League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 913: Holy forest world, true face

Ye Che heart snorted, he finally knows what is wrong, the original ... it is not "Mao Kai" at all!

Listening to the meaning of the words, it... turned out to be the source!

So, where is Mao Kai, Xiao Qing, where is it! ! ! ?

Ye Che’s heart suddenly sank into the bottom of the valley, but his face was floating in confusion, saying: “What are you talking about, how can I not understand?”

"You don't need to understand, you just need to know, you only have two choices... One: You have erased this hundreds of millions of people, so that the power to maintain the world of Shenglin disappears, let me break out! Second... ... I borrowed you and killed them by myself, although this would affect my recovery, but as long as I broke out... oh... What does it matter?"

When the cyan tree face is talking, the color gradually changes, and it quickly turns into a golden red color!

In this dark environment, it looks very fascinating. August 1st Chinese Literature Network WwW. 81zW. CoM

"What, kill us!?"

"Damn, this is a trap, I know, this crystal is definitely a mix of demons and monsters. It's no wonder that the attributes are so high. It's no wonder that you can get the costumes so quickly, and there are several skills. It turns out that this holy world. Is a big trap!!!"

"Before we have killed so many people without heart, we should see it. This is a demon wearing a human skin!!"

"The **** chop, I took us to this place and went to the net!"

Countless people gnawed their teeth and cried.

While talking, while flying back and forth, Ye Che is far away from the old, looking at Ye Che's eyes, it is like watching the wild beasts.

At this moment, chaos Yunyang, chaos, magic, cold, fist Tianheng, Zhao Wuji, Wang Yu, and even Li Suifeng, careful candle and other people, looking at Ye Che's eyes, are a cold.

Many of them have even bad thoughts, but they have the same hate for demons and demons!


Listening to so much defamation, even if Ye Che is determined, he couldn't help but squeak his fists.

"This hybrid has to be done, everyone is ready, even if it is dead, we must also pull this layer of skin to a layer of skin!!!"

"Yes, even if you die, you will never let him be better!"


Hundreds of millions of people are roaring.

This is the present human being. When you know that the enemy is a demon, you are mixed, and you know that you are in a desperate situation. This group instantly bursts with unparalleled cohesion.

"A ridiculous death battle, a group of ants who have been blocked by the power of the paragraph, but also want to contend with me, Che Shen, you still do not start!?"

The face of the tree flashed a disdainful color, and then he sighed at Ye Qingyu.

Ye Che did not pay attention to this tree face, but looked at the hundreds of millions of testers who had the same radiance and tried to fight together, and suddenly smiled.

He suddenly has a very glorious feeling, a kind of glorious feeling as a human!

In the face of this sense of glory, what is it that is ruined and counted?

Thinking, Ye Che took a deep breath and looked at the tree face: "Before I started, I have a few questions to ask."

"I know what you want to ask."

There was a strange and self-satisfied color on the face of the tree.

"First, why did you kill these hundreds of millions of people and maintain the power of the Holy Forest world? It will disappear and maintain the power of the Holy Forest world."

Ye Che did not care about the expression of the tree face, asked directly.

"It's a foolish human. Do you really think that your power is sealed?"

The tree face is weird.

What does this mean, not sealed, then where is it going?

Hundreds of millions of people are surprised to see the color of surprise.

"What do you think is the world of the Holy Forest? I tell you that the so-called Holy Forest world is a large field. You can understand it as a world of the world!"

The face of the tree face fell, and everyone who was shocked shook.

Among them, there are hundreds of uncontrollable screams: "This is impossible!"

These hundreds of people are all in the presence of drill ii, drill iii, and they are clear about the field.

In particular, young heroes of this level have seen the existence of the masters and even the strongest kings!

But as far as they know, even in the field of the strongest king, it is good for a few hundred kilometers, and the energy inside is extremely chaotic and cannot survive.

But here, not only can accommodate 100 million people, but the scope of distribution is extremely broad, plus wind and lightning, as well as various mountains and lakes, can be called a real world.

At first they thought that this was a world like the heroic fantasy world, but the tree face said that this is the field, this is the world of the world, how can they believe it!

"The frog at the bottom of the well."

The tree face reveals a contemptuous color. He does not explain why there is a world of the field, but continues: "But the master of the world in this field, because it sealed me for hundreds of years, has been unable to open the world of Shenglin again. In this case, it is natural to use external forces, that is, to gather the power of all of you!!"

Hearing here, Ye Che was shocked and understood. He finally understood.

It is no wonder that this tree face is going to kill the hundreds of millions of people. If you have not guessed wrong, the hundreds of millions of people will die. The holy forest world will soon collapse in the absence of a source of power.

Once it collapses, the seal of the "source" of the blue hood... will no longer exist!

For a moment, Ye Che’s body cooled from the head to the feet.

Because, he thought of a point, that is his invincible strength in the world of Shenglin, it seems that all under the control of the "source", it is so fast.

Whether it is the red guards, the weak attack of the marshals, the weakened cities.

These are all for self-fulfillment!

This "source" just needs an invincible person, a person who can kill hundreds of millions of people and invincible for it!

At this time, the tree face suddenly looked at Ye Che's strange face: "Original, I broke the plan and thought that after a few months, I didn't expect you to be able to have a level 6 or even a purple dress." In this case, you can get through the nine-turn difficulty and get the gold outfit, although it is achieved through the League of Legends winning streak 9o field, but compared to the hundreds of millions of spicy chickens, your ants are still a lot stronger."

"What, League of Legends, winning streak 9o!?"

"This... is it still?"

Everyone's face was horrified, and he looked at Ye Che.

Chao Yunyang, Wang Yu, Quan Tianheng and so on, are also shocked at heart.

"I understand, it turns out that everything is controlled by you... but I am very curious, are you not sealed? Why, can you influence the world of Shenglin?"

Ye Che breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"Why, I believe that you are very clear in your heart, but you can't believe the conclusions you have come out of it... OK, the nonsense has already been finished, let's do it, kill them, I will give you invincible power!!! ”

The tree face, seemingly impatient, the golden-red face, began to distort, and the entire huge ancient tree space, under its influence, began to shake slightly.

"kill them... killing hundreds of millions of people... humans?"

Ye Che slowly turned his head, and the dark scorpion fell on the dense crowd.

Ps: The little friends are relieved, and there is no such thing as a written story, because the story that appears now is just the tip of the iceberg, so I don't want to drag it down. The world of League of Legends will never let everyone down! ! ! Ask for everything to fly and kiss

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