League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 873: Eternal kingdom

The black hand smiled and said: "Nothing, you will upgrade very quickly, and the efficiency of killing bone beasts will increase greatly!"

After that, he made a slight meal, and suddenly his eyes flashed and continued: "Right, after rising to level 1, the team system was touched and can be teamed up, but only the group is level 1. August 1 Chinese ★ Network W√wW.★8★1zW★.★CoM”

Said, his eyes fell on Ye Che, his look, seems to have some Minghui.

Ye Che naturally understands what he means. This guy wants to team up with himself and then join forces to kill the bone beast.

However, Ye Che is not a person who crosses the river to break the bridge. His eyes are only stunned on the black hand's face, and there is no more.

The black palm bottom of the hand snorted, he wanted to form a team, naturally want to first look at the meaning of Ye Che, otherwise directly open, if Ye Che does not agree, his face to go there.

But if you promise, don't worry about this face, as long as you can upgrade the level quickly, nothing else is important.

The wind in the bleak valley seemed to sound the meaning of the black hand, and the brow wrinkled, but did not say anything.

Instead, he turned his eyes on Ye Che. Obviously, he felt that Ye Che had silently rejected the meaning of the black hand and had a good impression on Ye Che.

"Is it clear that God is right? I don't know how much your attack power is."

The black hand asked Yu Ye.

"I also choose the warrior, almost like you."

Ye Che smiled and said.

This sentence is not beyond the expectations of the black hand, after all, the same level 1, both are whiteboard equipment, the attributes should be no different.

He said Ye Qi’s meaning in this sentence, just want to express his dissatisfaction.

"And, after the upgrade, I got a skill at random!"

The black hand suddenly smiled and licked Ye Che.

The properties can be the same, but the skills are good or bad.

Since he can propose it now, he is also very good at it. Obviously, the random skills are very good.

"There are skills!!!"

Everyone widened their eyes and looked horrified.

"Fortunately, the skills believe that you are very familiar, the bloodthirsty killing of the barbarians! The first level bloodthirsty killing has gained 5 points of attack power, and ... can return blood, there is a chance of crit!"

The black hand rubbed his lips and said.

"Rely, metamorphosis! Then you do not have 15 attack power now, killing the bone beast is also a matter of 4 swords, this is still no good equipment!!! With the return of blood, this can continue to fight! ”

"Big Brother, take us to upgrade!"

The people present were extremely eager to look up.

Ye Che is also a slight shock. This black-handed random skill is really good. Not only does it get the most needed attack damage, but it also returns blood and has a chance of crit.

For a time, the people on the scene were surrounded by black hands.

The wind around the bleak valley was suddenly deserted.

The wind in the desolate valley did not care, but the eyes were eager to show off. Obviously, the upgrade has also been expected to the extreme.

"Oh, brother, what skills did you randomly get?"

The wind in the bleak valley went to Ye Che and asked.

When I heard the words, everyone’s head turned and the black hand gaze at it and realigned it with Ye Che.

Obviously, he is very concerned about what skills Ye Qi has randomly arrived at.

Ye Che waved a smile and said: "The knife blade's sharp edge impact, but the mana value is required. It is purely a display, and the chicken ribs are dying, not comparable to the black hand."

It is said that apart from the black hand, everyone sighs.

Obviously it is a pity, after all, how much mana the warrior can have.

Black hand is also a slight loose heart, his blue amount is only 1o point obtained by the upgrade, this blue amount, obviously can not release this skill.

At this point, his face reappeared with a confident smile, saying: "Go, I will help you upgrade the ranks!"

"Go and go!"


Everyone was excited and called, and then began to search for the bone-bone beast.

Around the crowd, there are many teams who are also searching for bone-beating beasts. They have heard the words of the black hand here. They know that some people have risen to level 1 and they are not envious of their faces.

This time soon, two bone-burning beasts were printed in everyone's eyes.


The black hand first rushed out, and he obviously couldn’t wait any longer.

The rest of the people, as he excitedly rushed over.

Because there are only two heads, Ye Che did not shoot, but looked quietly behind.


The bone-bone beast roared and waved against the black hand.

"Go to death!"

The black hand holds a poor quality Dolan sword.



A dazzling injury, floated up.

The rest of the people's attacks fall on it, only 2 or 3, the gap is not that big.


The stick of the bone-bone beast also fell on the black hand, and the black hand wanted to hide, but was restricted by the move and did not hide.

A 6 blood deduction, floating above his head.

And his blood left, there are still 18 points!

In other words, the black hand can completely resist the four attacks of the bone-bone beast!

"It seems that his armor has 1 point..."

Ye Chemo silently heard.

Ye Che saw in the armor introduction, 1 armor, can resist a little damage.

"Haha, eat me another sword!"

The black hand smirked, and did not recede at all, and the inferior multi-language sword in the hand once again stabbed.


Another 15 damage, floating on the top of the bone-bone beast.

Coupled with the damage of everyone, the blood of this bone-bone beast is less than 5 points!

"I come!"

A Chinese character face man immediately sighed with a big joy and wanted to make up the last sword.

However, at this time, more than a dozen extremely panicking voices came from the jungle not far away, and in the vagueness, I could hear the roar of the devil!

This roar is more shocking than the Bone Beast!


Ye Che brows a look, looking at the tens of meters away.

In an instant, I saw seventeen or eight people, and the face was very scared and rushed over.

Behind him, a tall, incomparable shadow is looming.

And soon, they came out.

Ye Che's eyes fell on this figure, not to take a breath of cold air.

This is a giant beetle about one meter high. It is about two meters long and has a sharp limb with a cold glow.

At this time, because it is in combat state, it is in a state of being displayed.

Beetle Small Collar: Level 2

Blood volume: 1962oo

Attack power: 3o

Armor: 3

"3o attack power..."

Ye Che has a deep heart.

At the same time, these dozens of people have already noticed the black hand and other people, immediately rushed over and ran over, and ran in the first young man with a dark face, and even shouted: "Labor is a person of eternal kingdom." , help me block it!!!"

"People of the eternal kingdom!?"

The black hand is bright.

But when he saw the state of the beetle's small commander, his heart snorted again, and the attacking power of 3o could completely kill himself, how to block it! ?

He was thinking about it. When everyone was a little bit, the dozens of people had already rushed into the 30 people like Ye Che.

And the little beetle of the beetle, with a scream, rushed in.

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