League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 950: Ice, Galen, Fusion

Fickley's face was extremely excited, and continued: "Ye Che, you are really big and cheap, you can mix hero skills with diamond v, it is simply against the sky!! There are five different types of power, each with different characteristics. The same, all kinds of fusion, the magical effect is completely different, your current position is too low, the coincidence of their own self-integration, not always available, so I suggest that when you merge, one of them chooses the mildest Water properties, so the success rate will be much higher!"

"Water property?"

Ye Che nodded slightly, his eyes falling on the body of the ice statue. √八一中文网WくwW★. ★8く1くzW. CoM

The heroic skills of the ice, such as "Wan Jian Qi" and "the focus of the shooter", after Ye Che's physical quality is very strong, it is rarely used very rarely, almost forgotten, after all, with Ye Che's physical quality Using this kind of attack is really a bit of a chicken.

But now, after the integration, it is hard to say.

Before the combination of playing cards and Jianhao hero skills, the effect is even more powerful.

After selecting an ice, Ye Che’s eyes fell on the first statue, Galen!

Anyway, reaching the place of big chaos, according to Mo Yan, it takes three or four days, and he has enough time to test it one by one.

"Wan Jian Qi, with a fatal blow!"

Ye Che whispered to himself, and the force of ice on the ice statue slammed into an ice-blue bow. The big sword above the statue of Galen was also a shock.

"Remember, no distractions, feel at heart!"

Fickley reminded me.

Ye Che nodded, and then there was no sign, the ice crystal bow and the big sword of Galen, violently moved in the field.


A soft sound, the ice crystal bow transformed by the power of the segment, violently pull the string like a full moon, the next second, nine fierce, the arrow of ice crystal wrapped by the force of the scorpion shot.


At a glance, the temperature in the field has dropped by a dozen degrees, a strong cold, scattered from the arrows of the nine ice crystals.

At the same moment, Galen’s great sword also moved, and his body flashed away, slamming into the arrows of the nine ice crystals.

"Can you succeed?"

Ye Che is watching this scene.

Under the sight, these nine ice crystal arrows, in the blink of an eye, rushed out of the field and smashed into the far-off sea, and the big sword that emerged from the Galen statue and then condensed by the power of the position is also "噗", a head in the shadow of the arrow of ice crystals, tied in.


When the two were just in contact, Ye Che’s consciousness suddenly slammed, only feeling a strong resistance, which occurred between the two.

"Don't worry, this is because the attributes are different, the impedance that appears. If you have different attribute categories of other hero statues, there is no such power to force integration at the moment, but the golden woods are all in the same place, plus the fate. Under the force of reconciliation, you still hope to succeed!"

Fickley Road.


His words just fell, and three hundred meters away from the field, there was already a loud voice.

Not only did Wan Jian Qi not merge successfully with the "fatal strike", but the two attacked each other as if they were attacking each other, and set off a hundred meters of waves.

With the power of Ye Che's position, it is equivalent to dozens of drills v at the same time, plus the heroic skills produced by the hero statue, the power is naturally terrifying.


In the twinkling of an eye, on the water curtain boat where Ye Che was riding, the alarm bell sounded, and then the sound of numerous footsteps was heard. Ye Che even faintly heard the words of enemy attacks.

Dry cough, Ye Che slightly slightly awkward.

However, in order to avoid more embarrassing, Ye Che decided to pretend to be dumb.

After two minutes...


Another loud noise, these water curtain boats from the Mo Yan battle group blasted more than 300 meters, making them shocked.

But under some investigations, nothing happened, and they made them frightened.

Ye Che continued to pretend that he didn't know anything, but it was only the second time. The progress of the integration has been greatly strengthened. Ye Che is sure, this time, absolutely successful!

"Million arrows, fatal blow!"

the third time!

"call out!"

Under the support of the force of the diamond segment, the nine ice crystals reached the extreme. As soon as they were shot, they directly led to the sound of sonic boom.

If you want to have a sonic boom, you must fly with the sound to spread, at least to reach 34o meters per second. That is to say, the degree of this "10,000 arrows" has been completely changed. This is Ye Che's full blow!

But fast, it’s not too fast to cross the space.

Nine ice crystal arrows, just after 34o meters, carrying a "fatal blow" big sword, have already taken the lead.


The weird resistance to resistance is strongly generated from the two, but they are slowly blended with the degree of visible to the naked eye.

1 meter...8 decimeters...6 decimeters...4 decimeters!

Ye Che is holding a sigh of relief, the power of the position is crazy and agitated, "Give me, melt!"


At that time, the five hero statues were all radiant, and the power of various attributes rushed out, making the field faintly boring.

Only this voice is hidden in the void, no one can detect it.

At the same moment, the ice crystal arrow and the big sword were actually affected. Under the tremor, the strong resistance was actually attracted.


It seems that there is a thousand-foot waterfall pouring down, the big sword instantly, did not enter the ice crystal arrow.

Just after entering, the nine ice crystal arrows slammed into a shock, and then directly contracted and condensed. When it reappeared, the nine ice crystal arrows had already wrapped the big sword.

It looks like a giant sword, engraved with nine crystal clear arrows.

And because the two properties are different, and the energy has increased dramatically, its breath is more than twice as powerful.


Ye Che’s thoughts combined with the heroic skills of “Wan Jian Qi” and “Fatal Strike”, and the slamming of the sea surface, a deafening sound.

Ye Che carefully paid attention to the changes in the sea surface. I saw that the attack had just landed on the sea, and the sea surface was nearly 50 meters deep. It was directly frozen. The nine ice crystal arrows slammed down from the big sword, leaving nine deep. The bottom hole is not seen.

In the next second, the body of Dabaojian also touched the ice surface. After listening to the explosion of the broken eardrum, the entire 50-meter ice surface has been completely blown up, directly into the powder, even the ice residue. Can't find it.

"This kind of double attack is unpredictable. The first heavy ice and then the ice arrow bombardment, the second heavy and fatal blow, the attack arrives at the same time. In the case of the former, the ice arrow is reduced, it is extremely difficult to avoid, only hard!"

Ye Che is satisfied with the self-speaking, the key is that after the fusion, the power is also enhanced, conservative estimates, almost doubled.

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