League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 972: : Broken Thunder!

The statue of Jian Hao, the statue of the fire girl and the statue of the ice have been flashing because of the use of heroic skills. Bayi Chinese Network WwW★.く8く1√zW. CoM

At this time, with the spread of the essence of the gods, they quickly touched them.

For a moment, Ye Che felt that there seemed to be an invisible bond that tied the three closely.

It is as if they are no longer separate from each other.

"It's this feeling!"

Ye Che’s heart was overjoyed. At this moment, he felt very clearly that the resistance between “Wan Jian Qi” and “Fire of Fragmentation” began to decrease rapidly.

And Jianhao's smashing steel and the direct resistance of the two directly disappeared.

"Sure enough!"

Ye Cheqiang resisted the excitement, quickly motivated the power of the ranks, and quickly spread the essence of the gods.

Finally, the miraculous mist of the gods wrapped up the five hero statues.

Outside the field, the three heroic skills trembled fiercely. At this moment, some restrictions between the three were like no, so that the three were instantly close together.

In the field, the power of the gods rushed into the five heroes, making the five heroes seem to have established some kind of bridge.

Under this "bridge", first of all, Jianhao's smashing steel flashed, and only heard a "squeaky", directly immersed in "Wan Jianqi" and "fragmented fire".


In an instant, a shrill sounding and violently blowing up, the power of these three heroic skills directly expanded more than doubled.


The sharp whirlwind of cyan is turned into countless cymbals, such as a knife like a sword. It rotates on the "10,000 arrows" and "fragmented fire".

A huge wave of waves hit, and when it was not close, it was cut into countless holes.


Seeing that the steel flash has been integrated into it, Ye Che’s mood is extremely exciting, and now there are only “10,000 arrows” and “fragmented fire”! ! !

Five decimeters... four decimeters... three decimeters...

As the distance between the two gradually approached, a tumultuous thunder sounded, and the madness between the two blew.

Since ancient times, water and fire have not allowed!

This is contrary to common sense and is against the laws of nature!

Just like gunpowder and fire, the two can never be compatible, touch, only terrible destruction!

However, this is absolutely impossible, but it is born.

At this moment, it seems that there is something that blinds the laws of nature. As the distance between fire and ice is close, there is no abnormality at all.

Ye Che’s forehead has overflowed with sweat, because the time has passed six or seven seconds, and “Wan Jian Qi” and “Broken Fire” have already flown more than two thousand meters.

The power consumption of the segment required for this distance, even Ye Che, can not afford it.


Seeing the distance between the two, only less than two decimeters, Ye Che violently bite his teeth, the power of the paragraph is full of a drum.

"Wan Jian Qi" and "Broken Fire" were directly hit by the sudden force, and finally got together.

However, the terrible explosion and loud noise did not sound.

There was only a slight "beep" sound, and the contact between the two seemed to be in a blisters, clear and harmonious.

However, in the field, it was the sound of Ye Che’s cold air.

He already felt that as the three heroes finally succeeded in merging together, a tremulous breath slowly spread from above.

This breath, Ye Che is only a little perceptive, there is a feeling of heartbreaking.

Red fire, blue ice, cyan wind.

The integration of the three, the birth of a group of tumbling objects.

The object is round in shape, three colors, and it appears on the top from time to time. It is very different.


Outside the field, the Thunder is rolling.

However, at this moment, Ye Che can fully feel that even the Thunder bombarded in the sky is not as good as the horror of the wind and fire.

Ye Che felt the sky, his heart moved, then took a deep breath, pushed his arm and whispered: "Go!"

The sound fell, this group of three heroes tumbling, suddenly diverted, like lightning, against the rolling thunder in the sky, rushed up.

The blue-and-red-red tri-color energy group has been separated from Ye Che's control, and the degree is fast to the extreme. It flashes like a flash, turning into a blurred light, and sweeping away against the thunder of the sky.

The three-color energy group, although containing the terrible violent energy, can be unusually quiet when passing through the space, even the energy of the half-point is not brought up, however, it is such a quiet appearance. It is even more horrifying.

This is like a nuclear bomb, a prelude to the silence of heaven and earth.

Soon, the tri-color energy group has already rushed to the height of five or six kilometers, and finally, like a small meteor, crashed into the rolling thunder.

The three-color energy group, which is one meter long, the size and the thunder that is almost all over the wind and thunder seas, is almost disproportionate. The impact is like a bird hitting a mountain wall, it won’t make it happen. The person has a half-point of vibration, however, everything can not be judged by the size of the volume.

The nuclear reactor is small, the nuclear bomb is small?

However, after all kinds of substances react, they can explode the power of destroying the earth.


The tri-color energy group has plunged into countless thunders, and immediately, a cold and indifferent sound, suddenly thundering like a thunder!


As soon as the sound of the drink fell, the fusion of the three-color energy group seemed to reach the limit. In the meantime, a shocking explosion that was enough to make the eardrum shatter, suddenly rang through the sky!

The next second, a terrible energy storm filled the sky.

Ye Che is surprised, the explosion of the three-color energy group is not like explosives.

Instead, the blue ice energy first hits. When the thunder is touched, the Thunder will slam, and the whole is solidified.

Business red and blue yoshi energy, a little raging.


This seemingly invisible Thunder, like a mirror, shattered.

"Even the Thunder have been shattered?"

Ye Che, standing in the field, is slightly dumbfounded.

"Hey, no interest, what is the crushing of the Thunder? When you combine four heroes and even five heroes, it is not difficult to crush the space!"

Fickley disdain Panel.

Although Ye Che knows that Fickley is right, she is still a little excited.

Looking at the sky, hundreds of meters of thunder were cleared, a feeling of gratification, the first time since Ye Che's heart emerged.

Finally, finally, there is a card that can be controlled by itself.

Finally, after seven hundred years, you can fight for it!

"Three hero skills, finally combined..."

Ye Che sighed and sighed, and the force of the pervasive position began to converge slowly.

"The following is to give this new skill, take a name... Since you want to integrate four hero skills, five hero skills, then simple, it is called three colors * wind and ice."

Ye Che secretly said, this coincides with the words of the typhoon Jianhao, the ice shooter, the fire girl.

The three heroic skills finally merged successfully. Ye Che’s body swayed slightly and left the field, intending to sail out of the water, familiar with the release skills of the three-color wind and ice.

On the other hand, the land of big chaos is finally going to open.

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