League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 955: : Three heroes, fusion

Ps: Something is temporary. The third chapter is before 10 o'clock in the evening. The previous two chapters have been reversed. It has been modified. It is a problem transmitted online. It was mistakenly divided when it was uploaded synchronously. Bayi Chinese Network Ww√W√.く8★1zW. CoM


"Glamboy, I understand what you mean."

Mo Yan said, a bitter smile continued: "But even if you go in, you can't see the **** of the gods. This day, Che Shen has never left his house and has been practicing."

The greedy wolf glimpsed a little, and his hand pressed his chin to silence.

Three seconds later, a smile appeared on his face, and he jumped to the topic: "Since it is a friend, then our two battle groups will go hand in hand, and there is also a care."

Mo Yan naturally wants nothing about this. Although he knows that he is not dying of the **** of the clear, but this is not a bad thing, it should be down.

The two regiments continued to enter, and the greedy wolf has always been on the battleship of the Mo Yan war group. It seems to be waiting outside for the black and the young.

At this time, in the room of the water curtain ship Ye Che, Black and a little surprised and looked at Ye Che, seemingly saw the absolutely rare animals.

"I didn't see it, hey, I didn't really see it. I couldn't think of the boy who had been disabled with his arms. It turned out to be a diamond-stricken person."

Black and less said, touching Ye Che’s arm and touching the right touch.

Ye Che was touched by a cold, and could not help but directly call: "Why, if you are black, your taste has changed, you don't like water, you like men?"

When I mentioned the water scorpion, the black squatted, and stopped the action. I pulled my head and said, "Don't mention it. If I found a sly child, how could I still follow this greedy wolf, this time I will participate in the big chaos, too. It is estimated that the nephew may come, so try your luck."

"Then you touch it slowly, I have cultivated it first."

Ye Che shook his head, this black is a lover, just think of the temper of the otter, he wants to control, it is estimated to have to play.


Speaking of this, the black and the young eyes are bright, saying: "When you just attacked the yellow hair, what is the heroic skill, how have I never seen it?"

He is indeed curious to the extreme. First, the nine-handed ice and arrow combination attack is fine, but the second attack that is contained is obviously not the same kind. Is there such a hero skill? ?

"Oh, that's the arrow hit."

Ye Che said casually.

"To the arrow attack? Throughout the more than one hundred heroes, is this heroic skill?"

Black and little eyes are a little dazed.

At this time, Ye Che has already sinken his heart and continues to integrate heroic skills.

Before the success of the "Arrow Strike", the next integration is very smooth, but it is still not successful, and it must be handy.

This is also the reason why the explosion will occur frequently. Naturally, Ye Che is familiar with the fusion of hero skills.

"The combination of the two heroes is really unstoppable, but the Diamond III can already be blocked. Although it will look awkward...but the power is not enough."

Ye Che thought of taking a deep breath here, so she must go further and integrate the three heroic skills to have the real capital of drilling III and even drilling II.

Ye Che's gaze began to flow on the five heroes.

In this three-hero fusion, he did not intend to choose Galen’s, but he thought of it, that is, the fire is not allowed.

But if they get together, will it be a stronger force?

The fire borrowed from the wind, and Ye Che’s third hero’s choice chose Jianhao.

The fierce blast, the violent flame, and the harsh frost, the three heroes selected, Ye Che began to merge.

This time, because it is necessary to violate the rules of the chaos and battlefield, the chaos will be out of the battlefield in advance, so Ye Che must do a good job.

Black rarely sees Ye Che closed his eyes and began to cultivate directly. He licked his mouth and screamed "cultivation madness" and turned and walked out of the house.

Over the water curtain ship of Mo Yan, the consciousness of Ye Che has come to the field.

"Why, is it going to integrate three heroes?"

Asked Fickley.

Ye Che nodded and said: "The fusion of two hero skills is strong, but it is not strong enough. This kind of attack is a bit embarrassing for Diamond III."

"It's good, but do you know the difficulty of merging three heroes? If the fusion of the two heroes is 1+1, the three heroes are 1+1o+1oo, which is like controlling two heroes of two light brains at the same time. The League of Legends, like the three heroes of the three light brains, is the same as the League of Legends. The former can do a little bit of control, but the latter, even if the hand is fast, it is hard to go to heaven!"

Fickley reminded him.

"So because it is difficult, don't you try it?"

Ye Che asked.

Fickley was speechless.

Five statues, the slowly rising sky lit up.

This time, because it is a combination of three heroes at the same time, Ye Che is extraordinarily meticulous and his whole body is tense.

First, the tornado of Jianhao slowly floated up, and the blue whirlwind was not urging under Ye Che, but it was not slow or slow.

Then there was Anne's flame and the frost of the ice.

The three in the eyes of Ye Che's staring, one by one, and the other Galen statues and card statues, each fluctuating, began to neutralize their different chaotic attributes.

"it has started……"

Ye Che slightly lifted the gas.

Next second, "Hey!"

First, the tornado of Jianhao, after Ye Qi’s use of Jianhao’s smashing steel, swept out.

In the meantime, I have already rushed out of the field and went straight to the sea.

This time, under the special control of Ye Che, the choice of the foothold is far from the fleet, and the distance from the Mo Yan battle group fleet is also almost 1,500 meters away.

Although the power of such a position will consume more, it is not a problem with the recovery of Ye Che.

Suigang’s flash has just burst out, and Anne’s “fragmented fire” and the “wanjianqi” of the ice have already rushed out.




The three cut through the space, causing the air to tremble violently. Under the close distance of the three different energies, the space was unstable and began to violent, and its breath was extremely shocking.

Soon, three seconds later, in the case of Ye Che’s dark breath, the three were in contact.

It seems to have the consequences of three different properties of energy contact, the card statue and the Galen statue flashed violently, with the other three statues, trying to neutralize.



Almost no chance to give Ye Che any reaction, the three even did not touch, they exploded.

In particular, Anne's "fragmented fire" and the ice's "10,000 arrows", the two are even separated by half a meter, it is like seeing the enemy of life and death, mutual harm and annihilation.

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