League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 882: Selling the deeds fourth, around 10 o'clock in the evening

Ps: The fourth is about 10 o'clock this evening, the little friends are more patient, a book and a world, building a world is not overnight, after the 6th level of the Holy Forest world is immediately open, immediately to pull. √八一中文√网W√wW√. ★81zW. CoM


"This...is the equivalent of selling a deed..."

A young man standing on the left side of Li Suifeng couldn't help but whisper.

"You can refuse!"

Ye Che was not salty and not faint and gave him a look.

"Don't... don't, I will just say it."

The young man quickly lost his smile.

Just kidding, as long as there is a clear upgrade of the team, it will lead countless trials, even if the equipment is turned over, but he also said, in the future will be based on the contribution of the team.

In this case, how could he refuse?

"You know very well that before I was with you, I couldn't bring you to the leveling unconditionally, so my request is very reasonable."

Ye Che said.

"Understand, of course we understand, but the team you are talking about is team formation? How about the team contribution and equipment exchange?"

Li Suifeng said in a row, he must ask this kind of thing. After all, the purpose of his coming to the world of Shenglin is to equip.

With the voice of Li Suifeng, others also revealed the color of the inquiry.

"After this question, I will answer you after level 6. Well, I don't have much time to delay. Now I will go back to Shenglin Village. You can add my friends. I will gather information for you tomorrow morning. I am willing to come, not to come to me." ”

Ye Che said, waved his hand and went straight to the direction of Shenglin Village.

"哎 ........."

"Don't shout!"

Li Suifeng quickly took a face full of doubts and seemed to want to ask the young man. He said: "When he first came to the world of Shenglin, he achieved such a terrible achievement. There is no need for these characters to lie to us."

"But the equipment is..."

Some people next to him are not reconciled.

"Everything you do, do you really care, he cares about the equipment we harvest?"

Li Suifeng’s mouth suddenly evoked a smile.

"Not for getting our gear, or for what?"

These people have a glimpse.

"You think about it. How many hours has it been, he has already killed two bosses, and the reputation gained, I don't know how much it is against the sky. If these reputations are exchanged for equipment, how much will be exchanged! In this case If there is equipment that we can exchange, but how can it be put in his eyes!"

At the moment of Li Suifeng, his eyes passed a ray of wisdom.

"So Li Big Brother, you mean..."

The eyes of the eight people next to them lit up.

"If I didn't guess wrong... He wants to build a real power of his own! I want to train us as my own. In this case, we will initially restrain us with equipment and other materials! Just like we are, as long as we are The more he contributes, the more things he gets!"

Li Suifeng said.

"This... really is very possible!"

"Yes, there are so many people in the world of Shenglin. He has just been inhabited again. It seems that he is weak and obviously wants to form a force!"

"I rely on, in this case, we are not the first brothers of the gods!?"

The people next to Li Suifeng were excited.

"Yes, so we must leave a good feeling in front of him tomorrow, so that we can follow him until the end!"

Li Suifeng said, suddenly sighed and continued: "Beyond the holy forest world, although I have a little qualification, but the level of the League of Legends has not been promoted for many years, the death ruling often fails, my Li family is also dying. Every day, I am scared in the sea of ​​chaos, and you are almost the same, so we must seize this opportunity!"


"for sure!"

"Large brother Li is right!!"

Eight people nodded and occasionally looked at the direction in which Ye Che left, and the eyes were all hot.

They don't blame them. Although they are platinum and diamonds, they are all mortals. As long as they are mortals, they will have various emotions.

Diamonds are also human and will worship stronger.

Just as silver looks up to gold, gold looks up to platinum, diamonds look up to masters, masters look up to the king, and the king looks to professional players.

Usually they feel that they are unattainable, but because they have not reached their point of this.

In the current world of Shenglin, Platinum is full of people, and diamonds are like dogs. In this case, they are no different from ordinary people.

At this time, in the village of Shenglin, Ye Chezhen is going to the center of the village.

In order to avoid encountering situations like Li Suifeng and others, Ye Che had already taken off the equipment before entering the village of Shenglin.

There are many, many houses in the entire village, but they are all empty.

The only person is an old man who has been standing in the center of the village.

This old man is full of wrinkles, he is very very old, but he is the place where Shenglin Village exchanges reputation with equipment.

There were a lot of people around him at the moment, but they were all face-faced or envious, or regretted, and then shook their heads.

Ye Chezhen is curious about what this expression means. When he opens the equipment and exchanges the catalogue according to the prompts, he will understand it in an instant.

Treatment of Orbs ordinary novice, can not be synthesized, can not bring out the world of Shenglin, can be sold to the merchants before turning to the place! : 5o basic life recovery, need 5o reputation

Dolan's Blade is a normal novice, can't be synthesized, can't bring out the world of Shenglin, you can sell it to the merchant before you turn around! :8 attack, 8o health, 1oo reputation

The long sword is a new novice, it can't be synthesized. It can't be brought out of the world of Shenglin. You can sell it to the merchant before you turn around! : 1o attack requires 8o reputation

Red crystal ordinary novice, can not be synthesized, can not bring out the world of the Holy Forest, can be sold to the merchants before turning to the place! : 15o health, 2oo reputation


Looking down all the way, all the attributes are only barely ok.

“Is it better?”

Ye Che frown asked.

"For other equipment, please go to a higher area for exchange!"

The old man replied faintly.

Ye Che was speechless, and finally used 3oo reputation value in exchange for 2o bottles of red medicine and 1o bottle of blue medicine to restore mana.

Life Potion, restores 1 oo health in 15秒.

Mana Potion, restores 1 oo mana within 15 sec.

For other people, it is necessary to kill the devil in a dozen levels in order to get it.

"The reputation value is exchanged for successful activation and the package is opened."

When the tone sounded, Ye Che’s eighth package, which was finally locked in the equipment bar, had been unlocked.

When Ye Che opens, there are dozens of spaces in it, which can store things.

The red syrup blue potion was put in and saved, and Ye Che would find a room at random and go in for a rest.

This holy forest world seems to be completely a closed world. Ye Che tried several times and did not enter the heroic fantasy world. After a day of fighting, his spirit was really weak, so after a moment of enthusiasm, he entered a dreamland.

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