League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 861: Class A chaos battlefield transmission array

"It's okay, I have my own size, in fact... I suggest that you also go to the a-class chaos battlefield early, maybe... there will be unexpected gains..."

After Ye Che finished, he waved at Xiaoqing and said: "Come here. August 1 Chinese √WW★W★.8★1zW.CoM"


Xiaoqing nodded very embarrassedly and then walked over.

Ye Che finally arched his hand against Wu Heng and others, and then, under the horror of their eyes, they rushed to Xiaoqing and rushed to the sea.

"Team... Captain... You slap me and see if I have a dream... He... He can fly!!!"

Yi Lin’s view of the world’s collapsed, his face snarled and pointed at his face.

"Oh! Ah!!"

A crisp slap in the face accompanied by a scream, and Yilin was directly beaten in the same place for several rounds.

"It will scream... it seems to be true..."

Ouyang Bing looked at the five bright red fingerprints on Yi Lin's face, and said slyly.

"Ah, wow, the donkey doesn't take you so hearty!!!"

After Yilin stopped his body, he looked at Ouyang Bing with a look of resentment.

"Don't make trouble... It seems that this Ye Che has a big secret, go to the a-level battlefield, and have an unexpected harvest..."

After Wu Heng finished, his eyes fell on Haitang and said: "What do you think?"

"This kid just came to the b-class chaos battlefield, and he dug out a boss devil's lair. He got a lot of merits and other rewards. There must be a means that ordinary people don't know. Since he reminded us to go to the a-class chaos battlefield, obviously Soon, the a-level chaos battlefield will have a big event, and this matter should be good for our Langton 7 team! Fighting bold, starving and timid, go, captain, I suggest we all go!"

Haishu said, the voice became firm.

Wu Heng nodded. Obviously, Haishu’s thoughts coincided with him.

"In this case, we will prepare for one day. The a-level battlefield is no better than the b-level battlefield. The fish and dragons are mixed and chaotic. We don't dare to act in a high-profile manner. We must do a good job."

Said, Wu Heng's gaze suddenly fell on the otter.

"Water scorpion, a level chaos battlefield, do you want to go?"

Wu Heng suddenly asked.

"miss you!"

The ghost made the difference, perhaps it was too deep to be stimulated by Ye Che, and the water was immediately subconsciously said.

"Thinking, you and Ye Che are the same batch of recruits. Listen to Yilin. You have known before, then tell me, this Ye Che, what is going on..."

Wu Heng’s gaze flickered and fell on the face of the otter, seemingly with a little exploration.

The otter just took a moment to squint, and then did not think much, began to talk about the process of understanding with Ye Che.


At the same time, Ye Che was flying at sea, and soon, he came to the triangle waters when he first came to the b-class battlefield.

"Wait await you, I will buy some of the Sea Devil's Heart and other things!"

Ye Che, after Xiaoqing fell on the beach, said.

"Go ahead, I just blow the sea breeze."

Xiaoqing waved his hand and stared at the sun above his head.

"The sea breeze that had been blowing in the sky for so long has not been blown enough..."

Ye Che shook his head silently, but did not say much, but procured all kinds of supplies.

This battle is full of money, rich and self-willed, Ye Che directly bought the quality of the 30 sea magic of Platinum quality, after all, Platinum ii promoted Platinum i although it is necessary to not much, but Platinum i to Platinum peak, according to Ye Chu estimates No, twenty are estimated to be unable to get down.

Thirty sea magic hearts, spending 30,000 battles.

Then all kinds of steel mixture, anger mixture, witchcraft mixture, all bought the 6th level, which is the level of the warrior, the corresponding effect in the five minutes increased by 3o, one bottle and one thousand, each bought five bottles, also It is 20,000!

Then I bought 30 pieces of the essence of Jinling, which is the thing that enhances the quality of the hero, and spent 30,000.

The essence of Jinling can enhance the quality of the Galenian hero. When it is hard to resist diamonds, it is not afraid of being broken. This is the most important thing for the present.

Then, all kinds of miscellaneous things, compared to the boutique exchange store, Ye Che did not look up, just bought some clothes and so on, they did not buy.

Suddenly, 80,000 battles and one flower, only a few thousand battles left, the war will make you want to upgrade again, you need to achieve a total of 100,000 battles, in order to reach the level 4 war.

After buying things and changing himself to a set of water-blue thin-winged armor, Ye Che returned to the beach.

However, there is no shadow of Xiaoqing in the place, but Ye Che is not worried. Xiaoqing can still have a kind of spirit leaf. Even the mother crab can't break the defense. Ye Che does not think anyone in this place can hurt her.

Looking for it, I saw Xiaoqing, who was not far from the beach.

Walking to her side, she was holding a few shells in her hand, and her mouth seemed to contain a smile.


Ye Che asked questions.


Xiaoqing turned back and saw Ye Che came. After the shell in the hand was thrown into the sea, he came over.

"what happened to you?"

Ye Che frowned and asked, his mood of Xiaoqing seems to be a bit wrong.

"Oh, nothing, let's go."

After Xiaoqing’s smile was finished, he naturally walked to Ye’s side and stood.

Ye Qing sighed, grabbed Xiaoqing, let the little dance call out the rune of the a-level battlefield, and then flew past.

However, at sea, Ye Che could not help but ask: "Look at you like a shell, how to throw it?"

"Who can stipulate what you like, can't you still be?"

Xiaoqing’s girl asked, and the wind blew her silk around.

"This has nothing to do with the regulations? You love it, and naturally it won't let go."

Ye Che said.

"God Allah, nothing, there are a lot of things in my hometown, hundreds of times more than a few hundred times more shells!"

Xiaoqing said, his eyes showed the color of nostalgia, and the corner of his mouth evoked the smile of the memory.

"When are you going back, there is your hometown, where is your hometown?"

Ye Che asked curiously.

"When you pass the Holy Forest test, I will be able to go back... my hometown... is far and far away, but beautiful, really beautiful."

Xiaoqing said, suddenly looking at Ye Chedao with a smile: "I have a chance, I can take you to my hometown to see..."


See Xiaoqing described her hometown so well, Ye Che also came to interest.

"Hmm, that's the sentence!"

Xiaoqing's eyes are bent into a crescent.


All the way to fly, Ye Che's 100-meter field appeared from time to time, supporting Ye Che all the way to fly.

The demons that can fly in the chaos battlefield are still very few, and the atmosphere of Ye Cheshen is rich and powerful. He himself does not stop at all, so he is not blocked by any demons.

Soon, the two arrived at the rune transmission line that sent the a-class chaos battlefield!

This is a huge stone monument. The stone monument does not know much. Anyway, it is so dead in the sea, revealing a disc of more than ten meters.

Next to the disc, many manned water curtain boats were docked, and people from time to time walked out.

On the stone tablet, about seven or eight people are waiting to be transferred.

Ye Che fell directly from the air on the disc, and suddenly attracted the attention of most of the people present.

Ps: The transition chapter with no content is always written very card, but it is the same as the seemingly meaningless stay in life. Thank you for your continued support.

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