League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 939: You are helpless

This ton of tons of attacks, fell on De Lavin, in exchange for the Delphi axe. August 1st ★ Wenwang Wくw ★ W. 81zW. CoM


The axe just fell on Bobby, and he saw De Lavin's blood volume falling, and immediately increased a lot.


Again, the axe, okay, the blood that Dreven has fallen is almost full.

I have to say that with the **** sword of De Laiwen, as long as it is not controlled, as long as it continues to output, the degree of blood-sucking is simply terrible.

The flying axe is jumping wildly under the golden light, like the most exploding elf between heaven and earth.

When the four axes went down, Bobby couldn't stand it, and the blood volume was reduced to less than half.

And De Lavin's blood volume, in the three, no, including the dead dead songs of the four attacks, actually have more than half.

Bron had wanted to get close to Deleven because of rq, but when he was close to Delavin, Bobby couldn't hold it and began to flee.

So, he looked at the "bloody sprint" and opened it, and Delavin, who was chasing Bobby, couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Bobby was standing face to face with De Laiwen. At this time, it’s easy to see if he wants to escape.

"Blood sprint" opened, De Lavin's mobility suddenly increased, holding two sharply rotating scorpion axe in the hand, chasing Bobby who fled in panic, ignoring his teammates, domineering slashing With.

Show off the position, show operation, show what pre-judgment! ?

Now this Delevin tells them what is called Niubi. I am standing in the encirclement of you in front of the five of you. The brainless pain kills your front row, but you have nothing to do. This is called Niubi. .

"How come, his Dreven, how can anyone be there to this extent??"

Controlling the dragon turtle, the book of the cloud that is still rushing, is full of eyes and eyes.

It stands to reason that even if Levin is equipped with the lead, but it is not so exaggerated, it is simply ignoring the enemy five people, **** how to kill.

“It’s very simple, four words, it’s lighter...”

Jin Lao took a deep breath and said.

“Is it light?”

A book of clouds.

"This Ye Che's De Lavin, avoiding the reduction of the dead song, avoiding the big of Bron, avoiding Bron's q, interrupting Bobby's e! After that, he also walked away from Bron. General attack, if these skills or Bron's general attack, if anything falls on him, he can't play so cool!"

Domain emperor interface road.

"Yes, he avoids all the skills that threaten Drevenp to attack the blood, and ignores the ordinary injuries, but it is his savvy, he does not walk, will take the degree of the axe The frequency of attack is increased to the highest, and every time you move, it is at the most critical juncture. This is an absolute confidence and an extremely subtle expression of the battle. This Ye Che... can be said to be a real combat genius. !!!"

The eyes of the sky are shining with splendor, said.

Just as they talked, Ye Che as always ignored the skills of ez dead songs, and Lu Xi’an’s general attack. He shot a flat a-spinning axe and slammed it out, “pinging” a metal trembling, flying axe In mid-air, the target wave is more than the top of the blood, has been flying down.

Another record of killing axe! ! !

Finally make up the death fly axe! !

"Ping!! Ping!!!!"

After two metal rings with a strange rhythm, the purple square wave screamed under the eyes of all the friendly forces, and the air fell to the ground.

"1egendary god!"

The prompt tone rang loudly and loudly. At this moment, Delevin was already in the hands of ten people, and the level was just raised to level 9. It was three levels higher than Lu Xi'an!

Go straight to the road of God that ruled and crushed the audience!

After killing Bobby, Delevin's body slowly turned over, his eyes staring coldly and staring at Lu Xi'an.

Driewen’s blood is still half, and Lucian’s blood is full.

But I don't know why, watching this Levin turned with half the blood, the Pope actually had a long-lost tremor.

This feeling, he has been too long and has not passed, since he became one of the ten strongest kings of order gods, he has absolute confidence, death and despair, which he has always brought to others.

But now, this feeling, he actually felt from this Dreven.

"A, is my cool?"

Ye Che said to himself.


De Lavin's muscles like a dragon, the violent violent, the clenched axe of death, squatting to the clown behind him.


A sound of the whole audience was shocked, and the only 6-level Lu Xi'an, full of blood vessels, was directly evacuated with horror. With only one blow, Lu Xi'an's blood volume was less than half.

Level 9 Delevin, q skills have been full level, and the damage has improved a lot.

Another axe!

Lu Xi'an even stunned the time has not passed, they screamed to the ground.

This Lu Xi'an had a full output of De Lavin for five or six seconds, but now in the hands of De Lavin, but for a second can not support, this contrast, it is too shocking.

"This... invincible!!!"

"Mom, in so many of us, how long have you not seen such a violent killing!?"

"It’s been more than a decade. After all, a game of destiny is too important. It’s very conservative. It’s like him. If you see someone directly, you will do it. If you meet five, you will not back.”

"This kid really has an appetite for me, my domain emperor likes such domineering!!!"

The four people said one after another, that is, the sky is empty, but also the face is hot.

As a professional assistant, who does not want to be so discouraged by her own adc, the more she looks at this Levin, the more she is happy.

"Blood Sprint" was reopened, and De Lavin's attack has been in a state of non-stop. His whole person has turned into a horror and kills the gods, and smashed the two axes to meet the fourth goal, ez!

"The routines of ez and dead songs are really good. If it wasn't for me to react quickly, the first wave would catch me down, and they would let them succeed. However, once this road has not gained an advantage, the shortcomings are full."

Ye Che said to himself, ap Ize is now too slow to move, and he has been exporting De Lavin. At this time, De Lavin is just a plus, and then another axe, ez will fall like Lu Xi'an. situation.

Bloom finally met Drayvin on the face and just wanted to swing his arm. However, the Delevin e skill was cooled down in the blue buff, and the hammer cooling was reduced. The cooling time was only six or seven seconds, and it was already cooled.

Just a light push, Bron will be forced to stand by again.

This wave is the most embarrassing, not only did not have a big middle Delevin, q also fell through, and even did not touch Deleven's body.

"This Levin... is more flexible than Wayne..."

Bron’s heart shimmered with a trepidation. He had never seen it. Someone could bring De Lavin out of Wien’s ingenuity, but today he has a long experience.

Four kills!

A more enthusiastic voice, ez also followed the teammate's footsteps.

Suddenly, there was only one Bron and De Lavin left, and there was a soy sauce dragon turtle that was late.

This game is not just him, cards, dog heads, and even nurses, all suspected of extreme soy sauce.

Bron swallowed his swallow, and when he turned his head, he was on the Levin, and he was already **** and full of eyes.

Ps: The death ruling will end tomorrow. Thank you for your support. If the status is good, I will explode more, and then thank the those who love the reward, and the friends who commented on the comments, right, sand.

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