League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 202 What is your identity?

"Hey, I'm telling you, hand over the little girl behind you quickly. Stop hiding her. Otherwise, you'll make us angry and you won't get any good results."

"Haha, some people are like this. They know they are defeated, but they still pretend to resist. It's really laughable, haha~"

"Hank, stop talking nonsense to them, let's just do it?"

When Lu Chuan and his party suppressed their breath to the lowest level and slowly moved closer, Ahri also listened to the conversation of the group of guys in black robes, and repeated it to Lu Chuan in a low voice.

"Is their target the little girl among that group of hunters?" Lu Chuan frowned slightly, "Does that mean these more than ten magic warriors came prepared?"

Only magic warriors will wear those weird robes. Some of the best robes can even be like warrior armor, providing a lot of defense for magic warriors and increasing the intensity of some magic skills.

"It looks like that, but those dozen magic warriors surrounded their 'prey', and I can't see who they are." Ahri answered in a very low voice.

Lu Chuan and his group held their breath and got closer and closer to the bushes.

Finally, in a top-secret cover of grass, Lu Chuan and his party stopped. A group of gold-level demon warriors were very close in front of them. They could easily sense any slight disturbance, so they could not go any further.

Although Lu Chuan now has the strength of three-star gold, his opponents are all gold-level warriors, and they are still more troublesome demon warriors. The biggest taboo in dealing with the demon warriors is to keep distance from them.

Once the magic warriors find a suitable distance point, they will use various skills mixed with elements to beat you into a hornet's nest from a distance.

Besides, there are more than ten demon warriors. Even Lu Chuan cannot get close to all of them. There will always be a few who keep distance from him.

It will be a headache to deal with it at that time, so Lu Chuan is not going to rush out and take risks unless he has to. Now he is no longer qualified to be reckless. The God of Heaven has not recovered his physical strength and will not be able to use it in a short time. Her strength.

"What should I do?" Ah Li lay on the edge of the grass next to Lu Chuan and asked softly.

"Shh... let's check the situation first." Lu Chuan said seriously, looking through the gaps in the weeds and casting his eyes on the group of magic warriors.


"How about it? Do you have to force us to take action? Now hand her over obediently. We will only take her away, and the rest of you will be free~ Giggle." The speaker was a slender man. Although the tall woman is wearing a robe, the waistband of the robe is obviously much narrower. It's just that the hat on the cassock covers his head, making it difficult to see clearly.

Next to the woman, there was a burly man with a strong back and a strong back. The robe on his body seemed to be bursting.

The remaining demon warriors behind them lowered their heads and remained silent. It was obvious that among this group of demon warriors, the woman and the big man were the leaders.

At this moment, a sound that was familiar to Lu Chuan suddenly came from among the surrounded group of hunters.

"As long as you catch me, right? You will definitely let them go, right?"

"Huh?" Lu Chuan frowned. The voice sounded very familiar, but he couldn't remember whose voice it was.

After all, he had met too many people in just a few months.

"Haha, it seems that you are very conscious. To put it bluntly, the lives of these trash can't be compared in any way, haha... As long as you are willing to follow us back obediently, we will not waste ourselves. I don't have the strength to clean up this garbage. After all, the order given above is to bring you back intact." The woman in the robe still covered her mouth and smiled sweetly.

"If that's the case...If that's the case..." I couldn't see the figure clearly, I could only hear the clear voice, as if it was trembling. Could it be that I was afraid?

But even though she was afraid, she finally made her decision.

"In that case, take me away! Please don't hurt them!" The owner of the voice said and took a step forward again.

"Princess! Don't go there!"

"Your Highness Princess! Don't go there! Hide behind us!"

"At least until we die, we will never hand over the Princess to you!!"

Several people dressed in hunter costumes quickly stepped forward and formed a smaller circle around the princess they were talking about.

Hearing what these hunters called the girl, Lu Chuan was shocked and suddenly remembered something.

This is already considered the borderline suburb of Demacia, and the princess suddenly appeared here...

Plus that familiar voice...

Demi...it's Demi!

"Haha, you are really a bunch of stubborn losers. Do you think we can't detect you by disguising yourself as hunters? Since you said, 'You will never let the princess be taken away by us before you die'... ..." Under the shadow-shrouded dharma hat, the woman's eyes suddenly opened a tiny crack, and a cold light flickered past quietly.

Immediately, a slender staff flashed out of her hand. She took the staff and slammed it onto the ground.

"Buzz!!" A strong wind blew in the forest.

"Then please go die first! Howling wind!"

"Ouch!" The violent wind in the forest turned into a vicious beast several feet in size at this moment. Its mouth opened wide, and a strong wind that was compressed to the extreme but powerful spewed out at this moment.

In an instant, some dead trees and broken branches in front of them were washed up into the sky. Under the pressure of the strong wind, several soldiers dressed as hunters guarding Demi were blown away by the sharp wind at this moment. He cut his throat and fell to the ground instantly, blood spraying all over the ground.

The woman masterfully controlled the power of the wind. After gathering a few soldiers, she pressed her palm and the strong wind instantly disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

The hem of Demi's long skirt, which was exquisitely engraved with flower patterns, stopped swaying with the wind.

"No...didn't you say...as long as I follow you...you will stop..." Her voice was choked and she lowered her head.

The woman just pressed her finger to her lips and did not answer. A cold smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and the corners of her eyes curved into a dangerous arc.

The next moment, she waved her fingers gently, and the two magic warriors behind her stepped forward and walked towards Demi.

"As promised...I'll go with you...you won't hurt them...why..." Demi clenched her fists tightly, her petite body trembling slightly, but her feet were retreating in fear.

The two magic warriors stepped forward to hold Demi's shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right. When they were about to knock her out, there was a sudden movement in the weeds in the forest.

"Maybe only a guy like you who has been pampered since childhood would be fooled by that trick of deceiving children, right? After being away for such a long time, you still look like a child who has not grown up." Half-man Among the tall weeds, a figure slowly walked out.

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