League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 870: 叮~ Congratulations to the gods

Seeing this scene, Ye Che's eyes are extremely dignified. Bayi Chinese Network W√wW√. 81zW. CoM

These have chosen the occupational category, they have two more blood than their own, and more extra attack power, but even they are killed by the second, not to mention themselves.

It seems that I want to upgrade, it must be considered from a long time.

Those who saw the scene just now returned to the village of Shenglin with a heavy face. During the speech, they were discussing how to upgrade.

No surprise, this must be united.

"Xiao Qing... This bone-bone beast is too abnormal, how to fight!?"

Ye Che did not want to circle, and asked Xiao Qing directly.

For him, killing bones and beasts is difficult, but it is not impossible. Just combine dozens of people and then pick and drop the singles. It will be fine.

But there is Xiaoqing, Ye Che does not want to waste time.

"Immature? Invariant, as long as you ascend to level 1, killing them is as easy as cutting vegetables."

Xiaoqing immediately replied.

Ye Che's face instantly darkened, and it was easy to rise to level 1, and asked her what to do.

"You can't come early, you only have to find more people, find the killing of the order, I promise, as long as you reach level 1, you can kill them alone!"

Xiaoqing's message, come again.

Ye Che frowned, and said: "Where is this holy forest world, how can there be rules like this?"

"Because my hometown was called Shenglin before, my grandfather was a natural spirit, and this holy forest world was copied by him."

Xiao Qing’s tone seems to be because Ye Che entered the world of Shenglin and loosened a lot. This sentence immediately made Ye Che a little clearer to this holy forest world.

Twisted tree essence, if you remember correctly, it is on the shadow island in life, and the predecessor of Shadow Island is called Shenglin!

"It turns out that...but this power is really a stalwart, and it has created a fake world!"

Ye Che took a deep breath.

Then, the friend bar was silently turned off, and then the eyes of many people in the village of St. Lin swept away.

There, a lot of people have started to form a large team.

Because they are all o-level, they are also whiteboard equipment. In the absence of grievances, there is no need to worry about someone slashing in the back, so the process of joining together on a large scale is still very fast.

Ye Che also found a team of 3o people and added them.

Then, I went out to the village.


Outside the village of Shenglin, there is an endless forest, quiet and incomparable, the sound of everyone stepping on the ground, clear ears.

"The horror of this bone-bone beast, I think everyone knows, so be careful, don't take it lightly, and take turns to resist the blame. Remember, resist it, immediately retreat, and then fill it with other blood! Because there is no team The system distributes experience on average, so the first bone-bone beast, whoever kills it, kills the first bone-bone beast, and is not allowed to attack in the face of the second blood-stained beast! I have waited until we are 3o people, all of them have killed the bone-bone beast, can we re-examine the **** blood, do you understand?"

The person who spoke was a thin man of about forty-seven years old. The id was the wind of the Desolation Valley. Because it was the oldest team in the team, it was also a team leader, so everyone defaulted to his team leader.

After hearing his words, everyone had no opinions.

Anyway, 3o people take turns to kill the strange experience, the upgrade is only the time of the morning and evening, no bad.

Ye Che naturally has no opinion, but his eyes are constantly shooting around, lest he will suddenly emerge a few bone-beating beasts and give himself to the second.

As the wind in the bleak valley is silent, the scene is quiet again. Obviously, because the six people died before, they are not sloppy. After all, life is only once, so the look is dignified and focused!


Suddenly, there was a low-pitched voice not far away, and everyone’s eyes lit up and the pace was slightly accelerated.

Soon, the three-and-a-half-meter-high bone-bone beast has appeared in front of everyone.

"Three-headed beasts, we are divided into three teams, ten people kill one, start!"

The wind in the bleak valley was low and the first one took the lead and walked over.

The rest of the people, also very tacitly divided into three teams, and then surrounded by these three bones beasts.

Although they only have o-level in the world of Shenglin, they are all good players in the battlefield of the chaos, and the combat experience is extremely rich!

So 1o hit 1, everyone is still sure.

The six people were in the blink of an eye, but the ideas have not yet been converted, thinking that they are still the diamond masters.

Finally, the three ten-person squad were close to the bone-beast, and the skeletal beast naturally showed these three ill-intentioned teams, but when they looked at so many people, they looked fearless, and the three-headed beast roared. After that, it has already rushed over.


The fierce light in the eyes of the bleak valley stunned, holding the inferior multi-lane sword to welcome the past.

Here, Ye Che also followed the ten people and rushed to the right side of a bone-bone beast.


The bones of the bone-bone beast fell on the leader of the team on the side of Ye Che. This person suddenly showed a blood loss of 7 and the amount of blood left was only 5 points!


This person’s heart was cold and he quickly retreated.

But what is gratifying to him is that just in the moment he retired, this bone-bone beast has already suffered a full 9 attacks!

In 9 times, there were 7 times of 3 blood volume, and the other two were 2, which together, this bone-bone beast, fell 25 points!

The blood of the bone-bone beast, half left!

"There are 25 points left... The last blow will kill it!"

Ye Che’s heart meditation, until everyone almost holds the inferior multi-lan sword, and when the attack falls on it, Ye Che’s arm is slightly a bit, the inferior multi-lan sword is stabbed, and the latter is bright red and fluttering. The blood volume is deducted and floats from the top of the beast.



With this seemingly slight blood deduction, the bone-bone beast screamed and fell to the ground.

Congratulations to the gods to kill the 1st level bone-beat, gain experience, 1o point, experience value system open, 1o7o experience value, distance upgrade, 6o left!

叮 1 1 level kills the demon successfully, gains a reputation value of 1.

Two buzzing sounds rang in Ye Er's ear.

"Oh, I am going, this kid is so lucky, the first one was killed by him!"

"6666666, how much upgrade is still worse?"

The other 9 people in a small team with Ye Che said enviously.

However, although the words seem to reveal envy, but they do not care about their hearts, after all, upgrading is a matter of time.

As soon as you reach level 1, the number of people is doubled, and the number of people in the team is reduced.

"There are still 6 heads... It counts. When the League of Legends was first upgraded, there were 7 small soldiers on the single-player line. The initial upgrade here is the same."

Ye Che smiled.

The rest of the people thought, but also nodded and wondered.

At this point, the three teams rejoined together, and the wind in the Desolation Valley encouraged everyone to continue.

"There are still 6 heads... According to this efficiency, it is very fast... I don’t know Xiaoqing said that after upgrading, they cut them like cut vegetables. Is it true? After all, even if I upgrade my blood volume, I will double. Only 2o points..."

Ye Che said to himself, at this moment, the four swaying figures, slowly appeared after a few large trees in the distance.

Four headed beasts!

Ps: Tomorrow, the protagonist will rise up against the sky, and ask for a ticket.

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