League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 871: Shenglin Village

Ps: WeChat public number, search sinking into the sea c, or ruoo52o, most of the information video link benefits will be distributed on the public number. Bayi Chinese ★ Net W√wW. ★8★1zW★. ★CoM

The four bone-eating beasts were stunned by the gaze. After hearing the footsteps of thirty people such as Ye Che, they immediately turned around.

Then, in the sluggish eyes, a fierce light flashed, and the unknown leg bones in his hand waved, and he wowed over.

"Divided into 4 teams, each team has 7 people, and two people are free to support."

The wind in the desolate valley was very decisive, and immediately responded according to the number of enemies.

Ye Che is not in a hurry this time. He has already got the experience of a bone-bone beast. He has to take a few rounds to start killing the blood, so Ye Che’s attack is not calculated.

At this point, the two sides began to contact.








The deduction of blood volume, the flying floats on the top of both sides.

However, because it is divided into 4 squads, the efficiency of destroying the blood of the bone-bone beasts is much less than before. Until the four people in each team are injured, the four bone-beating beasts are all solved.

"It can be seen that the amount of blood we lost is only recovered every minute. Everyone should take a break now and then leave after ten minutes."

The wind in the bleak valley sighed and said.

Ye Che found a place to sit down, but his eyes glanced at it.

The degree of running the bone-bone beast is almost the same as that of Ye Che, so there is no problem as long as it is traced in advance.

"It's really hard to kill. According to this efficiency, everyone has to kill 7 enough to upgrade. Our 3o individual, that is, 21o bone-bone beast, I am afraid that it will take at least a whole day."

After someone sat on the grass in the forest, frowning complained.

"Otherwise, if there is any way, if we are scattered into several small teams, we will meet three or four bone-eating beasts, and we will not be able to beat them. In any case, the Holy Forest world does not set a deadline. It is difficult for us to fight. It is as difficult as others."

"It makes sense. Now it seems that it is not so easy to reach the 18th level."

"I just don't know if there will be skills after the upgrade, otherwise it will be so sad."

The people talked about it, and Ye’s eyes kept sweeping around.

From time to time, there are teams of 20 or 30 people passing by, but in addition to the rustling on the ground, they are all silent, obviously afraid of attracting the attention of the devil.

Time, soon passed, ten minutes in a blink of an eye.

After the crowd is full of blood, continue to set off.

During the period, there was a natural retreat. The retreat was a bone-eating beast that met the big wave. In this way, it took more than two hours.

On a dry meadow, the sun shines straight through the gaps in the leaves.

Originally, this picture was very quiet and beautiful, but it was broken by the buzz from the bottom of the devil.

"Fast and full of blood"

"Cut it fast, it's bloody."

Under the tree, the figures flashed and staggered, and the short-handed swords in their hands were desperately stabbed against the enemies in front of them.

Ye Che's eyes flashed, the inferior multi-language sword in his hand, the fifth place fell on the body of a bone-beating animal in front of him.



The bone-bone beast screamed and fell to the ground.

叮Get experience point 1o, reputation 1


"I am grass, bunker, boy. This is the second bone-burning beast you killed. I didn't expect it to be rotated. You have already gotten the first place."

Aside, a young man with many freckles on his face looked at Ye Che’s surprised look.

Only at the same moment, there was a shock on the other side.

It turned out that there was also one person there, and it was equally lucky to win the experience of the second bone-bone beast.

However, this person is really lucky, not like Ye Che deliberately grab.

"Old rules, rest for 1o minutes, continue to start"

The wind in the bleak valley, the windy atmosphere.

Up to now, everyone has hunted a total of 36 bone-bone beasts, which is a great record.

After the break is over, continue to leave.

The threat of the bone-bone beast is not great. Of course, in the case of not only picking up the situation, everyone is very vigilant and serious along the way, so there is no dangerous situation.

In a blink of an eye, it took more than five hours to pass, and the time of the Holy Forest world has arrived in the evening.

"In the team, there are already three people who have killed 4 bone-beating beasts. Next, in order to improve efficiency, I suggest that the three people should first go to level 1, so that the degree of killing the bone-bone beast will be improved a lot. I don't know everyone. There are no comments"

On the open forest grass, the wind in the bleak valley said.

Finished, the finger pointed at Ye Che, and another man with a cold expression.

The man with a cold expression looks like his age is not big, but when he kills the bone beast, he is very disciplined, and he has four kills of the bone-bone beast.

This has nothing to do with luck, thanks to accurate calculations and strength.

Ye Che was slightly glanced at the indifferent man, the indifferent man's gaze, and almost swept Ye Che, almost obviously, he was a little surprised that Ye Che could continue to kill the bone beast.

"This can be there. When they get to level 1, the efficiency of our killing of the bone-bone beast will increase."

"Well, that's it."

The rest of the people agreed.

So everyone continued to advance, but this time, Ye Che faced the blood, and did not need to deliberately not shot.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Che’s experience value has already reached 6o, and still one can still reach level 1

The same is true of the indifferent man.

At this time, the sky was almost completely dark, and only the bright moonlight gave everyone a direction.

"Only one is out"

Ye Che’s heart meditation, at this time, a vast and majestic voice rang in Ye Er’s ear.

Congratulations to the 13579 Holy Forest Village, Yunyang, the first to reach level 1, reward reputation value 1oo

When everyone was squatting, then a few words rang in the ear.

Congratulations to the 2456 Holy Forest Village, the second in the world, reached the first level, rewarding the reputation value 5o

叮Cong Gongxi 58966, Shenglin Village, the third magic level reached level 1, reward reputation value 4o

"I am going, no, priority upgrades and rewards"

Some people exclaimed, Ye Che was also a wrinkle, wondering why Xiaoqing did not tell himself such important things.

The reputation value is obviously very important, you can exchange equipment, 1oo reputation value, which is equivalent to going to the level of killing monsters 1oo head

"This chaotic clan and the devil are really amazing. So fast, level 1"

Someone in the team sighed.

Now, the world of 闯 林 林 is a good time to raise your reputation, so no one will take an id that has nothing to do with him.

Both are real names, or ids within the League of Legends.

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