League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 859: Xiong Long VS Ye Che fourth

"Cruel and ruthless!"

Xiong Long’s throat is not like human voice. He has used the heroic skills of the poodle. Under the suffocation, the thick arm has swung his hand and swept the leaves to Ye Che. Bayi Chinese Network W★wW. ★81zくW. CoM

"A strong sense of power!!"

"How does this leaf block?!"

Everyone has widened his eyes.

At this time, Ye Che suddenly moved, and the two attacks seemed to be in contact with each other, and there was a shocking crash.


Ye Che just stretched out his right arm, and then like a fly, easily shot against Xiong Long.

Suddenly, there was a horrible roar in the mouth of the bear.

When the whole person was struck by lightning, Ye Che’s palm was like a hill slamming down, and Xiong Long’s face was full of red, and his whole person, who had completely uncontrolled, had a few dozen steps.

Every step is on the rocky ground, leaving a deep footprint, and the footprints of these rocks are completely cracked!

Splashing stones, like a dark weapon shot around, scared some recruits crazy burst.


Looking at the palm of the hand, Ye Xiao, who is in the palm of his hands, is stupid. Everyone is stupid.

In particular, I saw that Xiong Long could not resist the inexplicable force. After sitting on the ground with the last ass, the original soldiers who were going to wait for Ye Che to be shredded were even more wonderful.

When the bright red lips of the water scorpion were big, she didn't know it. She looked at the bear dragon sitting on the ground with a grin, and then looked at Ye Chu, who stood in the same place and didn't even step back. Sluggish.

Wu Heng looked at each other and some did not understand the situation, but they all saw the horror in their eyes.


Xiong Long's face flushed, and after taking a lot of ground, he stood up with a roar.

His eyes were scarlet, staring at Ye Che.

"Not convinced!? Then come again!"

Ye Che picked up his eyebrows.

"Kid, you succeeded in angering me!"

Xiong Long gasped, and only felt that the arm that was in contact with Ye Che was still faint.

"This kid has a problem, don't care, use the real power directly!!"

The solution to the soldiers’ eyes to Ye Che’s eyes has long been extremely dignified.

Although Xiong Long has only been a tentative attack, Ye Che’s performance is too exaggerated. Just one palm, the bear dragon that has been hit has repeatedly retreated. Obviously, this Ye Che single is powerful in strength and stronger than Xiong Long. many!

"Reassured, I will not give him another chance!!"

Xiong Long said, taking a deep breath, and then the body, a red light.

"This is... the war dog roaring, not only can get the defensive bonus, but also in a short period of time, the body recovery is greatly accelerated!"

There are new recruits screaming around.

"It seems that the bear dragon is really moving!"

Many people are starting to get excited.

Just the blow, Ye Che's performance is strong, but they estimate that Ye Che should be directly and fully, and Xiong Long is only a tentative attack.

At this time, Xiong Long’s “War of Roaring” opened, and the red light was always moving. With the force of the position, the muscles of his body squirmed, like a giant python, with a fearful atmosphere.


Xiong Long took a step forward on his right foot, and the whole person’s body fell halfway.


Ye Che’s eyes are slightly stunned.

Xiong Long seems to have seen the doubts in Ye's eyes. After his eyes flashed a fierce light, his body slowly disappeared from the original place with some dull sound.

"Hey... Stealth... Poodle big move... Hunting rhythm!!!"

"This big move is not the death of you or the rhythm of my death!!"

Said, the people present were excited.

Can come to the chaos of the battlefield, which is not a militant, what to learn, are jokes, the real, is the struggle between life and death, then it is cool!

At this time, when I saw that Xiong Long started the big move, I was naturally very excited.

But at the same time of excitement, I feel that there is some faintness behind the neck. Think about it, a stealth enemy will always fight to release the lore, who is not worried!

Although I understand that Xiong Long’s goal is not her own, she feels a little numb in her heart.

"Feeling that he didn't..."

Wu Heng whispered a question to the water.

There are some fluctuations around the body of the otter, which is using the true feelings, but soon, the scorpion will be discouraged: "No."

Not only did she not even feel the slightest breath of Xiong Long.

In other words, if she plays with Xiong Long, once Xiong Long makes a big move, she will be killed by an instant second.

What to fly a kite is a joke for a big dog like an assassin.

Unless you can sense his existence, you can respond.

Wu Heng shook his head and did not speak. Instead, he looked at Ye Che, who was standing in the field, and his eyes flashed a little anxious.

One second... five seconds... ten seconds...

In a blink of an eye, ten seconds passed, and the field was already quiet, leaving only the breathing of everyone.

The figure of Xiong Long is like a shadowless killer.

I don't know how long it has been, Ye Che, who has never been moving, suddenly moved, and his arms stretched out slightly.

"come yet!?"

“Does he perceive the bear dragon!!!”

Everyone has a shock.

However, the next second Ye Er’s words made them silent for a while.

"Not yet, Dad’s posture has been so tired for so long!?"

Ye Che said with a lazy waist.

"Haha, this guy... is it really a good idea, or is it a middle two?"

"It’s not drunk, can't he know that there is a stealth killer, he will always be..."

This person will attack him at any time and he has not finished talking, he suddenly widened his eyes.

I saw a huge roar suddenly in the field, and behind Ye Che, a man who was filled with killing like a beast, carrying claws, like a tiger, rushed to Ye Xue.

Xiong Long’s pair of claws were completely phantom, which caused the violent shock of the air to distort, and it was a sharp whistling sound.

This sudden scene scared many new recruits almost suffocating.

"I’m finally willing to take it!”

Ye Che has already thought of Xiong Long’s shot. No one saw Ye Che’s shot. He only felt that his eyes were bright, and then there was an arm in front of him. It was an incomparably luxurious arm.

This arm is all white gold, just like the essence, the breath on it is extremely majestic.

This arm is only slightly stretched, and the dragon's slamming action is like a **** caught in the neck, and the incomparable squat is in the air.


Xiong Long’s eye-catching killings instantly became incredible.

Still want to break free, Ye Che's eyes flashed a trace of cold light, and then the platinum arm slightly forced, "Boom", a figure like a cannonball, flew out from Ye Che hands, and then flew out nearly two hundred meters Far, heavy on the beach.

Suddenly, the scene was dead.

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