League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 947: Meritorious chaos

"He doesn't know where this is? Is it the kind of ascetic who has been up to the limit and has been following the waves in the deep sea!!!"

When I think of it, the two people are even more shocked, so they are more respectful and even seemingly sincere and fearful. Gossip one ★ Chinese network Ww√Wく. ★8く1★zくWく. √CoM★

However, after all, the two men passed through the life and death, and soon they calmed down. The man arched: "If you return to the adult, the younger surname is Li Yi. This is my warrior Zheng Yunyun. We are the Mo Yan war group. Base, because this year’s great chaos has begun, we are planning to travel, but on the way..."

"On the way, I can't stand the embarrassment of some people in the battle group, so I took Li Ge and tried to clean and breathe. I thought that I could meet the level of the mad demon in this sea area, and almost killed him. ......"

Xiaoyun's face was a little bleak, looking at Li Yi's gaze, full of embarrassment.

Li Yi did not have any greed, but smiled at her.

Ye Che did not give them a chance to show their love, frowning: "The merits of the chaos, as far as I know, at least two months before, will be held, how is it now?"

"We don't know the specifics, but it is said that it seems that all the elites of the big forces have nothing in the world of Shenglin, which has led to the low morale of many warriors. In order to motivate them, the great chaos has been opened ahead of schedule."

Li Yidao.

"It turned out to be..."

Ye Che nodded.

Among the two, Xiaoyun’s look suddenly moved, and suddenly he said: “Adults... I guess you are out of the mountain, is it because you have to go to Gonggong’s fight?”

She said so naturally, she has enough confidence.

The great chaos of the feats is the battle of almost everyone.

Everyone is going to participate in the big fights, and they are all very voluntary.

The root of it is because it is related to the increase in the power of the segment!

Among the five bases of the chaos and battlefield, in addition to the strongest of the explorer base, it is unshakable, and the other four bases change every year.

The number one base of meritorious service, in the chaos battlefield, the power of the segment can increase by 5o!

The second place is also 3o.

This kind of real increase has naturally made everyone feel excited.

Therefore, Xiaoyun guessed that this kind of ascetic who gave up hunting the devil and went out of the mountain was naturally also the reason for the increase in the power of the ranks.

But to be honest, Ye Che originally knew that the great chaos had begun, and he was not interested. Now that his strength has reached the diamond, he is beginning to move toward the heart of the heroic city.

The old friends of the Eastern Region, he is not at ease, 6 Yao's safety, he is not at ease.

But if you want to go to the heroic city, you must first leave the chaos battlefield, but the rule of the chaos is that the newcomer must go in and must stay for three years before leaving.

Therefore, if you want to leave the battlefield, Ye Che must pass Pang Long’s consent, otherwise he will not be able to leave.

Because of the rune transmission array that left the chaos battlefield, there are only five bases.

But now the Gongxun chaos is about to begin, Pang Long must be in the past, and want to find him, Ye Che naturally can only be seen in the field of great struggles.

"You are doing a good job."

Thinking of this, Ye Che went back directly and planned to hear what Xiaoyun wanted to say.

"Adults, great achievements, every year, there are countless strong players and dark horses. I know that your strength is definitely no problem, but you have to travel far to the big chaos. You must spend a lot of time to fly all the way. Power and energy, this is bound to make your rankings slightly affected... You have a life-saving grace for us, it is worse than this, you can go out with our battle group, just to recharge your batteries, and you can save your mind and effort. Hero skills."

Xiaoyun looked at Ye Che and hoped that he could agree. After all, the strong, who did not want to get to know.

However, Ye Che does not intend to participate in any great struggles. He does not intend to stay in the battlefield. The increase in the power of the ranks does not make sense to him.

Only that sentence can save time and effort to cultivate hero skills, but let Ye Che heart move.

Suddenly thought of the fusion of heroic skills, if there is a place to settle down, peace of mind to cultivate the fusion of hero skills, it is indeed good.

Newcomers must wait three years in the chaos battlefield. This is iron regulation, so Ye Che wants to leave, there will be great twists and turns.

Ye Che also understands this, so it is necessary to maximize the strength before seeing Pang Long.

So Ye Che just sank a little, and said: "Lead the way!"


Xiaoyun and Li Yiyi, seemingly did not think that this powerful and mysterious young man, actually agreed in one bite.

Ye Che smiled slightly, and the power of the field was slightly displayed, and Xiao Yun and Li Yixu were dragged up.

Before he flew on his own, he was still struggling. It is easy to drag the two people now.


Ye Chedao.

"Wait, wait, I look at the map!"

Xiaoyun and Li Yijian Ye Che really want to go to the big chaos with their battle group. They can't help but get excited. Li Yi is rushing out of the map and starting proofreading.

Soon, he found the route to the big chaos, and then gave it to Ye Che.

"Stand up!"

Ye Che said, the force of the horrible thunder in the body, a spurt.

"call out!"

The three men rushed away in a flash.


Xiaoyun and Li Yi’s face were flushed, and their hands were tightly held, realizing the thrill of flying.

The raging sun is like a fire, the waves are constantly moving, and a sea of ​​fish smells, from time to time into the nose of Ye Che.

In this way, it took about ten minutes to fly, and seven or eight medium-sized water curtain ships have been printed in Ye Che’s eyes.

"Mo Yan war group?"

Ye Che turned and asked.

"Right right, this is it!"

Li Yi was busy.

Ye Che nodded and accelerated, and directly selected the largest water curtain ship and fell.


The three stood on the water curtain boat and made a dull reverberation.



"Who is, I dare to swear at the warships of our Mo Yan war group!"

I was alarmed by this voice. Immediately, about six or seven people rushed out of the water curtain ship. At a glance, they saw the expressionless Ye Che.

However, after their eyes fell on Ye Yi and Xiao Yun, who were next to Ye Che, the color of vigilance suddenly dissipated.

"Li Yi, Xiaoyun!?"

Among the people, an old man looked at him.

"Two...two uncles..."

The two seemed to be very afraid of the old man, with a flash of color in his eyes.

"Hey, leave the battle group privately, and will punish you again!"

The old man glared at them. After he finished speaking, his eyes fell on Ye Che. He said: "Who are you? I don’t know if you step into other people’s ships without permission. It is a provocative act. !?"

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