League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 931: a nurse who can't get help

Ps: Before the death song summoner skills wrong, has been modified, very sorry. Bayi Chinese Network W√wW★. 81zW. CoM


Confidence in this thing, can not tell the truth is not clear, you feel that you can kill the opposite, is self-confidence.

On the contrary, others will think it is arrogant.

Ye Che is not arrogant, he just grabbed Lu Xi'an's lack of attention to his psychology and directly killed him.

Bron has not yet reached level 2, and there is no weakness in the flash, so when he passed by De Lavin, he had a chance to attack it. Then he could only look at wearing a straw shoe and driving a "bloody" sprint, such as Storm over yourself.

Then an axe, followed by an axe slaughtered on Lu Xi'an.

Lu Xi'an's forefoot stepped into the defensive tower circle, and the back foot Delevin rushed over only half a flash of distance.


It was a flying axe. The high-flying axe left a golden and beautiful drop on the ground. Dreven’s foot was windy, stepped on it, and directly caught the axe, and it was an ax!

The axe's elasticity is full, and when it falls on Lucian's body, it is very rhythmic and rebounds. Then, if it is pulled by some inexplicable force, it is an understatement that falls on the rushing Deleven.

The speed and even the pace of Delevin's attack did not stop at half point because of the need to pick up the axe.

This axe is completely pleasing to the eye.

"This Dreven, an absolute master!"

Bron, who has been desperately chasing after him, has changed dramatically.

Before the first-level regiment, he thought that this Levin was just the layout of Jin Lao and others, but now he can see it. This Delaiwen does not say anything, the operation and the psychological quality are not newcomers. Comparable.

He did not expect that Lu Xi'an did not expect it, so now it is almost in a desperate situation!

The Lewin's rotating axe is constantly flying, explaining what violence is.

Bloody sprint, expounding what is ruthless pursuit.


As soon as he entered the defensive tower, Delevin's axe was extremely accurately slashed in Lu Xi'an. After two consecutive times, Lu Xi'an's blood was paralyzed to the extreme.


The pope’s face changed, and he knew that he had to plant it because of the miscalculation of Delavin’s fierceness.

But before planting, at least the treatment of Dreven!

Thinking, Lu Xi'an did not escape, standing directly in the same place and De Lavin confronted.

But just after playing two bullets, Dreven's last axe, has been ruthlessly chopped on the pope, in an instant, his interface is gray.

"Retain him!"

The pope said with a gloomy face.

He has already accumulated the passiveness of Blair's body, and has accumulated to three levels. He only needs Bron to make up a blow. This Levin is at least unable to cure.


Bron finally arrived, and without saying anything, he attacked Delavin’s head.

In an instant, dizzy touch, De Lavin was fixed at the edge of a tower.

Before Deleven had already eaten an attack on the defensive tower, at this time one was dizzy, the second energy of the defensive tower, and fell down.

Delevin is only two levels. He just ate the damage of a defensive tower, and Lu Xi’an’s skills and general attack, as well as Bron’s general attack and passive vertigo. If the energy beam of this second defensive tower is hit, I’m afraid. To be directly emptyed to the ground.


Defending the tower's energy laser, slowly flying out, completely locked in Delavin.

5oo code... 4oo code... 3oo code... 2oo code...

"Not yet treated!?"

Lu Xi'an and Bron were shocked. When Delavin was shot by the laser, a crystal clear green light fell on Delavin's head.

It was the nurse of the sky, and finally arrived at the treatment!


Almost synchronous, the empty nurse of the cloud has just used treatment, and the energy laser has already slammed on Deleven.

I saw that the blood of De Lavin had just risen, and he fell like a crazy one. He had been frozen to 57 points of blood before he stopped falling.

"This... Delevin, confidently against the sky!!!"

Pope and Bron’s boss, how confident it is, will not be treated.

If the nurse is slow, even if he is slow, he will die!

Before that, it was cheaper, and it was all spit out.

"This Delevin...is an absolute strong enemy!!!"

The Pope’s eyes flashed a touch of dignified color. After this scene, he felt the extreme pressure!

This is the strong sense of the strong!

Fierce, sharp operation, strong sense of consciousness, grasping the timing is decisive, the most important thing is the confidence!

Dare to be in front of his pope and f, still so confident, only one possibility, his heart is extremely powerful! !

Before the Pope dared to fill the knife, I did not expect this newcomer to be like a mad dog, rushing directly to kill himself.

But he knows that if he is replaced, he will choose to do so.

Lu Xi'an did not flash the treatment, Bron also did the same, but did not reach the second level, as long as the person who is absolutely confident in the operation, in the case of treatment, can be 1 hit 2.

If the opponent is Jin Lao, or the domain emperor he does not dare to make up the knife, but wretched and so on to the second level.

But the opponent is a newcomer, he just despised a little bit, but did not expect that this is a little contempt, and it paid a heavy price.

"Don't come to the dead song first. This Dreven, I see that his operation is extremely fluid. If you come, you can't beat it now. When we flash, you will come with the middle road!"

The pope took a deep breath and said.

"No, the opposite nurse has no assists? The Pope, are you actually killed by a newcomer? Or is there a case of Lexar?"

Hearing the prompts of his teammates being killed and the words of the pope, Shang Zhongye was somewhat astonished.

"Don't talk nonsense, this newcomer is not that simple. You should focus on the road, don't let Huaxia District pull back a game."

Pope sings.

He is so cautious, except for his own single kill, the most important thing is that the De Lavin is too calm.

Just if he was dizzy under the tower, the blood volume was definitely the first time to open the treatment, but that Levin, but it did not move at all, just wait until the nurse came over and gave him a bite.

This kind of enemies of the heart is the most difficult!

Because the stronger the heart, the chance of mistakes will be extremely low!

At the same time, Ye Che's De Lavin was sipped by the nurse, and did not die. Bron still wanted to make up a blow, but Dreven's "bloody sprint" opened, only level 1 and no sandals. , you can only eat gray.

Not only that, this De Laiwen still does not retreat, the appearance of a wave of waves, hard to catch up with Bron, who has to retreat, died three axes, only to satisfy the retreat.

Bron’s natural grievances are dying. When he was the strongest king, he was only a newcomer, and he started playing like a funeral dog.

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