League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 985: : Digging the pit leaves

"Interesting, huh, huh, really interesting, I can't think of the first level, then there is a level black horse!"

Beside the 10,000-meter square pit, the annihilation dream of the face with smoke marks is satisfied with the smile. Bayi Chinese Network W★wくW. ★8√1くz√Wく. CoM

"Wang Xiong, konjac brother, and you, don't you mind if I open the fog of war?"

Suddenly, he said, but he did not trace the golden old, and nodded.

"Open the fog of war?"

The annihilation of the dream of the palm of the hand, and the devil are slightly condensed, the potential meaning of chaos has been heard, this is to test which force this person is cultivated.

Those who naturally guessed the intent of chaos, and quickly said: "No opinion, of course, no opinion."

"It’s just a good idea to see that the kid’s smashing process is always constant every time, and it’s really strange.”

"My brother said it was good."

Wang Hao and Konjac, the leaders of the annihilation dream, also nodded and said that they had no opinions.

And it is also very happy, just to observe the hero skills and combat skills used by the youth, which forces belong.

There was a bang, and then the finger was slightly bounced.


Then you can see that the huge light curtain that appeared in front of them appeared like a trace of water.

In the next second, Ye Qi's virtual shadow channel, the misty battlefield, was suddenly pushed away by some kind of inexplicable power, and then clearly presented to them.

However, except for them, the people in the virtual shadow channel are invisible. Under their sight, there is a fog of war that hangs over Ye Che.

"The 80th battle, according to the rules of the hero gods in the past, in actual combat, will directly face five opponents of the same level! Although the top genius can completely fight, but in his current state, want to pass, but it is difficult difficult!"

Someone said, said, and put his eyes on the light curtain, Ye Che's body.

At first glance, it was stunned.

From Ye Che to the battlefield, to the time they talked, the time passed less than two minutes.

But in the 80th battle, there was an enemy figure, only a man wearing a mask, sitting quietly on the ground.

"This... Is it... killing five of the same order in two minutes!!!"

All these were shocked and the mouth was amazed.

Chaos, Jin Lao, and Wang Hao and Konjac are also looking at the fretting. In the V stage, it is not impossible to kill five people in the same stage in 2 minutes. The key is that this young man has been fighting for so long, and there is still such a More spare power.

This is what shocked them.

"I still don't understand what he is doing against the enemy. Let's see it!"

Wang Shudao.

A dozen of them all nodded, and they were completely interested in the youth wearing masks.

However, what surprised them was that after the young man killed the enemy, he did not go out, but he had been in the 80th battle and stayed for nearly twenty minutes before he stepped out.

"Haha, this kid also knows the hidden strength?"

Anyone who saw this scene sounded out.

"Understanding, not rushing, not talented, top talent, is a real talent!"

In the eyes of Wang Shuo, he passed a touch of appreciation.

The chaos is slightly frowning, faintly said: "Recently, the devil's lair began to appear frequently. The powerful demons are eager to move you. I don't know. At this moment, what we need is not forbearance, but for the whole generation. A peerless genius! What is necessary is the absolute protagonist of the younger generation!"

"Well, what do you mean, is he probably the peerless genius in your mouth?"

The konjac mouth slammed and asked.

"The genius of this world, this head is not the only one who can be a genius. Even the most genius of the younger generation today, the Supreme Court at the age of 31, whoever has the genius, wants to match this title. a bit."

Go back and forth.

"Jun Luo Yu?"

Speaking of this name, the dozens of other people in the eyes are exposed to extreme awe, obviously, the name makes them very touch.

"Two, don't tell me, that kid has to enter the 81st battle!"

Wang Hao reminded.

In the virtual shadow channel, Ye Che looked at the no longer believe in love, the face of the stagnation of Yunyang, Beijiang and others, facelessly went to the 81st battle.

Among the five people, Chao Yunyang swallowed swallowing water and saw Ye Xue’s incomparable effort to enter the 81st battle. He quickly asked: “This... this brother, what is the 80th battle? You...you don’t seem to How to consume?"

"Ask me about the 80th battle?"

Ye Che's footsteps, the eyes are even more flashy.

He did not forget that these people, before looking at the sarcasm in their own look, for a moment, the evil taste was made.

Ye Che raised his foot and said casually: "Oh, the 80th battle, it is just a supply station, there is ample force in the section."

After that, the body has entered the 81st war.

Supply station! ?

On the four-five 6,000 virtual shadow channels on Friday, I heard the words of Ye Che, and all of them were bright.

Seeing how the power of his position is not consumed, it is really possible!

In particular, the chaotic Yunyang and other people in the seventy-nine battles, and the already tiring Beijiang, heard the words and the heart suddenly became hot.

However, some people have doubts about this.

"This guy, willn't it be a lie to us?"

The magic light frowned.

"How come, you see that he is full of energy and full of energy. At first glance, the power of the rank is in a state of fullness! It is definitely supplemented!"

"But why is he so kind?"

Among the five people, there are believers, and they are as skeptical as the magic light.

However, after Ye Che came out of the 81st battle, they could not stand it anymore. This has already led the three wars, and then they will not advance, I am afraid that they will be taken to Java.

But the words that enchanted the light have been lingering in their hearts, making them still hesitant.

However, when Ye Che passed the 82nd battle, they finally couldn't stand it when they went to the 83rd.

"I don't care, fight!"

The devil's face was stunned, and he stood up in a gasp, and went in the 80th battle.

At first sight, the rest of the people, except the magic light, could not stand it, and rushed to the 80th battle.

Even the Bay River, also clenched his fist and rushed in.

It’s not just them, but the top 30 who just rushed to the 79th battle, and all of them have continued to move forward.

"This mixed kid..."

Beyond the virtual shadow channel, I saw the chaos of this scene, the konjac, Wang Hao and others, all of them are speechless.

This is really a dead man who can't pay for it. They can imagine that even if these people passed the 80th war, they would not stand up when they came out, and they would be tired like a dog.

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