League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 912: The most invincible force

"Ah, whirlwind!"

"9o caliber rope net!!!"

"Valkyrie dive!!"




At this moment, countless skills, and damage values, floated on the head of the trial. August 1 Chinese √WW★W★. 8★1zW. CoM

Everyone is completely desperate.

The roar, the roar, and the screams of death, like a strange movement, in this ancient tree, never stop.

In less than three seconds, there were hundreds of people who died in the scuffle.

But at this moment, no one pays attention to the dead people. They come to the holy forest world for what they want, so that they can rise, and see the unknown costumes in front of them. These people gamble on their lives and do not hesitate!

But they didn't show up. With hundreds of people dying, the blue cover that covered the seven pieces of equipment seemed to be a little faint. Although it was just a trace of silk, it was really bleak.

At this time, Ye Che also stepped in and saw countless people desperately rushing to the blue hood.

"It seems that this is the source... Sure enough, seven hundred years ago, I saw the skin of the plan of the sword source is exactly the same, but I did not expect that there is actually a plan of origin, appearing in reality..."

Ye Che said to himself, looking at the seven pieces of equipment shrouded in blue light, the look was a little amazing.

Looking at so many people to snatch, he is not in a hurry, after all, "Mao Kai" said that to gather the power of hundreds of millions of people, it is possible to break the seal, just thousands of people who rushed past, but it is an idiot to talk.

At this time, there were already hundreds of people, and they were about to get in touch with these seven pieces of equipment.

"Ha ha ha ha, **** costume!!!"

"My, it's mine!"

These hundreds of people are crazy, because they seem to see that the equipment in this blue hood has a colorful light.

Who has seen color equipment?

No, I haven’t even heard it, even if it’s called the **** of the gods, it’s just a perfect gold!

Then you can imagine that the perfect color is definitely stronger than the gold!

As long as you get it, even if it is the clear god, I am afraid it is not enough!

Thinking of this, the look of hundreds of people's faces, the more crazy!

And 6 people who rushed in to see this scene could not help but see the crack.

Finally, a very thin young man, the first one touched the blue cover with his fingers. His eyes immediately appeared in ecstasy, and then the fingers were bent, and the blue cover and the equipment inside were caught in the palm. .

"Ha ha ha, it is mine!"

This young man is overjoyed.

Ye Che saw this scene far away, and couldn’t help but blink a trace of doubt. Is it so easy to break the seal?

However, at this time, when we look at this thin young man, we must put the blue cover and the equipment inside together into the arms. The blue light on the blue cover suddenly trembles.

Anyway, everyone saw that the blue light of the blue hood was only slightly shaken, and then the laughter of the thin young man stopped suddenly.

The whole person, as if he had been given a body-building method, stood still in the same place.

The person next to the thin young man refused to take care of his strangeness. He quickly and eagerly reached out and grabbed the cover of the thin young man. He just ran into a thin young man, and a horrible scene was born. This thin young man actually came from this person. The touch began and turned into a white fly ash.

This momentum is rising rapidly. There is not much work in a blink of an eye. Where is the shadow of the thin young man? He has already... not even the slag.

The people who saw this scene were stunned and stunned.

The person who had just snatched the young man's blue hood was even white. He suddenly screamed something, and he quickly wanted to throw out the blue hood in his hand.

But it was already late. In the next moment, he was already in the same position as the thin young man.

Everyone who saw that scene knew that he had turned into a fly ash like the thin young man.

But the scene was too confusing, and many people did not notice this scene, so they were competing for the blue hood, almost five minutes, after killing hundreds of people, finally, everyone knows, this blue hood has big problems!

Who touched, who died! !

"God... what's going on?"

"What is this blue hood, how can it be dead when it touches!!!"

Countless people have a look of horror.

Seeing that the costumes were in front of them, they were blocked by the blue cover, and they were too unwilling.

At this time, hundreds of millions of people have almost entered the interior of the old tree, and then they all know this information, and they have each guessed.

At this moment, Ye Che suddenly felt a bit like, and quickly turned back, they saw the entrance of the old tree squirming, and then coincided with an amazing degree.

Ancient tree entrance, closed!

The interior of the old tree was blackened for a moment, but it was not pure black, because the trees around it lit up a piece of blue light.

With the closure of the ancient tree entrance, the conversation of all people went straight and stopped, and an inexplicable feeling came to mind everyone’s heart.

This feeling is called restlessness.

Ye Che also frowned, not knowing what would happen next, is it necessary to join forces to break the seal?

Just when everyone was extremely uneasy, a large blue-eyed face of a kilometer came out slowly from the tree inside the ancient tree.

"Look! What is that!!!"

With the sound, countless people looked up and saw this as a tree face full of folds above the tree.

"Trialers, how are you..."

The blue tree face reveals a smile.

At this moment, no one is making a sound. If there is a force in the position, they will naturally be much more courageous, but now the power of the paragraph is blocked, and no one dares to make a head-to-head conversation.

In this case, Ye Che also kept silent.

The cyan tree face is not strange, but a bit of a strange look at the hundreds of millions of testers, said: "Yes... the number is almost enough..."

"Is the number almost enough?"

After everyone heard this sentence, there was a goose bump in the bottom of my heart. How can this sentence sound, so awkward.

At this time, the line of sight of the blue tree face has fallen on Ye Che, with an inexplicable sneer, saying: "Chu Shen, thank you for bringing me so many sacrifices, when I broke out, Will definitely give you the most invincible power!!!"

"What, sacrifice!!!"

"Tree face, you give me a clear statement, what sacrifice are you talking about??"

On the field, hundreds of millions of people, listening to the face of this tree, suddenly burst into the bottom of my heart.

The meaning of the sacrifices, they can not understand, but because of understanding, so the look began to panic.

But soon, they seemed to think of something, and all of them looked at Ye Che!

That gaze is full of surprises.

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