League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 897: Repressed anger

Unless there are good things that can attract them... like... equipment!

Or, position!

For them, what is equipped is everything, but for the current Ye Che, the first battle group is the goal!

So, his mouth was slightly picked, and almost all the green and blue clothes in his hand were placed on the exchange platform of the battle group! ! !

The long sword is perfect green, can be synthesized: attack 3oo, the value of the team needs to reach 5o can be exchanged, after the war group, automatically recover!

Attacking the sword is perfect green, can be synthesized: attack 2o, the value of the team needs to reach 5o points can be exchanged, after the war group, automatically recover!

The blade of the stealing method is perfect green, and can be synthesized: the law is 5o, the reputation value is 1 point and 1 hour, and the contribution value of the battle group can reach 5o, which can be exchanged. After leaving the battle group, it will be automatically recovered!



Giant belt is perfect blue, can be synthesized: 38oo life value, the value of the team needs to reach 1oo point can be exchanged, after the war group, automatically recover!

The vampire scepter is perfectly blue, and can be synthesized: attack 15o, life steals 1o, the battle group contribution value reaches 1oo point can be exchanged, after the battle group, automatically recover!

In this kind of green dress, Ye Che put a total of 23 pieces up, and the blue dress also put about 8 to 9 pieces. Gossip Chinese Network W√w★W. √81zW. CoM

Finally, it is purple!

The purple bursting wand, and the purple catastrophic stone, as well as the purple **** slag, the purple fanaticism and the purple whisper!

In the twinkling of an eye, the contribution value of the main theology is redeemed on the panel, and it is occupied by these three colors.

Perfect purple, Ye Che set a value of 1 thousand points, in order to be eligible.

If everyone gets a contribution of 10 points a day, it will take a hundred days to get purple equipment!

Ye Che is so set up, just don't want them to miss the mission of the team even one day!

After setting up the equipment and duties, Ye Che withdrew from the management system, but just quit, suddenly slammed.

I saw the "main gods" battle group chat panel, already filled with countless information!

The red flower **** chose to train: "I am dripping, the Lord God is finally open, I have been special for ten minutes, I am afraid of being full!!!"

Zhao Ming chose to train: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha, into the world's first person battle group, deduct a 1!!!!!!!"










In an instant, countless deductions of information, floating from the panel, make Ye Che eyes all spent.

In this way, the "1" of the screen was about seven or eight seconds, and a message that shocked everyone, drifting from above.

Red flowers: "I drop, everyone is going to the battle group to exchange the panel, the head of the group... oh no... the Lord God is a big man, all equipment!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"real or fake!?"

"I rely, go quickly!"

For a time, everyone was very excited. Then, almost everyone went to the contribution value redemption panel.

If you go this way, you will never come back.

Everyone, this moment is scared by the scary blue-violet light on the panel.

"Purple... Purple... Perfect Purple Equipment???"

A member who has just entered the main gods, stutters and says.

His career is a shooter, and at this time he stares at the perfect purple fanatic yellow fork on the panel, as if he is stupid.

The rest of the people are almost no different from him. They all breathe a sigh of relief, and then the heart almost simultaneously draws out the words, that is, the contribution value! ! !

This is a word that will make them completely crazy from now on!

At this time, a battle group announcement read by mechanical sounds sounded in their ears.

"The main gods announcement: three days after the start of the Qing people, dissatisfied with the value of 3o contribution, eliminate! Disharmony, remove! Three days after the 3o contribution value, can be upgraded to God selected level members, welfare, the equipment needed to redeem the contribution Value 1oo!"

The meaning of this message is very clear. If you can contribute more than 3o, it is obviously a record in the copy, or a master who has hunted the boss. Only in this way can you get additional contributions.

After finishing this announcement, Ye Che did not care about their reaction. He glanced at the number of people who joined. Since the copy was made, there are already more than 8,000 people, and this number is still increasing!

This is the prestige generated by the first person!

Ye faintly bounced his fingers, then spent 5 reputation and sent it to the endless city.

There is no reason for this, because he just looked at the ranks of the battle group, and carefully checked the current ranking of the first chaotic Yang Yaotian, this view, you saw a very familiar name.

"Wang Yan..."

With the white light, Ye Che slowly stood in the endless city, and then whispered in his mouth.

Yes, when I just looked at the details of the Chaoyang Yaotian Battle Group, one of the seven deputy heads of the group had the name of Wang Yan!

However, Ye Che was not too angry, because he had been delayed for too long, and for ten days, he was a little bit tolerant.

However, what is going on with deleting your friends! ?

With this in mind, Ye Che is going to take a step at the headquarters of the chaotic sun.

However, it is still necessary to fill the stomach and then transfer to work.

With Ye's current physical fitness, there is no problem in not eating or drinking for ten days, but he always feels that something is missing.

The floor of the endless city is white jade, and the city also has sculptures of various colors or majestic or stalwart.

Various professional testers who are braving or white equipment, or green light equipment, often pass by Ye Che.

Of course, the current discussions are all related to Ye Che.

They talked hotly, but where they wanted to get the victim was just looking at them.

Ye Che casually found a restaurant, paid the reputation value, and began to eat while resting.

However, just eating two, the words of a sister paper on a table, completely attracted the attention of Ye Che.

And his face, along with the information he heard, did not know when it was getting cold.

"Our deputy head of Wang Yan said that it was right. The clear **** really had a perfect golden dress. At first I still didn't believe it at all. I didn't expect it to be true!"

"Hey, the deputy head of Wang Yan is the top five in the rankings. Hey, now the top three! What is wrong with the words, but it is completely golden. If it wasn’t just announced by Shenglin World, I really don’t believe it!"

The middle-aged man who spoke, his left foot stepped on the chair and shook, and he looked like a slinger. He continued to say at this time: "When this sacred **** is hitting something xx, it can get the perfect gold, it is really a flower. On the cow dung, if this perfect gold is given to us, Yunyang adults, what eternal kingdom, what magic, what annihilation dream, and those **** heroes, as well as the city of the sky, are not enough to see, all are Spicy chicken!"

"Oh, brother, you can rest assured, Yunyang adults and deputy head of Wang Yan, have personally led the elite in the battle group, began to search, there are adults in Yunyang, then what spicy chicken is dead, absolutely no The road can be escaped!! When the perfect gold is in the hands of Yunyang adults, it is the **** assembly hero!!"

This sister paper is holding her head up and said with pride. It seems that as long as Yunyang personally shot, nothing can be done.

But at this time, a faint voice suddenly rang from the back of the sister paper and the middle-aged man, and the voice was dull, but with a hint of chill in the bones.

"I didn't get it wrong, the two of you said... I am dead?"

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