"Who?" The woman's slender eyes narrowed to a slit, and she turned to look at a figure slowly walking out of the weeds about half a person tall.

"Lu...Lu Chuan?..." Demi's delicate porcelain doll-like cheeks had tears hanging on them and an expression of disbelief.

The next moment, she didn't know where to squeeze out the strength, and when the two demon warriors were not paying attention, she bit the back of their hands, broke through their hijacking, and hid behind Lu Chuan.

"Help...save me..." Demi was shaking and couldn't speak clearly.

It was a feeling of hope after almost despair.


"Hey, Janna, it seems we have encountered a more difficult enemy..." Ahri and Janna were still in the grass, looking at the situation outside.

"Yes..." Janna responded softly.

"I'm not talking about the eccentric woman in robes, but the princess."

"I think so too." The two women stared at Demi as if she was facing a formidable enemy, as if she was more dangerous than the woman in the robe.

"Shall we go out?" Ah Li felt unhappy when she saw the princess Xiaoya holding Lu Chuan's clothes with her hands and pressing her chest tightly against Lu Chuan's back.

"It's better to hide here first. If you go out, it will cause another trouble for Lu Chuan. I'm afraid it won't be easy for him to deal with these people. If he continues to protect us..."

"Okay, although I'm very reluctant, I can only endure it. When I turn around, I will teach this little girl who doesn't even have full hair a lesson." Ah Li snorted.

Janna turned her head expressionlessly, "Mao? Where are you referring to?"

"Whatever...it doesn't matter. Anyway, they are not quite the same in every sense." Ahri suddenly hesitated.

A playful smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Janna's mouth, a very rare flash of it on her face, and then Janna moved a little closer to Ahri.

"Wow! You...what are you...don't come closer...you're going...you're going to kiss..." Ahri panicked inexplicably.

Janna leaned into Ahri's ear and whispered, "Apart from your hair and tail, which are thicker, are the rest of your hair... longer?"

"You, you, you... who... who said there wasn't... obviously... obviously..." It was rare for Ahri to look panicked.

"Oh?" Janna curled her lips.

"Why... why are you talking about this kind of issue at such a critical moment? Lu Chuan... Lu Chuan is very dangerous!"

"Hmph." Janna smiled contemptuously as if she had succeeded, then cast her sight beyond the weeds, and whispered in a voice that only Ahri could hear, "To me, the relationship between you and Princess Demi is The nature is the same...they are all interfering guys, and they are all the same..."

"Ahhhh, stop talking. If you keep talking, it will be known. Everything will be known..." Ahri was so frightened that she quickly covered Janna's mouth.


The atmosphere seemed tense as Lu Chuan and more than a dozen gold-level demon warriors looked at each other.

Lu Chuan suddenly came out to kill, although the woman in robes and the majestic man beside her were slightly surprised.

But after taking a casual look at Lu Chuan, the woman relaxed her vigilance.

"A secret whistle?" Obviously, the woman regarded Lu Chuan as a guard secretly protecting Demi, "But with such a secret whistle, even if you rush up, you will only die, right? For what? Loyalty?" The woman smiled disdainfully, He waved his fingers lazily and said, "Neal, go kill him, be careful not to hurt my cute little princess."

"Yes." Behind the woman, a man in black robe slowly stepped forward, holding up the staff in his hand. A flame rose from the top of the staff, roared in the air, and immediately formed a line of fire in the air. The flame vortex rotated extremely fast, and even the surrounding air seemed to have been evaporated, making a "sizzling" sound.

"You...you have to be careful...these guys are all gold-level experts..." Demi's voice was trembling.

The epic battle for Demacia half a year ago was almost annihilated precisely because there was a gold-level enemy behind it.

Demi knew all about this matter. At that time, Demacia paid all its troops to wipe out the existence of the gold-level powerhouse.

And what was in front of him... were more than a dozen gold-level powerhouses.

To be honest, Demi felt very complicated.

On the one hand, she hoped that Lu Chuan could once again take her out like Prince Charming.

But she felt disappointed at the same time. She knew that was impossible. In just half a year, no matter how much Lu Chuan grew, he would not be able to reach that level.

It is really impossible to take someone away in front of more than a dozen gold-level warriors.

Demi felt a little guilty again.

If it weren't for him... Lu Chuan wouldn't be involved in this dispute, right?

Sure enough, it's still my fault... If I die, nothing will happen, right?

While Demi was thinking wildly, Neil had already raised the staff in his hand, and the flame vortex turned into a circle of light and rushed toward Luchuan.

The powerful heat wave made it difficult for Demi to even breathe.

Sweat was pouring from his forehead, his breathing became more severe, and he felt as if he was about to evaporate.

Demi was almost unable to stand. The gold-level warrior was too powerful... Even though the fireball hadn't hit her yet, why did she feel like she was enveloped and couldn't use her strength?

He will die...

Will he really die this time?

"Bang!" The fireball hit Lu Chuan directly, and in an instant, Lu Chuan's whole body was burning with flames.

"Ah, vulnerable." Neil withdrew his staff, turned his back to Lu Chuan, and bowed slightly to the woman, as if asking for credit.

"Idiot." On the woman's face whose face could not be seen clearly, her lips opened and closed slightly, and she uttered two words.

"Huh?" Neil trembled, looked up at the woman, and then suddenly turned his head to look at Lu Chuan as if he realized something.

Where Lu Chuan stood, he was still filled with flames, but... something was wrong.

Neil stared at Lu Chuan.

Yes, something is very wrong. If an ordinary person is hit by his own fireball, he will turn into ashes in a few seconds.

But the flames burning on this guy's body are...

But it seems to be emanating from his true body.

This guy is also a fire warrior! !

There was no extra time for Neil to think, because at this time Lu Chuan slowly raised his palm.

"Thank you for the hospitality." Lu Chuan stretched out his palm, and a tongue of fire burst out from his palm. Although it was subtle, the fire element contained in it was much stronger than Neil's large fireball.

The next moment, Lu Chuan raised his hand and flicked his sleeves, and the tongue of fire quickly came forward and swallowed up Neil's body the moment it came into contact.

"Ahhhh!!!" Neil howled in pain.

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