League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 204 Redthorn Thorns

Before Lu Chuan could rush to Son Ya with his sword, Son Ya's next move made him stop on the spot.

Sonja pulled the black robe on her body hard, and the robe ripped apart, revealing a body without any clothing.

The skin that should have been a woman's soft and white skin was filled with a dark blue color that seemed to appear only in poisoned patients.

Her skin...is blue...

Moreover, the blood vessels hidden under the skin also swelled at this moment. In the past, the veins that would only bulge on the wrists of clenched fists were everywhere on Son Ya's body.

"Is this... is this still a human being..." Ahri, who had originally seen Son Ya taking off all her clothes and was about to yell at Lu Chuan for not looking more, was shocked beyond measure after seeing Son Ya's body under her clothes. Noh stood there and murmured.

"Only when your body is fully exposed to the light can you gain the most powerful power, giggle..." Sonya sneered again and again. Her face was not shy at all after taking off all her clothes, but instead looked as cold as a poisonous snake. .

Lu Chuan noticed that something seemed to be squirming on the right half of her cheek.

"Cuckoo..." made a slight sound.

"Wow!" The next moment, Sonya's right cheek suddenly cracked open, and a coquettish purple thorn vine spread out from her right cheek.

A strange pattern of lines appeared from her left cheek, and soon it spread all over the left half of her body.

"Crack!" Sonya twisted her neck, making a brittle sound, and then she slowly raised her hand.


A gust of wanton wind was condensed by her in an instant, compressed to the extreme at her fingertips, and then flicked into the air.

"Bang!!" The unprepared Lu Chuan was hit by the strong wind that was only the size of a fingertip but could uproot a tree, and his whole body was swept up into the sky.

"We haven't used half of our strength just now. Those two arrogant guys just deserved to die. But you don't think that was all our strength just now, do you? Giggle." Sonya. He raised his slender neck, but the neck was also dyed dark blue.

She looked at the sky. Lu Chuan lost his way in the strong wind and let the wind sway.

"Crush it." Sonya's lips moved slightly, and then she lightly scratched with her fingers.

The wind in mid-air instantly turned into two opposing forces, and Lu Chuan was in the middle of the two forces. The strong wind was tearing his body hard, as if it wanted to tear his body in two.

"Huh?" At this moment, Sonja was slightly confused, as if she felt something was wrong.

"Don't you... think this is all my power? Sand Core!!" Lu Chuan shouted in mid-air. The dirt and loose sand on the ground rose rapidly at this moment, following the wind and gathering together. A thick wall made of earth and sand quickly formed around Lu Chuan.

And Lu Chuan was surrounded by the earth wall, and Feng Liu could no longer hurt Lu Chuan in the slightest.

Without Feng Liu's intervention, Lu Chuan pressed his palm on the blood-drinking sword, passed his thumb across the blade, and a drop of blood dripped down the blade.

The blood-drinking sword suddenly burst into red light, absorbing Lu Chuan's blood into the sword like a greedy baby.

"Blood-drinking alliance!" As Lu Chuan shouted, a ripple-like halo slowly spread out from the tip of the sword, and the blood-drinking sword trembled wildly and fiercely.

"No..." As if she felt the strong sword intent, Sonya's expression changed drastically, and she turned around and shouted to her men, "Let's get out of here first!"

"I said! No one can leave!!" Lu Chuan's eyes sharpened in an instant, and he grasped the hilt of the blood-drinking sword with his palm, and his arm suddenly shook.

"Boom!!!" A sword intent swooped down in the form of light waves, rushing down from the ripple-like halo curtain, like an invisible and colorless pillar of fire.

As fast as a blink of an eye, the light wave hit the ground.

Immediately, the light became so powerful that it enveloped all the surrounding areas, and the beam of light continued to spread outward.


The earth is shaking.


After a few minutes, the dust and fog slowly dissipated, and the scene in front of me was like a hell on earth. Broken limbs and remains were scattered everywhere. What was originally a bush was now transformed by the powerful blow just now. It was razed to the ground, and in the center of the bush, there was a deep hole that was ten feet in size and bottomless.

"Huchi...huchi..." Lu Chuan fell weakly from the air. Just when he was about to fall to the ground, a breeze lifted him up.

"Jana...Ari...just be fine...huh..." Lu Chuan seemed to have lost consciousness, smiling profusely with sweat.

"You have the nerve to say that! You almost killed us all together? How could you be like this? You don't distinguish between friend and foe when you really act!" Ahri twitched her nose, with a look of complaint on her face.

At the critical moment just now, when she saw a shock wave of sword intent hit by Lu Chuan from mid-air, her little face turned pale with fright. This shock wave, let alone hit them, even if it hit the ground, with their strength distance, if the aftermath of the shock hits you, you will be killed on the spot.

Fortunately, Lu Chuan did not lose consciousness completely. When the shock wave was about to hit the ground, Lu Chuan used fire shield, earth shield and thunder shield plus a summoner skill barrier, all of which were placed on Janna and his party to ensure their safety. safe and sound.

However, this was the case, and the four shields also disappeared under the powerful shock wave.

In fact, Lu Chuan was a little scared during this attempt. Because his strength suddenly reached the gold level, when he was in Shurima, Lu Chuan rummaged through the beads to find some equipment and skills. .

Finally, I found a book of high-level and low-level skills - that is, the blood alliance that Lu Chuan showed just now. Lu Chuan had never used it once. He originally planned to use it to practice, but he did not expect that the high-level and low-level skills would be used. It's so powerful.

Fortunately, nothing happened to Janna, Ahri, and Demi, otherwise Lu Chuan might have spent the rest of his life in regret.

"By the way, where was that woman just now?" Ah Li seemed to remember something and looked around. When he saw the severed limbs and remains, he shrank his head with a pale face.

"It seems that she ran away... Only the woman ran away." Lu Chuan carefully sensed with his mental power. The woman's aura was moving away from here, and the presence of aura meant that she was not dead.

But just when Lu Chuan sensed her breath, her breath suddenly disappeared. He must have used some secret method to cut off the breath.

As a result, Lu Chuan also gave up the idea of ​​tracking him down.

"But who are these people? Why are they kidnapping you?" Lu Chuan turned his face away, his physical strength gradually recovering. Although the power of blood alliance is huge, the consumption is also very exaggerated. After using it once, Lu Chuan could no longer exert any strength.

"I'm really not sure about this...eh..." Demi tilted her head, looking like she didn't understand the situation.

"Lu Chuan, come here and take a look at this." At this time, Janna's voice sounded not far away.

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