Almost all of these people have only 6 levels, and the best equipment is nothing but blue. Bayi Chinese Network Ww ★ W.く81zW. CoM

In the case that Ye Che is almost full and in another gold suit, killing these people is not too simple.

Looking at Ye Qing's gaze, these people once again burst into retreat, but this time looking at Ye Che's eyes, but there is no such cold color.

Just the conversation between Ye Che and the tree face, they also listened to the heart, knowing this clear god, is not a devil or a mixture of demons, but also a living human.

It is even in the league battle, winning ninety-level geniuses!

This kind of genius deserves respect from anyone, of course, when they will not die.

"Chu Shen, you must not believe this monster, I dare say, even if you kill us, you can't live!"

"Yes, this monster has no integrity, you can't believe it!"

These people shouted with utmost effort.

Ye Che naturally did not consider killing them, otherwise it would be no different from those demons.

What he thinks is how to live.

Listening to the tree face, even if you don't do it, it seems to have a way to control yourself, but it will consume something.

"Control yourself... Could it be that, like the purple woman, occupying my body? But the purple woman did not succeed at the time, but the source is much stronger than the purple woman... but the source does not seem to be completely broken. The strength has not recovered, it should be able to try..."

Ye Che Si Xuan turned and thought about all kinds of possibilities.

The hundreds of millions of people are more and more anxious, thinking that Ye Che is thinking about killing their viability, the voice of persuasion, can not help but more and more eager.

"The struggle of the ants is really exciting!"

The tree face sneered and said, and then the ultimatum to Ye Che: "Human, you will not shoot, I will be hands-on!"

Ye Che's body was shocked, thinking about the decision just now, no hesitation, a finger stroke, there are countless perfect gold, perfect purple, appeared in front of Ye Che.

Then, Ye Chezhen pushed, these gods, they went to the hundreds of millions of people.

"This clear god..."

Everyone looked at these multi-god costumes and they all stayed.

These are all gods, and the gods are so thrown to them?

"Get up with the equipment and kill the old dog together!"

Ye Che shouted.


Listening to the voice of Ye Che, hundreds of millions of people were all sensational, unbelievable, and endless gratitude, completely out of my heart.

"This trip to the world of Shenglin, I will serve the gods!"

"Be daring, enough, really, ah!"

"As long as we work together, this monster's conspiracy will not succeed!"

Everyone screamed, especially those who came to the equipment, looking at Ye Che’s eyes, already with a hint of fanaticism.

With so many costumes, I gave them when I gave them. This kind of force is really convincing.

"Oh, I really didn't expect what I expected... However, the controller of the Holy Forest world is dead. These so-called costumes are just empty and have their shells..."

The tree face said, not waiting for everyone to react, seven pieces of equipment covered by a blue cover, one of which was a golden red light flashing.


In the next second, in the eyes of everyone who was dumbfounded, the numerous **** costumes that Ye Che sent out were completely broken, and then turned into powder, scattered with the wind.

"How can this be!?"

"No... my perfect gold!"

Those who got all kinds of equipment, they all screamed in horror.

"Human, the game time is over, your body, give it to me, I will personally shoot and kill them!"

The tree face patience was finally exhausted.

Ye Che's pupil shrinks, he knows that the most dangerous moment is coming!


Under the gaze of everyone, the seven pieces of equipment covered in a blue hood, the helmet-like equipment, bloomed infinitely.

The color is golden red, which is different from the color of any segment.

It looks very different.

"This helmet..."

Ye Che stared at it, and started to sweat under the back.

Ye Che did not grasp the occupation of "source", but it was the only way to live.

Because he knows that even if he kills everyone, I am afraid that he can't live. He originally planned to gather equipment to gather the power of everyone, but he did not expect that this "source" can even be controlled by equipment.

"Hahaha, human, I will give you the most invincible power!"

This voice came from the helmet.

At this point, all the talents know that the original seven pieces of equipment turned out to be alive, thinking that they had just swept to the seven pieces of equipment, one by one.

The helmet made a strange noise, and then began to vibrate violently, and the blue hood that shook the sound.

The light of the blue hood is so fast that it fades.

Soon, under the horror of everyone, the blue hood's radiance was completely extinguished, and then with the sound of the "collapse", the blue hood was completely broken.

It... broke out.

"call out!"

As soon as it broke out, the air around it trembled fiercely, and then it had disappeared into the same place, as if it were moving instantaneously, it was directly covered on the head of Ye Che.

Ye Che was shocked, and he didn't want to think about it. He quickly put his hands on the helmet and wanted to take it off.

"It’s ridiculous, even Jian Sheng is unable to get out of my control. You little human being, you still want to resist me, become my body, suppress!"

In the helmet, there is a rumbling sound, which is like the **** from the darkest, full of oppression and chills.

Those people in the distance listened to this voice, and they were very trembling.

"This...what is this thing... giggling... what is it... giggling... monster..."

Someone snorted and opened his mouth.

"In fact, the hero Juggernaut is easy to get out of its control... This thing... In the end... What is it!!"

Many people are still breathing cold and panic.

At this moment, an earth-shattering tragic smashed out from Ye's mouth.

Everyone looked at it and saw that there were countless bright red blood in the gap between the helmets.

Obviously, Ye Che, who was caught in a helmet, is suffering from the pain that ordinary people can't think of.

"Support, hold!"

"Don't be controlled, otherwise we are all dead!"

"Cheek, hold on!!!"

At this moment, hundreds of millions of people on the field secretly prayed. They knew that if the gods were controlled, they would all finish playing.

Moreover, without any accidents, these peerless and fierce things will also be broken out.

At that time, the world will be chaotic! ! !

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