League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 973: : Ye Che is coming back!

Ps: I have written for a day, at least twelve hours or more, fortunately, not to be insulted, seven more!

After writing the typos, the level of time is troublesome, the eyes look so painful, the time is delayed, and Haihan is still expected. Bayi Chinese Network WくwくW. 81zW. CoM

Then thank you for your support and waiting. It’s a great honor to sink. Thank you everyone ^_^


Big chaos, divided into monthly and annual competitions.

The monthly game can only be attended by people who have drilled more than III, and they are all secretly carried out.

But the annual competition is different, no matter what position, as long as you are in the chaos battlefield, you can join.

Even so, the annual competition, the number of participants is not so much, many people are well aware, went to the end of the cannon fodder.

But this year, even if we know this, everyone is going to fight.

Because today's host is the king! !

The king, the entire sea of ​​chaos, the facade is revealed, there are only two or three, the supreme master of the average character, even if you can not get good results, but can see the king with his own eyes, it is also very exciting .

So in the past six days, nearly 30 million people have arrived at the entrance to the entire chaos.

This scale is even larger than when the Holy Forest world was opened.

This is still because of the blockage of the wind and thunder seas, otherwise this number will have to double.

"The brother of the wolf, you said that it has been five or six hours since this time. How can you not come back, what will happen?"

In the restaurant, Mo Yan and the wolf are sitting and their faces are worried.

Ye Che counted on the time before entering the high seas, which was equivalent to saving him twice. He naturally worried.

"Reassure, Che-shing has escaped from the world of St. Lin, not to mention now, I guess there is something to delay."

The greedy wolf sipped a bowl of wine and waved.

Mo Yan nodded, thinking about it should be like this, and then, even if something happened, he can't worry about it.

With the strength of his diamond IV, it will not work in the past.

When Mo Yan and the wolf chatted, time began to slowly elapse, and the auction was over. Soon, the sixth day passed.

On the seventh day, today is the day when the big chaos is open!

In the morning, the sun has not yet fallen, and the pedestrians on the street have reached the point of becoming a piece of film. The soldiers can be seen thousands of kilometers away.

The popularity of the entrance area of ​​the current chaos has reached an extreme in the brewing of these six days. All people, no one is looking forward to the eyes.

The faces of these warriors are either dancing or frowning.

The look of dignity are mostly those that have no reputation and do not have much strength. These people come naturally because they have enough interests to seduce them, so they take a risk.

Seeing that the big chaos is coming soon, the bottom of my heart must be solemn.

Those who are confident and excited are all big battle groups, people of great powers, one by one or their own strength, or the power behind them.

There are also many warrior mages who are single-handed, and their eyes flashed from time to time.

Although these people do not have a group, but each of the strong metamorphosis is a terrible ascetic, often sneaked into the depths of the sea deep thousands of meters, and the devil killed!

Just when these people are all gathering at the entrance to the big chaos, Ye Che is also sleeping and waking up in the wind and thunder sea.

Yesterday, I tried to familiarize myself with the new hero skills until the evening, and I fell asleep directly.


Ye Che was lazy and stretched out, and then stood up from the water curtain.

Then the gaze passed through the water curtain boat and landed outside.

The thunder is roaring outside the ship, but Ye Che now sees these thunders again, but he can't find his heart in his face.

Just kidding, waiting for you to smash the Thunder for n hours, it will also feel like this.

Thunder, can no longer make him fear.

"call out!"

As soon as he was swaying, Ye Che had already flown outside the water curtain ship. After picking up the water curtain ship, he corrected the direction of the big chaos and flew away.


Just flew for five seconds, there was a thick purple thunder of buckets, and under the attraction of Ye Che’s power, he came over.


Ye Che's mouth was slightly ticked, and he didn't see how to make a move. He saw the strange light of three kinds of shackles in front of him.

As soon as the three colors of light appeared, the air around it instantly steamed, and the space was also violently trembled, and in the next second, it suddenly lost its trace.

In the field, on the statue of five heroes, the gods flashed.


The Thunder, which was bombarded by Ye Che, was actually halfway through the life. Then it seemed to be hit by a million tons of nuclear bombs. The whole explosion started and turned into a grain of the most primitive electric particles.

And Ye Che's is not reduced at all, this moment of effort, flying a few kilometers away.

His understatement of destroying the Thunder is more calm than the previous encounter in the wind and thunder seas.

At this point, the Thunder can no longer block Ye Che's points, all the way to speed, and soon, Ye Che has already re-entered the area of ​​the big chaos.

Going back to the restaurant, the greedy wolf and Mo Yan are still waiting for him.

"Hahaha, I will say that the **** of the gods is fine, this is not coming back!"

The greedy wolf rushed over and laughed.

In the eyes, there was a glimpse of horror, because when Ye Che came in, he actually had a goose bump in his body.

He felt very clear that he had seen this feeling when he saw that he could kill his own drill I.

This is a feeling of being killed at any time if you see the wild beast!

And Mo Yan, because the power difference is too much, but there is no such feeling.

"Well, you?"

Ye Qi's strange look at the greedy wolf, only think that he looks strange.

"The **** of the gods, it seems that the essence of the gods has played a big role in you..."

The eyes of the greedy wolf laughed, and the stronger the strength of Ye Che, the higher the probability of killing the Beijiang, the higher he naturally, he was naturally delighted.

"not bad."

Speaking of this, even with the heart of Ye Che, I couldn't help but grin.

Talking, the three people, as well as the Mo Yan team and the team of the wolf team, have stepped out.

At the entrance to the chaos, it is a square pit that is about 10,000 meters long. The pit is 100 meters deep and there is black and secluded sea water.

At this time, it is already a complete sea of ​​people, and the black-pressed head is like a black wave, spreading from the entrance of the big chaos.

Around the square pit, there are bone slopes made up of demon bones. These bone slopes are undulating, varying in height and look strange and majestic.

Ye Che's eyes passed through the **** of the bone, and he was able to see the gray-brown bloodstains beside the huge square deep pit. There was a tragic breath in the faint, and every big fight would be here. burst.

Every few years, there will be a lot of dark horses appearing here, but there are also many geniuses who have fallen here and finally achieved the reputation of others.

This is the case with big chaos, not only the best point to gain merit, but also the place where individuals or groups can make a name for themselves.

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