League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 898: Red belt with knife guard

Ps: I finally got the Android phone and I can reply to the Great God. The Great God said that it is a new function that qq can read. It can be upgraded to the latest qq, and it will take a while for Apple to have it. Bayi Chinese Network Ww ★ W.く81zW. CoM

After asking the question, the author will reply to the question raised by the reader. The place where the question is asked is to read the personal homepage in qq. Because the Android phone is broken, there are a large number of readers who have not answered the question. Now the friends are asking questions, I will answer the question quickly. ^_^.

I have to say that Ye Che is indeed angry.

Think about it when you play League of Legends, you are desperately trying to help the middle of the head, so that he can get up early, but in the end it is, this single is actually an actor, he not only did not appreciate you, but also in the end Rebellion.

This feeling is unbearable to anyone.

The same is true now, Wang Yan deleted Ye Che’s good friend, he was not too angry, but Wang Yan led the people in the battle group to search for himself, what is it?

Because the two men did not enter the battle state, Ye Che could not see the id, nor could he see the battle group prefix.

But from the topic of their chat, it can be clearly seen that these two people are the chaotic volleyball team.

"what are you saying"

After hearing Ye Che’s words, the sister’s paper frowned and turned her head, and said her face unwillingly.

She did not understand the meaning of Ye Che's words, but Ye Che's bad tone, she felt it, naturally, her tone is not good.

The middle-aged man’s gaze fell on Ye Che’s body, with a stern taste.

Ye Che’s eyes glanced at the sister paper and the middle-aged man. After a moment of silence, he said: “Don’t say that I didn’t give you a chance, tell me the current position of Wang Yan, I”

Said, the finger clicked on the two people, "I can let you go."


The two of them looked at each other as if they had heard the best laughter in the world. The middle-aged man suddenly stood up and pointed at his chest with disbelief. On Ye Chedao: "You said that you let go. we"

Do not blame him for being horrified, here is the interior of the endless city, but also in the restaurant.

Among these restaurants, there are guards with knives. Ye Che dare to do it, only to be sanctioned by these guards in an instant.

Even without these guards, can it be that the guys who don’t have long hairs can still

So at this moment, this sister paper and middle-aged people all look at Ye Che with a look of stupidity.

"You don't say"

Ye Che asked.

"Say you are paralyzed, which kind of green onion you are, dare to say a word in this bb, believe it or not"

Ye Che’s attitude obviously angered the middle-aged man and immediately patted the table and shouted loudly. However, the words have not been finished yet, only listening to the sound of “squeaky”, a look that is unpretentious and bloody. The sword has fallen steadily outside his throat.

This time, the words that he wants to shout loudly in the end, all blocked back.

This long sword is naturally a **** sword, but because Ye Che hides the light and does not enter the combat mode, it looks like an ordinary whiteboard sword.

At this time, with the sudden action of Ye Che, let alone the middle-aged man, the sister paper around him, as well as the “indigenous inhabitants” in the restaurant, and the trial guest guests are all very surprised.

The testers who didn’t care much about drinking, they all turned their eyes in this direction.

Not far from the sects of the two gangs wearing red armor with a knife guard, but also the line of sight, heavily fell on Ye Che, their hands in the hands of the knife-like long-handled knife, but also began to faintly shake.

Obviously, Ye Che’s move has already made them alert.


p; These two guards with knives are all ten, which is equivalent to the invincible existence for the current trials.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, what do you want to do and want to be here?"

The middle-aged people are not in a hurry, but instead look at the clown's eyes and look at Ye Che.

Here, there is a guard with a knife guard, this kid dare to do it, I am afraid that death does not know how to die.

And here is not a reality, the damage falls on himself is only deducted from the blood, and it will not cause fatal injuries, so he does not worry at all.

However, despite this, his eyes also showed the color of anger, in front of so many people, pointed by a hairy boy with a sword, it is a shameful shame, the face is thrown out, so in his heart, has already judged this young man Death penalty

"Kid, I don't care who you are, but you dare to get rid of the head of our chaotic typhoon. The gods can't save you. If you don't have a city, you will not be out of town. Otherwise, you will definitely die."

The middle-aged man ignored the long sword pointed by Ye Che and said with a smug face.

"You want to kill me"

Ye Che frown asked.

"What are you doing, killing you, if you don't have a knife guard, labor and labor now put you in abundance, let you know, who can't be provoked by you forever?"

"That is, I advise you to slap on the ground for a hundred heads. My brother and I may have spared you a commandment."

The middle-aged man said with a murderous look, the sister paper is even more contemptuous.

At this time, perhaps Ye Che used his sword to point at him for too long, everyone just felt the eyes swayed, two red clothes with a knife guard, already standing next to the three.

"Hey, I’m afraid of breaking through six hundred."

"Crap, this knife guard is a ten-level, killing us now, like slaughtering chicken"

The others immediately sneaked a whisper.

"Put up the weapons, otherwise kill them."

Two guards with knives looked at Ye Chedao, and Ye Che knew that these two are just a procedural existence. They are the forces that keep the rules of the Holy Forest world running.

The two guards with knives were full of warnings, and the long-handled knives clenching in their hands trembled as if they were going to murder at any time.

Suddenly, Ye Che’s brow wrinkled.

"Hey, this kid actually doesn't put down his sword, he still hesitates. Does he still want to fight against the knife guard?"

"Sure enough, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Not long ago, there were more than 30 heads filled with blood. Those who dared to fight in the restaurant were all slashed by the guards. I didn’t expect it to take a long time. green."

"Hey, wait and see the show, I feel like this kid still wants to struggle."

The voices of the people’s arguments were deliberately depressed, as if they were afraid of disturbing the atmosphere.

"The last warning, put away the weapons, or kill them."

Two red clothes with a knife guard, the face was awe-inspiring and the ultimatum.

The middle-aged man and sister paper, even more ridiculously watching Ye Che, it is clear that they have imagined that this kid will definitely be ready to take up the long sword with a look of horror.

"Brother, this stinky boy dares to point at you with a sword, and he will never let him go."

"Oh, this is of course"

The middle-aged man snorted and his face smirked.

"Two warnings are invalid, take mandatory measures"

When the two red guards saw Ye Che had not put down the sword, they had to start.

However, because Ye Che did not do it, they are only going to take them away.

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