League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 904: Ye Che, death penalty

"Hey, hey!"

A place was emptied, and Ye Che’s body shook with the wind, and flashed into more places in the crowd. In an instant, countless trials fell to the ground like wheat. Bayi Chinese ★ Net W√wW. ★8★1zW★. ★CoM

With the urgency of the death of these trials, Ye Che’s attack power, with the madness, grew fiercely.

Physical attack power: 172564......173564...178564...189564......287564......384564......

Kill one person and you will go up one thousand!

In just a few tens of seconds, at least a thousand people were emptied of blood, and fell under Ye Che’s “亵渎”.

Ye Che’s attack power has reached 1o25874 points and broke a million points!

And this is not over, with the golden light rising, Ye Che...7!

"Devil, this is the devil, run, everyone runs!"

"Oh... don't kill me... I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I shouldn't be greedy for equipment, don't change it, I beg you not to kill me..."

"Ah, don't come over, don't come over..."

Numerous original fierce gods, chasing the leaves of the cool pursuit of the trial, this moment is only hate aunt less two legs, otherwise, you can leave the devil, a little further, and a little further.

Ye Che has no mercy, and he can't be merciless now.

The fifteenth-level law enforcement officer will soon lead the law enforcement team to arrive.

Although the property of the law enforcement person is growing, it is lower than that of the trial-maker. However, at the fifteenth level, in the case of a full eight-level higher than Ye Che, there is no living path in the property of Ye Che before!

The killer is always killing, no wonder Ye Che!

"Puff puff……"





With the upgrade, Ye Che’s magical damage has been turned seven times and reached more than 200,000 points.

After these tens of seconds, Ye Che’s attack power reached more than 2.8 million points!

Upstairs of the kilometer, the heads of countless battle groups, all seeing the heart shaking, sweating overhead.

Some female trials are more eclipsed and their legs are shaking.

They have already overestimated the clear god, but they did not expect it to be underestimated, and it is too much underestimated!

This kind of attack is no longer a human being, it is a humanoid demon!

Suddenly, their faces changed drastically, because they are now, with the clear enemy of the gods, the range of a few hundred meters around him has been completely emptied, and the clear **** is heading towards their side, killing all the way. Come over.

"Fast... go... walk around! Nyima in the trough, that kills God!"

I don't know which head of the group was horrified, and then I didn't want to go downstairs. I thought he was too anxious. One didn't pay attention, and the foot slammed straight down the stairs.

I only listened to a burst of sizzling sounds. At this moment, he knocked down countless appliances, and his face was overwhelmed with seasoning soy sauce bottles.

If it is normal, there will naturally be many people who can't help but laugh out loud.

But now, no one laughs, they are too late to escape, and they still have to laugh at other people.

Chaoyun Yunyang, chaos Wang Yu here, I want to put a few words to escape, but think about the perverted terrorist damage, the words to the end, only the purple-blue lips are awkward, and then flustered running Go down the stairs.

However, they were different from ordinary people, and the people of several levels of power such as Yunyang decided to go to the palace of the endless city and seek the shelter of the endless city owner. If the endless city owner personally took it, then maybe Hope to get the head of the clear god!

Obviously, they still don't want to give up, otherwise they will die so much from the family, the cost is too great.

The other dozens of forces, but did not think so much, but agreed to escape from the endless city, never want to see the devil!

Just as the heads of these forces were planning to flee, they only heard a loud roar. Immediately, thousands of guards, under the leadership of the silver armor, appeared in Ye Che not far away.

"The criminals are clear, killing the red guards, disturbing the order of the endless city rules, death sin!!!"

The silver armor law enforcement officer is two meters tall and is covered in purple light.

"Hey... perfect purple suit!"

The people who saw this scene in the distance flashed in the eyes.

"Killing two red guards, it is worth the endless pursuit of endless city owners!?"

Ye Che snorted and said.

Around him, he fell into the body of three or four thousand trials, so even if Ye Che stood there, facing thousands of powerful law enforcement brigades, everyone did not feel that his momentum was weak.

Ye Che killed two red guards, just want to form a deterrent, to find Wang Yan in the fastest way.

But where did you think that it was too outrageous to lead the endless city owners to endlessly killing and killing.

It’s like killing two policemen in reality, at most, it only caused the local sheriff’s pursuit. Now, it’s not the sheriff’s chase, but the president’s personal order, which is an exaggerated way of killing, making Ye Che It was also a sigh of relief.

"Death! Kill, strong punch!"

The law enforcement officer did not answer Ye Che’s words at all. After his eyes flashed a fascinating red light, the whole body rushed toward Ye Che with a fierce hurricane.

The rest of the guards were also sullen, holding a long-handled knife and rushing toward Ye.

Ye Che did not dare to care, and did not dare to delay.

The active skill of drinking blood swords is unparalleled, only lasting five minutes. When the five minutes arrive, the attack power bonus will disappear. When you want to kill this law enforcement officer, it is tantamount to idiots and dreams.

Therefore, Ye Che did not retreat at all, but the golden blood of the sword in his hand flashed, and the direct law enforcement officer ushered in the past.


The two sides touched each other in an instant, and then the tops of both of them had an alarming blood deduction.



Ye Xue’s blood volume was knocked out by half of this blow, and the blood of the law enforcement officer was only one-third lost.

"Oh... the law enforcement officer has seven million lives!"

In the distance, the person who saw this scene took a breath.

More, it is because Ye Che can actually hit this high damage, and chill.

The two of them have played against each other, and they are dangerous and dangerous.

"How is the attack power much weaker than I thought?"

Ye Che slightly frowns, but now is not the time to think about it, he has a **** sword flip, has launched another active skill, blood drink unparalleled!

After the blood drink unparalleled, the life steal rate doubles, 3oo attack, lasts for 1 minute, but the character will be unable to move!

In the next second, I saw Ye Che’s **** sword slamming out and hitting more than two million injuries. Ye Xue’s blood volume soared, 257o58o!

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