League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 874: Surrounding the Beatles

Ps: Don't worry about your friends, just open a copy to play League of Legends. Bayi Chinese Network Wくw★W√. 81くzW. CoM


The small beetle of the beetle just rushed in, and the sides of the blade were like a blade.

In an instant, there were several screams in the field.

"Puff puff!"




Three terrible blood deductions, from which the three of them floated up.

What followed was that the three men fell heavily on the ground and the blood was empty.

On the head of the beetle's small collar, only the numbers of 1, 1, and 1 are floating.

This blood volume means that everyone can't break its defense.

The Beatles, a small commander, three seconds, scared a lot of people present, but the other part, but excitedly smashed up, "Come on, there is a boss-level boss, killing explosive equipment to gain reputation experience!!!!"

"Fast, come kill!!"

Many extremely fierce people shouted exaggeratedly.

Immediately, the movement here has attracted a large number of people.

Soon after, there were hundreds of people around the field, but with the ravages of the Beatles, the seven or eight people were dead.

"Who is the Assassin professional category, go to attract attention, others attack!"

Many team leaders shouted.

Because after selecting the Assassin occupation category, there is an extra transfer, so it is hopeful to avoid the Beetle small attack.

Most of the people present were extremely experienced in combat. At this time, after hearing the words of this person, there were immediately thirty or forty assassin-type people who rushed out, but the green light was directed against the beetle.

They dare to risk their lives to attract firepower. Naturally, they want to get the moon in the near water. As soon as they get closer to the beetle, they will have the chance to grab the head.


The beetle is a strange snoring, and its claws are drawn against a scum man in front of it. The claws wrapped in the whistling wind are falling on the body of the scum, the scum man The shape of the squad suddenly increased, and it was extremely dangerous to hide the past.

It was a little bit worse, and his head would have to be cut.

Hu Zhanzi took a deep breath and his heart was not too ups and downs. In reality, he was a divine iv, and the dangerous situation has been experienced, let alone now!

As long as he can kill it in the early stage, he has the hope of winning the first!

At the same time, the Husband man attracted the small beetle of the Beatles, and then escaped the moment of its attack, countless handles of inferior quality Dolan sword, has been stabbed on it.










Countless blood depletion, flying on the beetle's small collar.

1 is mandatory deduction of blood, while 7, it means that someone has risen to level 1!

Ye Che, standing next to him and not immediately shooting, his eyes fell on the beetle's small collar, the three extremely sensitive people.

Among the three, there is a young man who looks young, but his eyes seem to be a haze, the one who just took a dozen people to call for help.

It is also a person of the eternal kingdom, but did not expect that he actually reached level 1!

The other two are older and the offensive is extremely calm.

These three first-class masters are often exhausted by the new force of the Beatles. When the old forces are not born, they begin to hurt and the timing is very appropriate.

Soon, the blood volume of the small beetle of the Beatles fell below a hundred points under the attack of several hundred people.

"Why don't you go?"

In front of Ye Che, the figure suddenly appeared, and the black hand suddenly appeared in front of Ye Che.

"You haven't gone yet..."

Ye Che is faint.

The black hand smiles coldly, he does not go, naturally he is afraid that his injury value will attract others' attention, so when he finally grabs the boss, it is not good to grab it.

"I warn you, this little commander is mine, you better not grab me!"

The black hand said, mentioning the inferior quality of Dolan sword eyes and killing.

The inferior quality of the multi-lane sword, braving the faint red light, this is the "blood-staining killing" of the barbarians activated.

If the 2nd level Beetles are killed, they will definitely get excellent benefits. This will lead most people in the early stage, so the black hand will never let such an opportunity!

"Reassured, I won't grab it with you."

Ye Che smiled, but the bottom of my heart was awkward, I grabbed everyone!

After the black hand reveals a look that you know, the gaze falls back on the body of the beetle.

At this time, its blood volume is only less than 8o.

Even so, the scene has already died seventeen or eight people, this is the beetle that began to be furious by the decrease in blood volume, and was accidentally injured.

Among the assassins who attracted hatred, three or four people died.

Just when the beetle's small commander had about 7o of blood, the young man of the eternal kingdom suddenly stopped the attack and looked up loudly: "Everybody! I am the prince of the eternal kingdom, Wang Yu, the younger brother, Wang Zicong! This beetle Little commander, you help me to kill, there are people at the venue, I promise to receive a big gift in the future! And after the Holy Forest world, we can join our eternal kingdom!!!"

"Eternal Kingdom, Wang Yu!?"

Everyone was surprised at the bottom of his heart. Wang Yu was in the sea of ​​chaos, but a well-known leader was well known in the eternal kingdom.

Unexpectedly, this time I also came to the Holy Forest world.

For a time, many people were silent.

The eternal kingdom is in the top of the chaos, is the top fifteenth level of power, if you can definitely grab this boss, it is not a fight.

The key is that people at the o level are not sure about this small leader.

In this case, it is better to sell this prince.

However, the other two level 1 masters, and the black hand, and Ye Che did not think so.

Those first-level masters are simply trying to **** the small beetle of the beetle, but Ye Che, but extremely dissatisfied, this prince led the beetle's small collar, leading to several people who died in an instant.

Although he did not pay much attention to the dead, but also a partner who fought side by side, Ye Che was extremely unhappy at the time.

Now this prince also wants the boss's head? I just want more!

"Well, we will sell a face of the eternal kingdom. This boss is for you!"

"Wait a friend, don't forget us!"

The people at the o level said that it was the wind in the desolate valley. It was also helpless and shook his head and chose to give up.

His attack can only force the boss 1 point of blood, how to grab!

In this case, it is better to be a seller, so as not to offend the Prince.

"Ha ha ha!!! Well, there are people at the place, my prince Cong has written down, and you will not be able to benefit you in the future, especially those assassin brothers, you will be my brothers in the future!!!"

Wang Zicong said with great joy, and at the same time, watching the small beetle of the beetle, as long as it is killed, I am afraid that the reputation will skyrocket. When it is time to change equipment, it is much easier to kill the devil!

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