League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 860: Resignation

"This... play fun?"

I don't know how long it took for someone to stutter. √八一中文网WくwW★. ★8く1くzW. CoM

Then, a pair of eyes looks like a monster, and casts on the young man who has not moved half a step.

Before Xiong Long was hit by a fly, it was seen by everyone. At that time, he thought that Xiong Long did not use real strength.

After Xiong Long opened the poodle big move, everyone is planning to enjoy a feast. However, to everyone's surprise, after Xiong Long used his real strength, he was defeated more tragically and simply than before!

Next to Wu Heng, looking at the changes in the field, the watery scorpion, a long, slender jade hand slowly covered the seductive red lips, the plump chest slightly undulating, marking a thrilling arc.

"This guy, how hasn't seen it for three days has changed to such a degree! With just one hand, it broke the "hunting rhythm" of Xiong Long!!!"

The otter thought, taking a deep breath and looking at Ye's gaze, the more complicated.

At this time, Ye Che’s gaze has fallen on the body of the soldiers. The meaning is already obvious.


The solution seemed to be something that the soldiers seemed to want to say, but looked at the bear-and-dung on the beach and looked at the soldiers around them who were staring at themselves. A cold snoring.

"call out!"

A golden battle shot against Ye Che.

"Twenty thousand battles are taken!"

In the tone of the military, I can’t hear hate and kill.

But Ye Che knows that he is absolutely on the blacklist of this solution.

"Lanton 6 team... It seems to be a problem."

Ye Che secretly stunned for a moment, but the next second, with the entry of 20,000 martial arts, his heart was instantly clear, afraid of trouble, fear of no war!

Ye Che is the best small item in the boutique exchange store, and it has been a long time.

"let's go!"

The level of hard fight has not been spelled out, and people have been killed by the spikes. If they are solved for the scenes of the soldiers, they can’t say it, they have to hate to leave.

Waiting for the soldiers and others to go, the scene suddenly boiled up.

"Great brother, what is your heroic skill!? I thought for a long time, I didn't expect any hero skills to be so abnormal!!"

"What Xiong Long, what is the low-key hidden strength before, is simply funny, not hiding or seeing what waves!"

"The Lanton 7 team has this Ye Che, and it is forced to be promoted!!"

These soldiers, all talking and talking, looking at Ye Che, full of surprise.

Ye Che smiled and gave Wu Heng a look, then left to go.

Wu Heng glimpsed and quickly kept up.

Soon, Wu Heng and his entourage, along with Ye Che and Xiao Qing, came to a remote place in Crab Island.

"Ye Che, I really didn't see it, you are a metamorphosis!"

At the first stop, Yi Lin, who had recruited members of the team, looked at Ye Che’s exaggerated face.

"It is true that this bear dragon is said to be able to support the diamond for a few minutes, and Nima falls in your hand, and it is directly to the second."

The deputy captain of the Langton 7 team, Hai Yan, also exclaimed, his eyes kept spinning around Ye Che.

Wu Heng also sighed, his eyes glanced: "As long as you follow us, I can guarantee that, within half a year, you will go hunting the diamond demon, there is no problem!"

Only when the voice just fell, Ye Che shook his head and said: "I am here to resign to you."


Wu Heng and others glimpsed, and the water scorpion also stunned. My heart didn't know why there was a feeling of loss in a moment.

Ye Che came here this time, in addition to taking the heart of the sea magic that is worth 20,000 battles, naturally, after talking with Wu Heng, then set off to the a-class chaos battlefield.

After all, Wu Heng and others, the equivalent of his guide, not only informed him in detail about the battlefield, but also for Ye Che to buy the two sea magic hearts, not the two sea magic hearts, maybe The injury could not be recovered for a while.

In love, Ye Che will only be heard.

"Resignation, where are you going to resign? Follow us, not to get the battle faster..."

Wu Heng’s words have not been finished yet, and suddenly he can’t go on, because he can make the 3rd-level warriors become the 3rd-level fighters in three days.

When he thought of it, he was shocked. He became a 3rd-level warrior in 3 days, and in these three days, the devil's nest was born...

And... the name of the twelfth place in the Boss Hall of Fame...

"My God, killing the devil's nest boss, the people who made the devil's nest come out, will not be you!!!"

Wu Heng couldn't help but endure this amazing speculation, suddenly blurted his eyes and blurted out.


The rest of the people were all in great shock.

Sometimes, it is just a little bit of a call. Now Wu Heng said this, they suddenly thought of this.

In an instant, looking at Ye Che’s eyes one by one, it’s like watching monsters.

"This... fortunately... fortunately..."

Ye Chegan coughed and continued: "If nothing unexpected, I am leaving now."

It is really him! ! !

Wu Heng, Yi Lin and others all screamed, and the water is even worse for the whole person.

A few people can't figure it out. This is only the leaf of the Platinum III, **** the devil boss.

But it is about the secrets of others, and it is not easy to ask.

However, Wu Heng did not notice that when Ye Che said that he was lucky, his eyes swept over them without any trace, and they saw no eclipse in their eyes, such as greed and killing, and then regained their gaze.

Originally Ye Che was not so careful, but this dangerous place is indispensable.

After all, it is related to the division of a whole boss's demon land. The resulting military exploits are terrible, not to mention the massive feats.

However, Ye Che feels that Wu Heng and others are not so stupid. Since they can kill the devil bosses and the strong strength that they have just shown, they are even greedy. If they are not sure, they are not daring to do so.

After all, robbing the teammates of the same team, this is no different from the traitors, spread out, Wu Heng and others have not lifted their heads for the rest of their lives.

At this point, I heard Ye Che said that now, Wu Heng brows and wrinkles, said: "So urgent, do you have anything to do?"

"Well, I am going to go to the a-class chaos battlefield!"

Ye Che said bluntly.

"A level chaos battlefield!?"

Wu Hengyi.

The rest of the people looked at Ye Che in an inexplicable look.

"Where do you go to the a-class chaos battlefield, the a-class chaos battlefield is more chaotic than here, all kinds of forces and all kinds of geniuses are mixed in, you are not familiar with the environment of the chaos battlefield, go to eat a big loss !"

Wu Heng’s words seem to have a bitter taste.

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