League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 881: Ultimate mission, the first battle group

Ye Che looked at their age, and his heart was a bit funny. The nine of them were all twenty-seven years old, but they used a name for themselves. √八一中文★网WwW. 81zW. CoM

However, he also understands that it must be the scene that he just killed the bone-bone beast and was seen by this group of people.

If you don't say them, even if you are in the o level 1 level, you can see that someone can do thousands of injuries, and definitely treat him as a god.

Thinking, Ye Che smiled and said: "What, what?"

Seeing Ye Che does not seem to be the kind of temperamental god. The nine people suddenly feel a sigh of relief.

The leader is a middle-aged man with a beard and slag. The id is Li Suifeng. This name is obviously his real name. He carefully thought about the language and he was careful: "Chu Shen... This... It’s our pleasure to meet you. It’s a good relationship, I don’t know... can you have a lucky friend?”

He is very savvy and has not made any requests, such as taking them to leveling or letting Ye Che tell them the source of their equipment.

After all, who is not a relative, who will help you.

But as long as there are friends, the relationship can be slowly pulled closer.

The voice of the leader fell, and the rest of the people looked at Ye Che from time to time. These people may be strong outside the world of Shenglin, but in the world of Shenglin, like a child looking up to adults, Looking at Ye Che, the eyes are shining.


Ye Che frowned, this holy forest world is a cruel place, can go out, I do not know how many.

Once they have their own friends, they will definitely find opportunities to chat with themselves from time to time. After a long time of familiarity, they will definitely not let them go, it will be a burden.

Thinking of this, Ye Che shook his head and said: "I don't add friends."


Li has a glimpse of the wind, and some of his heart is not a taste, but he knows that like this god, he has always said one thing. Since he said no friends, it is definitely not added.

But the rest are not reconciled.

"Great God, although I am in the world of Shenglin, the level has just reached level 1, but the reality is diamond iv! As the saying goes, there are many roads for many friends. After the unblocking of the 18th level, maybe I can What is your starting point?"

"Yes, yes, I am realistic v, and the power of the paragraph is unblocked. We are brothers, give them a friend."

These people said eagerly.

They really don't want to lose this opportunity. Seeing that the first person in the world of Shenglin is standing in front of them, they really don't want to miss it.

However, Ye Che’s mind has been decided. He is a man of great affection. How to be familiar with these people in the future, certainly not looking at their sacrifices, so he shook his head and wanted to completely refuse, suddenly the information bar lit up.


Ye Che’s eyes lit up and quickly opened the message.

My sister, I am Xiaoqing: "Why haven’t you been out of Shenglin Village? No matter what, now I am giving you a task."

"What mission??"

Ye Cheyi.

At this moment, the tone of the sound suddenly rang in Ye Er's ear.

"One of the ultimate missions of the Holy Forest world: before the 18th level, the establishment of a coalition battle group, this alliance needs to become the first alliance of the Holy Forest world before the people of 5o in the holy forest world reach the 18th level, complete the task, will be able to serve Choose one of the ultimate equipment to bring out the world of Shenglin, is it acceptable?"

Listening to this task, Ye Che's eyes are bright, choose one of the ultimate equipment! ?

Did not think much, Ye Che directly chose to accept.

At this time, Xiaoqing continued: "When someone reaches level 6, the Holy Forest world will open the alliance battle group system, and by then, it will be able to form a war group to collect people."

"The key is, what is the role of becoming the first battle group? Is this related to breaking the seal of the "source"?"

Ye Che asked.

"Well, only the team that became the first battle group will be eligible to go to the seal land and open the seal of the source."

Xiaoqing said.

Ye Che’s heart moved slightly, meaning profoundly: “It seems that your “grandfather” doesn’t seem to trust me.”

"Oh, this is no way to do things. After all, "source" matters a lot, and it is not a person who can crack it. So only the first battle group has this qualification to go. But Grandpa knows that you are weak, Already gave you enough advantages in the early stage, in this case, you still can't form the first battle group, then the grandfather will naturally not pin their hopes on you."

The meaning of Xiaoqing’s words is the “grandfather” in her mouth, and she has prepared a few hands.

Ye Che was suddenly silenced. When he entered the world of Shenglin, he saw it. There were tens of millions of people, and there must be people coming in.

Among so many strong people, it is not easy to form the first battle group.

After all, when everyone goes to level 6, going to the place where they turn to play the League of Legends copy brush equipment, Ye Che's advantage is not so big now.

"That's it, you're going to level 6, the first one is level 6, but there is a big reward."

After Xiao Qing finally said one sentence, he turned off the information.

Ye Che also turned off the information bar, and then his thoughts began to turn sharply.

It can be seen from Xiao Qing’s words that her grandfather is not 100% reassured by herself. The so-called first battle group now seems to be a test for oneself.

"The test will be tested, I will not believe that I have led such a big advantage in the early stage, and I can't form the first battle group!"

Ye Che's eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

At this time, the nine people saw Ye Che did not take care of them for so long, but at the same time, they were extremely helpless.

Although they are all kinds of strong masters outside, but in the world of the Holy Forest, this is the ground, but they have to have the head.

"Oh, that's it, then we won't bother the gods."

Li Sui sighed and then was about to lead the eight people behind him.

Suddenly, a very soft voice fell into his ears.

"Li Suifeng is right... I don't know if you... are you interested in joining my team?"

Ye Che's mouth smirked and looked at Li Suifeng and others.

The first battle group will start from Li Suifeng and others!


The eyes of Li Suifeng and others suddenly slammed the boss.

Joining a team that can kill a level 5 elite boss, it is a dream to wake up.

"Yes, but I have a condition."

Ye Che is faint.

"Conditions, talk about it?"

Li Suifeng looked cautious at once, and this attitude of the gods changed too fast. He worried that he was pitting him.

"It's very simple. Once you join my team, then the equipment and reputation you get will be turned over, and then I will be based on your contribution to my team."

Ye Che whispered, this is very obvious, they can join the team, but everything on the body will be completely tied with Ye Che!

Ps: Four chapters tomorrow, there are two chapters of the temporary update today.

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