League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 951: Lead to disaster

"Really successful, congratulations, and another killer!"

Fickley said with a smile on his face, the stronger Ye Qi is, the less likely he is to die. As long as he does not die, he has the hope of living again, so he is also sincere and sincere. Bayi Chinese Network Ww√W√.く8★1zW. CoM

Whatever thought, Ye Che shook his head and said: "It is not a killer, but the power is only doubled. Plus unskilled, I can't do it now."

Fickley smiled directly and stiffened. The next second was extremely speechless and turned a blank eye and said: "Mom, you said so, when you walk down the street, someone else will kill you, how many people want to improve their heroic skills." One or two layers, it is difficult to climb the sky, and your hero skills are now more than doubled on the original basis, the attack characteristics are also invincible, and there are many surprises, you are still not satisfied!!!?"

Ye Chexiao smiled and knew that his request was too high.

"Right, this is your first fusion technique. How do you name it?"

Fickley did not entangle in the problem and continued to ask.

Ye Che is only slightly sinking, and he said: "Just call the arrow to fight, combine the names of the two."

“Are you going to fight?”

Fickley asked.


Ye Che glanced at him, and then stopped paying attention to Fickley, who was bored to the ridiculously funny smile. He wanted to continue to sink his heart, then merged various hero skills and became familiar with them.

Only at this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Ye Che opened his eyes.

"The **** of the gods, about four or five hundred meters away from the route, there are masters, it is reported that it should be the main ice hero, the power of the segment is fluctuating, at least to reach the diamond, I will know you."

Li Yi walked in, respectfully, and put down the food in his hand.

"I see."

Ye Che pretends to look calm.

"Hey, the strong is the strong, and I heard that the diamond master is in the middle of the move, but there is no emotional fluctuation."

Li Yi glanced at him, sighed at the bottom of his heart, then turned and walked out to cover the door for Ye Che.

After Ye Che got out of bed and used up the meal, he began to close his eyes again and continued to integrate the hero skills.

For Ye Che, there is only five points to improve the strength.

The first is to increase the position, but the force of drilling the v to the required position of the iv is extremely incomparable, and now it is obviously unrealistic.

The second is the field of smelting, but according to Fickley, it is not the time.

The third is to comprehend the stronger truth, but Ye Che is really sincere to the seventh floor. It is currently black and unrealistic.

Then there are only two points left, the fusion of hero skills, and the more difficult challenges.

However, the more difficult the challenge, the only way to improve the level of hero skills and comprehend the new hero skills. This kind of improvement is not too big, so Ye Che has now put all his energy into the fusion of heroes.

He wants to try, when you arrive at the big chaos, can you fuse... three hero skills! ! !

The next day.

Chaos battlefield, wood glue sea area.

On the mighty ocean, the sun's rays are like a layer of tulle on the ocean. This layer of tulle, Mo Yan's water curtain boat, sails between them, the water mist between the water and the ship, 揉Broken out of dreamy colors.

There are eight water curtain ships. In front of each boat, seven or eight people stand. Their bodies are exposed to the sun, like a layer of red yarn.

However, these people simply have no time to appreciate these scenery, and their faces are bitter and bitter, and their looks seem to have been covered with a haze.

"Nineteen hours, a full 19 hours, licking his mother's, that abominable explosion, every few minutes, it will ring once every few minutes, it will ring once, like a fly. I don’t stop at the ear, I feel that I can’t sleep well, I can’t eat enough food, and I can’t let it live!!!!”

On one of the water curtain ships, once again heard a huge bang from a few hundred meters, finally someone could not help but growl.

This person is very lean and looks very young, but under the eyes, it is a little dark and listless, apparently did not rest well last night.

Not only him, but several people beside him are yawning from time to time.

"Oh, I really don't know which high-ranking person and we can't go through the battle group, toss us for more than ten hours."

Someone sighed.

"Nothing, there is still more than an hour, then I sailed into the currents. When the warships are more, this person will not dare to come. Otherwise, he will be embarrassed!"

Someone immediately replied.


It was another loud noise, and the loud noise was especially loud. Their eardrums were “squeaky”.

Mo Yan’s biggest water curtain ship, Mo Yan and the old man, and Xiaoyun Li Yi are standing in the bow and frowning in the direction of the explosion.

"Wait, after an hour of sailing into the main stream, there is no problem."

Mo Yan sighed and there was some helplessness in his eyes.

The force of the explosion caused by the explosion is at least a diamond, but he has been unable to detect who caused it, but it must be a master.

They do not think that the battle group is only a high and not low existence. These years of hard work have survived for so long, naturally understand that anyone can provoke someone can not provoke, so he has been holding back.

"How is the **** of the gods, is there any problem?"

Mo Yan turned to ask.

"Nothing, it seems to be sleeping."

Li Yidao.

"Hey, the great **** is the great god, and the thunder does not move!"

Mo Yan exclaimed.

"Headmaster, he...he is really the singer of the gods!"

The old man asked with a lingering heart.

"Can I still have a fake?"

Mo Yan snorted and remembered that this guy almost sinned Che Yu, Mo Yan could not wait to slap him.

At this time, there was a cheer on the other water curtain ships, because they finally entered the open sea.

There are many official strongmen on the high seas who are patrolling the town. It is also a place where human beings gather in the entire magical sea area. Compared with other places, it is much safer.

After sailing for another ten minutes, there were many warships in the surrounding 66.

"Call, finally quiet!"

"God, the explosion broke the labor for more than ten hours, and finally collapsed!"

"Haha, isn't the guy who pretends to be a ghost? Isn't it a scum? If you continue to blow up the labor, I don't believe it. He dares to influence so many fleets."

However, the heated discussion of these people has just fallen.


One more than any of the previous, there was a strong violent explosion, and the madness rang in the place five hundred meters away.

The sound and power of this explosion was so strong that the waves that were picked up almost knocked over the water curtain boats of the Mo Yan Battle Group.

"The trough, the man is crazy!?"

"Don't dare to blow!?"

Everyone who says that the warships are dumbfounded.

Mo Yan is also a brow wrinkled. At this moment, an angry and ruined voice passed directly from afar. "Mo Yan Battle Group? You are not alive and tired, dare to blow us up!" ?"

"What, the Wolf Wars!?"

Mo Yan’s face suddenly changed dramatically, and the old man next to him and Li Yi and Xiao Yun’s eyes flashed a horror.

Soon, more than fifty warships with a length of 70 to 80 meters rushed over.

On top of it, there is a very terrifying atmosphere, which is tumbling.

"How could this be the case, why would we say that we bombed them?"

Mo Yan stood in the bow and was dumbfounded.

Ps: Before Mo Yan shouted is Che Shen, not Ye Che, I made a mistake, sorry.

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