League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 903: Spike, all spikes

Ps: Five, ask for everything, ah, kiss


"Hey, bang!"

Another horrible battle axe whizzed out. Gossip one ★ Chinese network Ww√Wく. ★8く1★zくWく. √CoM★


Dozens of screams, followed by a flying axe, is the death of dozens of people, this is how terrible!

The Tomahawk just fell, there is no need to run, Ye Che will be like a teleport, it has appeared in the location of the Tomahawk, the knife blade's "blade impact", in this case with the skills of the Berserker, is perfect!

Numerous double pupils contracted violently, and many people were already panicked, confused, and did not want to fight again.

Put control technology, but that God has Moganna's shield, and finally wait until Mogana's shield disappears, but the clear God in the crazy changing position, their eyes can not be locked.

Even the eyes can't see clearly, how to release the skills! ?

So it was caused, the people inside wanted to escape, and the outside life was afraid that Ye Che escaped, so the death came in.

For a time, roar, mourning, and snoring, it was a piece in this place.

However, fortunately, the heads of the battle groups could not kill Ye Che at all, and Ye Che’s attack was so horrible that he had already left the inner circle under the protection of the big wave members.

"Damn, who is this kid, how can he give it to him! The metamorphosis of the property, gold, just transferred to have three skills!"

On a restaurant a few kilometers away from this street, more than twenty leaders of the big forces stood there with a gloomy face.

The person who spoke is Wang Yu of the eternal kingdom.

He looked at his own hands and fell in the hands of Ye Che. At this moment, he could not wait to give Ye Che a corpse.

The rest of the people's face is not much better.

"Don't worry, after a while, the guards will arrive, even if his attributes go against the sky, meet the fifteenth level of law enforcement officers, but also hate!"

Chao Yunyang Road.

Aside, Wang Yan is silent. He knows that this moment, whether it is chaotic Yunyang, or magic, Wang Yu, chaos and so on, are actually in the bottom of my heart, showing weakness to the young man.

It’s incredible to have one enemy.

He looked at the kilometer, and Ye Che, who was in the uninhabited territory of a million people, began to feel very uncomfortable.

I knew that this **** had such invincible strength, and Wang Yan might not have done this kind of betrayal.

But now that the wood has become a boat, Wang Yan wants Ye Che to die, no more than Wang Yu and others!

On the other side, Quantian Heng, Zhao Wuji, looked at Ye Che’s savage enemy, and his mouth was deeply sucked.

This expression, it is clear that they have already recognized who Che-shing is, because they have recognized it, so even the shocking words can not be said.

The two are sending inexplicable information to each other through the buddy bar.

They dare not talk orally, for fear that they will be informed by others that they know this god. Why do they not want to let others know, naturally they are afraid that these people will look at them all.

Now the situation is very clear, as long as this leaf is not dead, it will definitely benefit the great world in the holy forest.

In this case, if you know the identity of the clear God in reality, you still have a chance to grab it.

So now I have to say that the only thing I don’t want Ye Che to die is maybe Chen Tianheng, and Zhao Wuji.

On the street, the trials have become more and more chaotic, but Ye Che’s has not stopped.

The gaze is as condensed as ever.

He knows that these are just miscellaneous fish, and the real powerful Lord has not yet arrived!

The law enforcement officer led the law enforcement brigade and there was a minute to go to the scene!

The law enforcement officer led the law enforcement brigade and there was a minute to go to the scene!


Listening to the tips of the ear, Ye Che was shocked, the real strong enemy, finally coming!

"Ha ha ha ha, there is still a minute law enforcement brigade is coming, you go to hell!"

"Sui people, brothers who kill labor, after you die, labor and capital will whip your body 10,000 times, so that you will never live!"

"Horizontal, then continue to cross, there is gold loaded? Meet the law enforcement officer, the same to be spiked!"

Numerous calls and low-pitched, rushing to Ye Che.

They know that in the case of so many people around, they have not been able to die, and the average person is naturally scared, but they are fierce in their bones. At this moment, most of them are arrogantly yelling at Ye Che.

"Is there still a minute... but it is enough!"

Ye Che spit out a breath, then a wave of his arm, the virtual shadow tomahawk in his hand, instantly disappeared into the air.

"Hey, what did he want to do, how to put away the battle axe?"

On the balcony of each restaurant outside the kilometer, the heads of the public warfare were surprised.

At the same time, the **** sword, once again clasped in the hands of Ye Che, did not see Ye Che how to make a move, I saw his arm trembled, then the mouth seemed to move.

At that time, a very horrible blood gas, from the **** sword, spewed out!

This blood is extremely large, and when it is filled out from the sword, it occupies a full range of three meters around it, like a seal that broke free from **** and came to the world!

"this is……"

Everyone has widened his eyes.

"Call... drink blood and **** shoes!"

Ye Che calmly said.

The perfect gold-loaded blood-sword sword is the only active skill to drink blood unparalleled: every killing an enemy after launch, 1ooo attack power, 1o attack, no limit, duration 5 minutes! Cooling time, 12 hours.

When everyone didn't know what it was, when Ye was so aggressive, Ye Che once again whispered.

With this low voice, nearly a million people in the circle only felt that the body was cold, just like a pair of cold hands slid into their bodies, making the scalp numb.

In the next second, they didn't know what they saw, and the sound was completely out of control. The horrified horror of the screams came from countless people.

"Death... is a song that everyone will hear..."

It seems to be a low-pitched whisper, but its chill is so many people are heartbreaking!

Death singer, e-skill of dead song, hey!


A pale aura of circularity, from Ye Che's whole body, swept out and covered the surrounding ten meters.

The skill of this wizard chosen by Ye Che is a range of skills that can be opened forever as long as the mana is sufficient.

In the case that the big move cannot be selected, Ye Che wants to know all the heroic skills of the Master, and only the skill of the dead song is the most suitable for the current environment.



With the opening of the tragic blue "亵渎", all the enemies in Ye Che's ten meters have fallen, and countless -35689 are on the head!

Although the total law has only 30,000 damage, it is not comparable to the physical attack power of Ye Chu, but it is not what they can afford.

Spike! Spike! All spikes!

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