League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 915: Another horrible existence

Time pushed back ten seconds ago!


The helmet just clasped the head of Ye's leaf, and Ye Che heard a roaring sound like a cracked stone. This roaring sound thundered and thundered, and the direct shock of Ye Che’s ears roared, the nostrils and the eyes all shot the blood. . August 1 Chinese √ WWWW. 8★1zW. CoM

This... What is this?

Ye Che was shocked in his heart. He clearly felt that a huge and terrifying will, such as overwhelming, obscured the mountains and the sea, invaded into his own head.

This will is so huge, Ye Che has always been confident of the willpower, in front of this will, it seems so small, it is completely not a grade.

Just a contact, Ye Che will be black in front of his eyes, and his head will be occupied by the "source".

Ye Che's power is completely absent, and there is no power in the field. Even if he is wearing a platinum bone, in this case, it has no use.

"Oh... do you have a heroic figure?"

The sound of the source rang directly in Ye Che’s mind, and it seemed to be surprised by Ye Che’s body, so he relaxed his oppression slightly.

"The heroic body...the childlike..."

Ye Che only felt the head dizzy, but still from the source, thought of the white gold bone inside the body.

Is it that every time the skeleton changes, what is the heroic body?

"Ha ha ha, well, with the body of a heroic god, I will be able to find other sources of seals faster. By then, all the remaining heroes will be assimilated by us!!!"

The sound of the source reveals the joy of accident. Obviously, it is more satisfied with Ye Che’s body.

Ye Che is a bitter smile. He only feels that his thoughts have become more and more dull, and his consciousness has become increasingly blurred.

This means that the brain, and even the whole body, will soon be completely occupied by the source.

There is nothing to regret, even the hundreds of millions of people, and even the strongest of their respective clan, and Mao Kai, have been deceived by this source, to control, let alone Ye Che.

He is only very reluctant now. He is not willing to see the strength of the most powerful king of this era. He is not willing to die even if he does not have a foot on the diamond.

In the world of the tree, hundreds of millions of people are watching Ye Che’s struggles getting smaller and smaller, and the screams are getting lower and lower. A kind of tragic atmosphere has risen from the billions.

They know that when the clear God is completely manipulated, a brutal killing will be born.

The presence is the elite of the younger generation of human beings. Although they are only about two-thirds of them, they are only around the peak of Platinum, but in Platinum, they all exist in the first place.

Not to mention those diamonds, they are all elite children selected within the clan. In this case, although they are afraid, they will not panic.

Finally, under the gaze of their eyes, the body of the **** of God has not seen the struggling movement at all, only the slight ups and downs of the chest, indicating that he did not die.

"Prepare... fight..."

"Damn, if there is a force in the ranks, we have hundreds of millions of people here, even if this monster is terrible, we are absolutely not worth it!"

Many people whispered, but in the eyes, they have begun to bloom in the end.

Ye Che’s consciousness has indeed weakened to the extreme, and seems to be broken at any time.

In his brain, a golden red light is swimming freely.

"Oh... this human does have two brushes, platinum and diamonds, and five heroes. Shinji also realized the sixth layer... Hey, even imprisoned one of the strongest kings?"

The golden red light screams in the mouth, this consciousness is obviously the source of the body.

It now looks like it is reading the memory of Ye Che.

Because Ye Che's memory has brought a lot of surprises to it, it does not immediately obliterate Ye Chu's last remaining consciousness, but instead relishes the memory of Ye Che and continues to read it.

If the world has only the brain, then it is equivalent to an infinite world of dimensions.

The consciousness of the source is in the brain of Ye Che, from the outside, although it is very small, but with the faint consciousness of Ye Chu, it is almost hundreds of millions more than himself.

Ye Che is so quietly watching the source rushing through his memory, from entering the chaos battlefield, to the Shuiyu Island, to the two realms, to the East only when there is only gold, then the heroic temple...

Ye Che knows that once the source has read all of his memory, his last consciousness will be obliterated.

"I don't know, when this source knows that it is a person seven hundred years ago, will it be called out..."

Ye Xue’s thoughts of making fun.

Just then, the source seemed to flip through what it was, snoring.

When he saw Ye Che in the Eastern Region, Shi Jin gave him a physical training. At that time, there was a red light that melted into Ye Xue's blood, which greatly increased his blood recovery.

"this is……"

The source began to think harder. From this red light, it felt a sense of familiarity. It seems that wherever it was seen.

Where... Where is it...

The source is in a state of contemplation, and it knows that it should be of utmost importance to it.

But just thinking for a moment, it continues to look at Ye Che's memory, it wants to know, this Ye Che from where to get this red light.

Soon, the source turned Ye Xue's memory into the time when Ye Che was in the Eastern Valley Matrix Gravity Room and advanced to silver.

That is exactly the time when Ye Che’s bones become silver bones.

One minute... two minutes... three minutes...

Finally, the source in Ye Che’s memory saw a purple light suddenly appearing in the bones of Ye Che.


The huge golden red light group of the source suddenly trembled. If it had eyes, Ye Che would be able to see the deep horror in his eyes.

It seems to think of the red and purple light, what is it.

It was because of the thought of what this ray was, so the source of horror was terrified.

Ye Che also felt the extreme instability of the source gold red light, when he was surprised.

Suddenly, Ye Che was aware of his body, and there seemed to be a slight jet of sound.

The sound of this jet was very slow, but when it spewed out, Ye Che seemed to feel that his whole body was shaking like it, especially if the heavens and the earth were about to tumbling.

It seems that in his own body, there is an unprecedented horrible existence that is sleeping.

It was not until the source of the source that it touched the taboo memory, so this unprecedented horrible existence was awakened, and then the airflow ejected slowly, and a looming consciousness rang.

"Good... like...some...hungry...food...they tasteless...abandoned...can...cherish..."

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