

"This kid..."

Sun old man squatting there, there is a feeling of cold hair and vertical, Platinum can fly! ? He just couldn't think about it! ! !

"What the kid is coming to the end!?"

Sun old man muttered to himself, remembering his own actions before, and there was a feeling of fear in his heart.

"No matter what comes, anyway, this person must not offend, do not say anything else, just say that his powerful League of Legends strength, it is not that we can shake!"

Sun Yao said with a deep voice, this moment, he suddenly remembered Ye Che's id, "East First Raven", an incredible thought rushing in his mind.

Look at this id, maybe... This Ye Che Ruiwen's strength is very likely to be stronger than Jianhao! ! !

At this time, Ye Che listened to Xiao Qing's words, and more and more soldiers who were surrounded, his brow wrinkled, his body flashed, and he took Xiaoqing and flew outside the Black Fort.

"call out!"

Over the Black Fort, a figure flickered and soon flew to the sea.

"Say, how to use it."

Ye Che's faceless expression.

I was able to stand up to Xiaoqing Hu, but it was because Xiaoqing seemed to be good for himself, and he did have a lot of benefits.

But now this Xiaoqing seems to be getting more and more outrageous. If it doesn't move, it will cause trouble for itself. This will be available later.

"Well, this..."

Xiaoqing's eyes turned.

"I want to make it clear, otherwise I will throw you from here."

Ye Che grinned and pointed to the sea below.

Xiaoqing followed Ye's fingers and saw a huge wave of violent tumbling and rumbling sound.

Xiaoqing's face is white, to be honest, after a few days of getting along, she is actually a little touched by Ye Che's temper. Sometimes it seems that humans and animals are harmless, and sometimes it is very decisive.

So at this moment, she really didn't know if Ye Che was just scaring herself.

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