League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 984: : Forced mad diamond I

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Finally, the seven-group, two thousand crowds [591,472,596] of the newly-built League of Legends seven hundred years later, just established, welcome friends to join 喔^_^, continue today four more.



"Well, who is that kid? How have you never seen it, who did you secretly cultivate?"

The leader of the annihilation dream, said a little surprised.

He is indeed a little surprised. At this time, even if it is chaos, the devil ink and other people have only reached the seventy-eighth battle, and this kid has begun to attack the seventy-seventh battle. If it continues, this has a great chance to directly Enter the top ten, the top five.

The top ten and later rankings seem to be very close, but in fact they are very different.

You must know that in this case, even if you drilled I, there are nearly ten. If this kid can enter the top ten and the top five, it is not that the talents of those I can't match him.

"Interesting, it seems to be a dark horse."

"He has a lot of strength to watch the situation, and he should be able to rush to the 78th or even the 79th game in one breath!"

Some of the arguments are raging, but the eyes are constantly sweeping through the chaos, Jin Lao, and the deacons of the devil and the annihilation of the dream, they seem to have secretly thought that this person is among the three of them, who cultivated from.

Just when they were talking about it, ten minutes later, in the virtual shadow passage, there was another sound of sorrow. The youth with the mask actually gave the seventy-seventh battle.

His face is leisurely, as if he had just gone through a battle, but went on an outing.

Ye Che walked out of the seventy-seventh battle, glanced at the stunned Bay River, smiled slightly, and then the constant degree, walked a hundred meters away, entered the seventy-eighth battle!

"Hey, the seventy-eighth battle!"

"This guy is so strong, do not need to rest all the way to the present!?"

"This momentum can completely impact the top five, the top three... even... first!"

Listening to the exclamation of these people, the five people, such as Chao Yunyang, couldn’t stand it anymore. They almost climbed up with their hands and feet and then gnawed into the seventy-nine battles.

The power of their position has not fully recovered, but they cannot wait.

Otherwise, once the mask man arrived in the seventy-eighth battle, the face was lost.

They are the top geniuses of the ranks, how can they keep pace with an unknown guy!

Keep on!

In an instant, chaos Yunyang, chaos, magic, demon ink, and Wang Hao looked at each other and went into the seventy-ninth battle.

Also stand up and move on, there is Beijiang!

"This guy actually wants to pass me, can't stand it, can't bear it!"

Bei Jiang’s heart snarled and entered the 74th War.

Perhaps it was stimulated by Ye Che’s successive battles. The top 100, almost all continue to move, no one will serve!

"Oh, I didn't expect this kid to act as a catalyst..."

Beyond the virtual shadow channel, the black robe was interested in talking to himself.

Time passed quickly, and many people were waiting for it. After more than 20 minutes, the chaotic Yunyang and others finally came out from the 79th and 66th, and each face was full of fatigue.

The consumption of the power of the segment, the consumption of energy, and the consumption of the heart caused them to make several mistakes, but it was always passed.

"It's better, I can finally rest for a few hours..."

"The league battle of these seventy-nine battles is really disgusting. The enemy will actually be out of the miraculous outfits and almost be routine!"

All five people were deeply sighed a few times, then subconsciously looked at Ye Che's virtual shadow channel, watching the man pass the seventy-eighth war, and now he is not going to move on.

However, this eye just happened to let them see Ye Che, who came out from the 79th battle.

"The trough!"


Even with the psychological qualities of the five diamond powerhouses, I couldn't help but burst into a thick mouth at the moment.

"What is the situation, how did this kid come out from the 79th battle!?"

"He is not playing seventy-eight battles!?"

"Nima, don't tell me that he has been in the seventy-eight and seventy-nine battles in just 20 minutes!!!"

Five people are stupid.

However, the sound of boiling in the surrounding virtual shadow channel made them know that there was nothing wrong with guessing.

"I am going, Chess Fortune! I rushed to the sixth place!!!"

"Haha, those guys of several levels are dumbfounded."

Mo Yan and the greedy wolf all laughed badly.

"The seventy-nine battles have passed?"

Among the fifty-eighth, the icemoon wearing a fight, watching Ye Qi slowly coming out of the seventy-nine battle, his eyes flashed a strange color.

Her strong place is in actual combat!

But this hundred war alliance, but the actual combat and the alliance war mixed, so her ranking is not high, she is waiting, after the second level and the ice joint, then sprint merits, get the total ranking!

"Damn! My Beijiang is a small owner of the Bei family. How can it be even worse than this? Hey, continue!"

Beijiang’s heart is stunned, his expression is a little distorted, and he’s going to go to the seventy-eight battles despite the muscles that are shaking and shivering!

However, Ye Che is faster than him.

In the eyes of countless people in the audience, in the unbelievable look of five people like Yunyang, they stepped into the 80th battle!

"Is this guy crazy?!"


Five people, no, should include the top 30, all sucking a sigh of relief.

Chao Yunyang, chaos, magic, magic ink, Wang Hao five people have just fought seventy-nine battles, the whole body is already sweating, the muscles of the whole body tremble constantly.

In front of the eyes, there are even stars.

Think about it, Lien Chan’s more than 30 masters of the same rank, and the battle of the wheel battle, who will be prostration.

Besides, even if their will is firmer, the power of the ranks is unsustainable!

Slightly perceive the power of the segment, only about a quarter of the peak state.

Even they are so embarrassed, and the guy wearing a mask, in this case, still wants to fight the 80th, no wonder they are unbelievable.

"This... messy brother, brother, are we going to move on?"

Wang blinked and muttered, he had a feeling of being driven crazy.

"Into a hair, the power of my position is a success, how come!"

"According to the previous rules, the difficulty of this eighty wars has definitely improved a grade! In our current state, it is absolutely necessary to lose!"

"Yes, I guess the kid is hearing the buzzing sounds, and it will definitely be awkward to quit."

Four people, such as Chao Yunyang, Chaos, and Magic, said one after another.

It’s not just them, people who include the entire virtual shadow channel, they don’t have a break, they’re far away, so they look at the spring light curtain, Ye Che’s figure.

In the near future, I will stare closely at the fog of war that envelopes the leafy shadow channel!

Everyone knows that the difficulty of the 80th battle must be on a grade. In this case, the young man can pass the customs! ?

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