League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 948: Homemade hero skills

"Uncle, you are polite, this is our savior!"

With the old man's words, Xiaoyun actually blew directly. Bayi Chinese Network W√wW. 81zW. CoM

"Xiaoyun, you are more and more courageous, dare to commit the following!"

The old man’s face changed and he sternly shouted.

"Old Li, what is so loud..."

A magnetic sound came from inside, and then a middle-aged man in a water blue robe took it out.

This middle-aged man has a relaxed attitude and a light speech.

"Head, these two guys are getting more and more unruly. They leave the team without saying anything, and they just take the outsiders to our foot."

The old man pointed at Ye Che and said with a snoring voice.


The middle-aged man did not look at Ye Che. His gaze fell directly on Li Yi’s body and said: "You said, what happened."

"We left the battle group privately. We are not right and willing to be punished, but he has a life-saving grace for us, and is a top master, head of the team, you must not be scorned!"

Li Yi said.

"What top experts, what is the life-saving grace, this kid looks like Mao is not long, and it becomes a top master in your mouth! I am afraid that you did not deliberately find a place to confuse you, transfer punishable punishment. The attention!!"

The old man said.

At this moment, Ye Che finally spoke. He looked at the old man with a weird look. Then he looked at Xiaoyun and asked: "You said that it is breathable because the war group is too embarrassed. It won't be this old man. ?"

"Mick kid, who are you talking about??"

The old man was so angry that he was blowing his beard and blinking his eyes.

The head of the group, after hearing the voice of Ye Che, was suddenly shocked, and seemed to think of something. His eyes were lifted from Li Yi, and then he was fixed on Ye Che.

"You...you...you...you are the leaves......... Ye Che!!!"

The head of the group looked at the face of Ye Che, the whole body was trembled, and the face that seemed to be calm and light, was instantly shocked.

The mouth is also stuttering and the words are unclear.

"you know me?"

Ye Che looked at the head of the group and asked doubts.

"Recognize...know!!! Of course I know!!!!"

The head of the Mo Yan War Regiment, like the idol who saw the thoughts of the thoughts, was so excited that he could not make himself, and the hands clasped and loosened from time to time, apparently already excited to the extreme.


The old man was shocked by his look, and he was so excited that even if he saw the fairy, he would not be so excited!

"You...you were in the endless city, the chaotic chaos, the devil, the annihilation dream and other forces retreat. When I was a million, I was fortunate to be there... but I am A small role, you will naturally not notice me."

The head of the Mo Yan war group is full of extreme fanaticism.

Ye Che doubts, the original guy has also entered the world of Shenglin, it is not surprising to know yourself.

Nodded, Ye Chedao said: "Know it, please trouble me to prepare a place for rest."

"Yes, yes, get ready, I will lead you personally!!!"

He screamed with excitement and wanted to get close to Ye Che, but there was a hint of fear in his heart.

This person in front of him, but the existence of a million wars, even the most powerful people in the sea of ​​chaos, he said that slaughter will be slaughtered, but when I think of these characters, I am now planning to stay in my own water. On the curtain ship, the head of the team was extremely hot.

"Team...Headmaster, how important are you, how can you let him lead the way..."

The old man was foolish by his own head. Now he sees that he wants to personally lead the strange young man, but he can't help the subconscious.

"I’m a fart, he’s a life-saving savior, don’t tell him to lead the way, even if I give him a warm bed, I’m willing!”

The head of the group jerked back and yelled at the old man.

When I think of this old thing, I dare to say that Ye Che is a child whose hair is not long. He is so frightened that he can't wait to live this old thing, so how can he be polite to him now?

Ye Che heard this sentence, but there was some convulsion in the bottom of his heart. What kind of ghost is the warm bed?

"Save... save the benefactor?"

The old man was stunned, and Xiaoyun and Li Yi were also stunned.

What the hell, this year, even the savior is also robbed? ? ?

Watching the head of the group have taken Ye Che to the house of the water curtain, Xiaoyun and Li Yi handed the old man a sympathetic look. When passing by, he said: "Two uncles... He is really our savior, arrogant. The devil knows?"

Said, compared with a mad devil stirring the wind and waves, continue: "Well, four or five hundred meters of arrogant demon, he, yes, is the child you said that the hair is not long, bang... Move, give it to slag..."

After that, I ignored the old man who was completely stunned. The two followed the head and Ye Che.

Inside the water curtain, in a room...

"Ye... Ye Che adults, I am the head of the Mo Yan Battle Group, Mo Yan, what is the need, you are told! I am definitely the first time to arrive!"

Mo Yan said with a smile on his face, and said to Ye Che, who was hot, and blew the dust on the chair and let Ye Che sit down.

Xiaoyun and Li Yi looked at each other and they were helpless. They thought they were already enthusiastic about Ye Che, but compared with Mo Yan’s head, it was a heaven and a ground.

Ye Che looked at the room, simple and bright, nodded with satisfaction, said: "The trouble is Mo Yan."

"No trouble, no trouble, you can stay in our Mo Yan war group, it is the blessing of our team's three lives!"

Mo Yan said, but his fanatic eyes did not leave Ye Che for a moment.

This is like a civilian seeing the president, seeing a big star, and Ye Che is in his heart, and his status is much higher than the presidential star.

The chaos of the devil, the most admired the strong, Ye Che unified the world of the Holy Forest, and finally saved all of them, he wanted to calm down at a time, it is impossible.

Ye Che was too much to be seen by Mo Yan’s hot eyes. He said, “That’s it, there is a need to call you.”

"Good, good!"

Mo Yan nodded quickly, but his body did not move.

Xiaoyun and Li Yi next to it were a little bit smirking. Seeing Ye Che had begun to frown slightly, and quickly took a Mo Yan arm and went out.

Mo Yan was also awake at this time, immediately felt that the move was really abrupt, and quickly turned to Ye Chu to close the concierge.

"You two listen, pass me orders, without my instructions, no one is allowed to get close to here, not to disturb Ye Che adults!"

Mo Yan took a deep breath and said harshly.

"This... the head of the group, you said that he is Ye Che, is he famous? Do you know, how do you feel respectful to him?"

Li Yi asked curiously.

"Very famous? Oh, famous went..."

Mo Yan’s eyes were awkward, and after thinking of hundreds of millions of people out of the world of Shenglin, the shocking scenes of Qi Qi’s shocked him.

Now that Ye Che is dead and resurrected, he is planning to go to the land of big chaos. When he thinks of those people who see Ye Che's scene, his heart can't help but jump wildly.

At this time, Ye Che has been sitting cross-legged on the bed, began to sense the five hero statues in the field, intends to create heroic skills, try the fusion of hero skills.

The combination of cards and swordsman hero skills has given him a big surprise.

So Mo Yan had just left, and he couldn’t wait to try it.

Ps: The four have arrived, but the reminder is better, don't forget to vote.

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