League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 940: Make a big profit

For a moment, Bron seems to have returned to the order of the gods, and once he was abused, this is the case when he plays assists. Bayi Chinese Network Ww ★ W.く81zW. CoM

The teammates are all dead, leaving him alone to face the devil who killed the audience.

Now this scene, compared to the original, is simply too effective.

"To send five kills... At the 6th level, send Delevin to kill five, this is still an egg!"

Bron’s face was bitterly whispered.

On the other hand, Ye Chezheng wanted to start, suddenly a golden ball, rushed out from the corner with a very fast degree.

"Yuye Che brothers, etc., send me an assist."

This golden ball that is rolling from the sky is obviously the dragon turtle of the Book of Clouds.

He has been until now, not to mention the head, even an assist has not been mixed, it is really miserable, so now want to help.

He knew that De Lavin had hurt the explosion, so before that, he opened the big move, "The Earth Moved" and flew close, for fear that even the enemy's body could not be touched, and the enemy would die.

Ye Che smiled slightly. The book of Yun’s book met for the first time. It was a gentle and elegant look. Now, between words, he has already treated himself as a peer. When he gets an assist, there is no problem.

"Hey, hey!"

The dragon tortoe flew close, his body around him, the land trembled fiercely, causing range damage to the surrounding soldiers and Bron.

Ye Che's De Lavin's axe did not stop. He took a look at Bron, and in less than three seconds, Bron was already in a state of blood.

"Five kills, five kills, five kills!!!"

"pentaki11, pentaki11,!!!!"

Purple domain king, Jin Lao and others, all eyes wide open, face flushing.

For many years, since they stepped into the strongest king, the five kills are too rare, and now the five-killing sounds that are long-lost are about to appear. With their heart, they are not excited by the incomparable excitement.

As for the five people on the blue side, including Bron, the old faces of each face, the face is almost darker than the bottom of the pot.

Being slaughtered by a newcomer, he is going to give him five kills right away. That feeling, don't mention how much wronged.

At this time, Ye Che is also preparing to throw the last axe, but suddenly, he did not know what to think, the eyes actually flashed a touch of color, then the arm slightly, and the last axe, actually cut down When Bron fled, he was on the face of a melee soldier.

The book of the cloud saw this scene, so that it could not be scared of heart disease.

The dragon turtle's big move has been going on for eight seconds, but now it's only five seconds.

He has always been attached to Bron's output to prevent things from changing. As a king, he is naturally very careful about the damage calculation, so he is sure that he can never steal this person.

But the book of Yun thought, this Dray's last axe, actually made a mistake, cut on the small soldier! ! !

"I go……"

At this moment, even with the temperament of the book of Yun, there is no swearing.

Because in the next second of the Delevin axe chop, Bron had been forced to be killed by his big move.

"Five kills!! Five kills!!!"

"Five kills!!"

"Five kills... five...嘎???"

The other few people in the purple side, this is still in the bottom of my heart, but suddenly saw this scene, one by one dumbfounded.


"Hahaha, laugh at me, this Delevin, actually cut down..."

"This is awkward..."

The blue side, including Bron, instantly laughed loudly, and it was like a 280,000 songs. It seemed like this, it would wash the shame of being ruled by De Lavin.

"It is estimated that this Dreven is going to take five kills, so excited!"

"Hey, boy, you are still too young."

"A new person is a newcomer after all, and his heart is not enough."

"The five kills are not available before your eyes, and no one is there."

Pope, Bron, Bobby and other five people seem to be covering the information in order to hide the shame of the heart.

Ye Che glanced at it and ignored it.

The book of the cloud has stuttered: "You...you..."

"Amount, too excited, mistakes..."

Ye Che sighed and seemed to be annoyed.

The book of Cloud suddenly has a heart-to-heart feeling. It is not a taste. Everyone will have a mistake, and even this time, even if it is a mistake, it will be nothing. After all, his previous operation has been so perfect, and he definitely spent all his energy.

Now he has made a mistake, but as long as he makes another blow, he can get five kills.

But it’s because I’m... if it’s not because I’m saying I’m going to get an assist... If I’m not afraid of having no assists, I’ll be close to...

The more I think about the book of the cloud, the more I feel sorry for Ye Che, who lost five kills, and he has to take up most of the responsibility.

Five kills, the five kills of the king's bureau! How rare, how great glory! ! !

This glory can be accompanied by a lifetime!

This glory is enough to gain the respect of anyone!

But just because I have just had an assist, I have no problem. This is a big debt! ! !

"Ye Che brothers, this is mainly because of me, I owe you, if you have any need to help in the future, even if you find me!"

The book of the cloud took a deep breath and said with a serious look.



"The last time I saw five kills in the King's Bureau, it was still eight years ago."

"It's a pity..."

The domain emperor, the sky of the sky, Jin Lao in the voice of the friendly army, all have some sighs.

They also know that the book of the cloud owes this Ye Che’s debt, which is a bit big.

At their level, glory is one of the most important things. The five kills are even more difficult to meet. Now, because of the help of Yunzhi, it is hard to deprive it.

Ye Che did not answer, at this time, it must be installed.

"Ye Che, the book of Yun is my confidant, but also my brother, I also have responsibility for this matter, so that I can promise you a condition within a range of capabilities that you can raise at any time."

Yunkong said that she said that it is not only that she wants to help the book of Yun as part of the responsibility, but that she is already very optimistic about Ye Che.

Now, after saying this, it is more natural to take closer and why not.

Ye Che’s eyes finally flashed a smile, a district five kills, in exchange for the king and the people of the people, earn, earn big! ! !

Yes, these five kills are what he deliberately wants, for this is the moment.

Five kills and zero death reward blood, but before he has already rewarded the colorful soul blood, so the current five kills is just a glory.

This glory is extremely important for the domain emperor, Jin Lao and others, but for Ye Che, it is not worth mentioning.

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