League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 932: Opposite Lu Xi'an too dishes...

"I am going, the empty city owner, what is this situation in De Levin!?"

Listening to the killing tips coming from the road, especially when I saw that the nurse did not even have the assists. This killing was actually a single kill. The domain emperor Jin Lao and the Yunzhi book were all shocked. Bayi Chinese ★ Network Ww ★ W√. √81zWく. ★C★o√M

The gentle and elegant book of the cloud is a rare swearing.

He was really shocked, because the person who was killed was actually the Pope, the Pope, and was actually killed by this newcomer! ?

Still in the presence of Bron, this is too shocking.

"This... this, I am also looking forward to it..."

The sky is empty without words.

She just arrived on the line and was planning to wait for the grass to pick up the seeds and wait for 2 levels.

But with a blink of an eye, it was now that Delevin had a mad dog who seemed to run the Pope's Lu Xi'an and fled with the funeral dog.

While still stunned, this Levin is even more powerful.

By the time she had just rushed past the power of the flood, Lu Xi’an had already collapsed.

This started from killing to killing, but in just five or six seconds, she has been able to react to it until now.

"Ye Che... Which, you, Levin, is not bad."

After thinking for a long time, Yunkong’s air has only pulled out this sentence.

She had the heart to say that Ye Qi was steady, but I don't know why, when I thought of the imperial pope being called a newcomer of Ye Che, the chasing of the fart and the rushing of the urine, I only felt that the pores were so open.

"Fortunately, it is the opposite of Lu Xi'an."

Ye Che returned with a word, and then cleaned up the wave of soldiers, opened the back to the city.

"The opposite Lu Xi'an is too dish... oh..."

The three most powerful kings and masters of the church couldn’t help but squirt out.

This kid, do you know who is playing Lu Xi’an, who is the pope of order gods!

However, although the four people had some vomiting in the bottom of their hearts, they paid attention to Ye Che, but subconsciously.

No matter what, a newcomer can kill the pope of the Order God, this is enough to blow for countless years, but also the performance of strength!

Back to the spring water, Ye Che synthetic blood-sucking machete, this equipment out, with the nurse's return blood, that ability to line, at this stage has reached its peak.

Once on the line, after the nurses made their eyes, Ye Che was mad.

As long as Lucian dared to make up the knife, this guy ran into the two axes with no reason.

Lucian did not dare to fight, not even dare to fight back.

In addition to Bronte's shield to symbolically block, and then use the q skills "cold bite" to delay the pursuit of De Lavin, the two will retreat to five or six hundred yards.

De Lavin's outfit, Lu Xi'an and Bron saw it. Even if the **** scimitar is in the hand, even if Levin is bloody, it will take a minute to two minutes to return to full blood.

q Skill physical damage plus combined bloodsucking machete, De Laiwen is unparalleled in this level of blood, not to mention a king of the nurse behind him.

So it caused such a situation, within the Levon 5oo code, completely afraid to stand!

By the time of 7 minutes, Deleven had a knife, and the Pope’s knife was only 24, which was more than doubled.

However, after all, he is the strength of the king, and the experience of his experience is really good, so he did not miss the experience of the small soldier.

The Pope is also a grievance. There is no way to fight. If the wild is a normal hero, or if the middle road is a normal hero, he has already called the big force to fight, and at least let him be better.

But one fight is a dead song, and the other is ez. Both of them are in desperate need of education.

So he had to continue to be patient.

But fortunately, the wave of one's own.

Ye Che did not guess wrong. When he was in the first group, only he took advantage of himself, but the dog head was miserable to the extreme.

There was no flash in the flash, and the head was not taken.

Now, once again, it’s been smashed by death songs.

Although the dragon torto has been helping him, but in the absence of a double call, he also died once, and was EZ's precise big move, and the head was taken away.

Time continued to pass, Ye Che finally returned to the city with a big sword, and also came to level 6, flashing treatment all in.

On the other hand, Lu Xi'an and Bron also finally couldn't bear it. In the case of a double call, they planned to summon a friendly army to kill a wave.

However, it did not go directly, but waited for more than a minute, and waited until the dead song brushed Sanboye. After reaching level 6, it was ready to start killing.

The ez, which immediately reached the eighth grade, slowly turned back to the city, and his eyes flashed cold.

The opposite card support has been used on the road, and a wave of crisis to ease the dog's head has been used, so this time, it is still very promising.

If it is not good, at least one of the two should be killed, so that Lu Xi'an is better.

"The Pope, you are really old, and you are being bullied by a new person..."

The dead song was close to the road, and he tweeted.

"Hey, he took three heads at the first level and took advantage of it. You chose a dead song, and I was pressured to be normal."

The pope’s face is not red and does not jump.

"This reason I serve..."

Dead songs.

"Don't say it, remember, blast straight seconds to Levin!"

Ez faint.


Seeing that I was about to start, the four people were quiet.

On the other hand, the eye-catching intention of Ye Che has also been stunned for a long time, but because the nurse is not controlled, there is a Bron open shield on the opposite side to block his own attack, so he has been forcibly resisting and directly pressing the knife.

But now it is 6 or not, it is not necessarily.

So, he began to control the line, the axe's general attack, the last soldier, a trace of blood, is not forcing Lu Xi'an.

In this way, the line was quickly pulled to the middle.

"ez disappears... maybe blue may go back to the city and may go to gank."

Jin Lao reminded me, but I didn't worry too much, because my own road and the road, from the long distance, have made a vision.

And now this time period, ez to play the blue buff possibility, the highest.

But he did not know that behind the tower of the blue side, ez and the dead song, had already stood there with a murderous look.

"The Pope, yes, let's sell it."

Said ez.

After the high position, the auxiliary sales have been very few people, especially Bron, so only adc to sell, the enemy may be fooled.

The Pope’s face was dignified, and after five or six minutes, he had not seen the opposite Delavin as a newcomer.

Therefore, although he is behind some people, he also played the spirit of 1oo.

Selling flaws is also a technical job.

Directly past, it certainly can't be done. A person who was originally wretched and extremely rushed hard to work hard. The fool knows that there are people behind him.

However, the Pope is very experienced in selling flaws.

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