League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 954: Hand pinch lightning

However, Li Yi is only platinum, but this boy is a drill v. The gap between the two is not that big. Bayi Chinese Network Ww ★ W ★. 8★1z√W. ★CoM


When the two contacted, Li Yi’s virtual tentacles broke directly. The thunder was just a little bit, and he had to fall on the small cloud.

Just as everyone in the Mo Yan battle group had a big shock, when Li Yi was stunned, a faint voice slowly spread from the water curtain: "Little age, so killing, fight!"


As soon as the words fell, the temperature of the surrounding air dropped to the extreme, and on the hull, numerous frosts spread out.

At the same moment, a combination of blue and ice crystals, after the first system, directly across the gap in front of Xiaoyun, straight and the yellow boy's thunder, hit together.

"This voice... is a clear god!"

Mo Yan Li Yi, and even the old man, are all overjoyed.

But the power of the thunder is unusual, and it is not so easy to block it.

When I thought that my thoughts had just turned, they saw the thunder that looked terrible, just a slight flash, then fainted in an instant, and then directly annihilated under the nine frosty arrows that were connected together. Nothing is nothing.

And this huge frosty arrow, but the cast is not reduced to the yellow boy shot.

"Be careful!"

The greedy wolf's eyes condensed, his arm slammed, and a grid of lightning was formed, which was blocked by the thick frost arrow.

"Puff puff!"

Frosty arrows hit the grid, causing the lightning grid to be extremely unstable, and there was a buzzing sound.

The greedy wolf snorted and suddenly increased the power output of the segment, and the Raytheon grid slammed.


The nine frosty arrows that were combined were actually bursting apart by the earthquake.

However, when the greedy wolf intends to converge on the power of the ranks, the look has changed in vain, because with the bursting of the nine frost arrows, a golden sword has emerged from the inside.

Its power seems to be more powerful than Frostbolt.

"Guer, flash!"

The greedy wolf screamed, but it was too late. He didn't expect the nine frost arrows to contain any other heroic skills.

Even he can't react, let alone greedy.

At that time, I only heard a sigh, and the greed was directly attacked by this sword.

This is still Ye Che did not kill, or a sword stabbed, and directly broke him.

"Da da da……"

The sound of the step is not high or low, and it sounded from the inside of the Mo Yan battle group. A few seconds later, a clear-eyed young man slowly came out.

The young man just took a step from the inside, and the black brow wrinkled up. He always felt that this figure seemed familiar with where he had seen it.

When the whole body of the young man came out, the black eyes of the youngest boss who had already smashed, this is not Ye Che! ?

At this time, the greedy wolf was angry at the extreme. He naturally saw the face of Ye Che and felt very familiar.

However, in the face of so many warfare team members, his son was severely wounded, and with his bloodthirsty temper, he did not want to directly explode.

"Go to death! Upright! Thousands of birds!!!"

The greedy wolf does not say anything, the **** are twisted together, and the power of the majestic segment suddenly swells out. A long gun consisting of a huge tens of meters of thunder light instantly tears the air and screams at the head against Ye Che. .

This blow is the heart of violent, the skill of Kenan.

The "Olympic! Thousand Birds" of the Wolf is more than twice as powerful as the ancient ones. The attack has just come out. The seawater within ten meters of the warship is reduced by nearly half a meter by its pressure. .

All the people in the Mo Yan war group, frightened and retreated, and the hull swayed violently.

However, in the face of such a fierce blow, Ye Che did not stop at the pace of walking, but stretched out a palm, a pair of thundering light guns, grabbed the past.

"Find something to die!"

The wolf saw it, and the sneer passed in his eyes. He attacked like this, even if it was the same as the existence of the drill iii, it could not be easily taken over, let alone the young man who was in the early 2o.

Therefore, the behavior of the young man at the moment is undoubtedly a self-seeking dead end.


In the eyes of the greedy wolf, when the sneer flashed, the thunder light gun was already on the palm of Ye's palm. However, the blood that everyone expected did not appear, and Ye's palm seemed to have a glimmer of color. For a second, it was like a steel tongs that caught the thunderbolt, and then the palm of his hand suddenly gripped.


The crisp sound was swaying in the sea. This thunder and lightning gun was so sharp that it was directly crushed by Ye Che, a raw meat palm.

"How is it possible?!" The sneer on the face of the wolf, suddenly solidified.


Ye Che looked up, looked at the greedy wolf with a gaze, and then stepped out again, a residual image resided in the same place, but its body was turned into a light and shadow, with a degree like a thunder, straight To the greedy wolf.

Jian Hao stepped forward and merged with the moment of Galen's deadly blow, and Ye Che's degree reached its peak.

"How fast!"

When you look at the greedy wolf, you have to do your best.

However, at this moment, a panicked voice rang out loud: "Slow slowly!!! Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding!!!"

This voice is black and little.

After Ye Che heard the words of black and white, his face did not consciously flash a smile, he naturally would not really shoot.

After all, it is my own mistakes, just shot, just to learn the greed of murder.

He is just giving himself a step, obviously, black and white is a good match.

"Misunderstanding, what misunderstanding!?"

The greedy wolf looks round and round, looks at the black and the young, and does not give a reasonable explanation, so they must kill.

However, only he knew that the scene of the young empty-handed thunderbolt had already made him extremely jealous. It was because of this that he stopped to listen to the words of the black and the young.

"Wolf brother, this is really a misunderstanding."

Black and little said, with a smile on his face, Ye Che, who slowly stopped, said: "This is Ye Che, my brother, I mentioned it to you, and the squadron is hard to reach the fifth." The existence of Guan! Hahaha, it’s really a big water rushing to the Dragon King Temple."

"Ye Che?"

A glimpse of the wolf, it seems that this name evokes his memories, and then carefully examines Ye Che, the more he looks, the bigger his eyes are, the more he finally screams out: " Lying in the trough, is you, clear God!!!?"

Before he was not recognized for the first time, in addition to being stunned by anger, it was also related to Ye Che's dress.

After all, the clear **** in the world of Shenglin, but the left hand drinking blood, the carrying Lanton, wearing a madman, the existence of a gold dress.

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